Review by Ritesh Mohapatra

#Alive 2020

:scroll: Plot: The rapid spread of an unknown infection has left an entire city in ungovernable chaos, but one survivor remains alive in isolation and how he survives
:man:‍⚖ Review : #Alive" pictures the familiar fast-moving undead masses and zombie-creating virus infections portrayed in famous Korean zombie thriller like "Train to Busan" (2016) in past. Korean movies have a distinctive touch when it comes to zombie flicks. Here zombies are more fast and agressive compaired to the stereotypes of slow zombies of America. #Alive is a survival horror flick where a Gamer Oh Joon-Woo (Ah-In Yoo) wakes ups late in the morning and the city is chaos.

Ah-In Yoo's anxiousness of missing his family, the fear of the unusual environment , The way he tries to save food while he still wants to eat it, the frustration of him being alone in the apartment portrayed brilliantly. Director II Cho has added an engaging screenplay which gives you a rivetting watching experience similar to the levels of Train to Busan.

Won't talk much about the second Half to avoid spoilers, but overall #Alive may not be the best zombie flick but it surely has a unique premise and a fresh take on the zombie survival genre. Kudos to the editing team to keep it short and tight with 98 minutes.
:thumbsup:Goods :
1. Ah-In Yoo is brilliant.
2. The Fresh and Unique Premise of a survivor stuck in Apartment.
:thumbsdown: Bads :
1. But its story lacks plausibility as it does not give details on the zombie outbreak and lead characters daring escapism skills seems unrealistic at times.
:fire: Final Rating : 7.5/10
:white_check_mark: Verdict : #Alive is intriguing and unusual and is worth your time. Commercially it was a success with limited screens in June when it released in South Korea. Give it a watch.
- Follow in Instagram for More : @RiteshReviews

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