It just occurred to me.. why do none of the space ships come equipped with seatbelts?

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@darksilver because they do have something that is called INS (Inertial Damping System) which counters the effects of rapid aceleration and deceleration. It's a writers invention but if they don't have it everyone would be a smear on the wall once a ship enters warp.

@finfan agreed. However, I think the suggestion was meant as a low-tech backup for when the ship crashes and the inertial dampeners fail (or if there's a malfunction without a crash). IMO it's a cool idea but without any protection for the neck (cars have airbags for that) its use would be very limited. I also do wonder what the forces of entering warp would be like. An Alcubierre warp drive would warp spacetime (contracting space in front and expanding space behind it) so the actual acceleration might not be that high but I have no idea and it's obviously not like we already have a working prototype or are sure that its even possible. Anyway, your two comments provide some interesting thoughts IMO :)

@dahj I think it is possible in theory. If I am not mistaken the math adds up. But it is off course far beyond our capabilities. I am also not sure what the actual g-force entering warp speed would be. They do explain it within the Trek universe, that you would not survive it without IDS. So there is that. They usually try to stay close to actual science. At least to what was known at the time it was written. So some things might already be proven to be different.
