Started off a bit rough. Not sure how I feel about the story not being in chronological order. Just felt like the time jumps were poorly structured so maybe I wouldn’t be negative about it if it wasn’t for that. Wondering if it makes it confusing for anyone not already familiar with the story. Hoping the next episode sorts that out. On the positive side so far I like the casting of James Marsden, Odessa Young and Alexander Skarsgård as Stu, Frannie and Flagg respectively. Also, the actor playing the small role of General Starkey was a nice surprise and he’s great with his limited time.

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@mr-dulac I am two episodes in, read the books years ago, as well as watched the original miniseries years ago, long enough that I dont feel like casting choices many of the other details of the story are throwing me off. The casting seems pretty decent, I dont hate any of the current characters being introduced, and I dont mind the writing in general.

But this time jumping, even just two episodes in, gets confusing. At the moment, the time jumping is my biggest issue with the show so far, as it brings me out of the story. Thats going to suck if the story jumps all over the place throughout the whole series.

@slartybartfast Yeah the time jumps was a huge mistake IMO. Takes away from the feeling you get being on this huge journey with the characters.
