There is a fan-edit of this movie called "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - Teresa Banks and the Last Seven Days of Laura Palmer" and was created by a person that goes by Q2. Here is a link with a bit of info on it but you will have to be creative to find yourself a copy.

Clocking in at ~3h 25m this fan-edit showed me a thing or two about what editing can do to enhance or detract from a movie. Having already seen TP:FWWM and the Missing Pieces I figured I more or less understood what happened in this film to the extent a regular person can hope to understand. However, I was wrong and I definitely underestimated how well the cut scenes could work when seamlessly woven back into the fabric of the movie in a way that truly elevated the scenes by successfully placing them in the context of the bigger picture and adding that much more gravity to the scenes themselves and the rest of the story.

This will be my preferred way of watching this film when the time does come again. I was able to enjoy and understand the story on a different level than before and I recommend checking it out yourself if it interests you, just be prepared for a long ride!

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