This isn't a bad episode but as a season finale it's disappointing. Imdb says that four episodes where held back but doesn't corroborate as to why that was the case. Even if there was a reason of ending the season short, choosing this episode as the last had no upside.

As a stand alone episode this was good material. Actually adressing the problems that come with incorporating Marquis into a crew run by Starfleet regulations and not only talking about it. Having Tuvok being the one teaching them was also the right choice as he certainly is a stickler for regulation. Of course we reach the only possible conclusion that both sides have to take a step towards the other. Funny how Neelix, of all people, is the one who has to make that clear for Tuvok who does not see this logical conclusion himself. Especially since he hasn't bend rules before.
Of course we also need a threat against the ship but that b-story with Neelix's cheese infecting the gel packs.....let's just say that was an eyeroller.

"Take the cheese to sickbay" (insert Picard meme here)

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@finfan From what I've read, the decision to hold back four episodes was made by the network, in the hopes of having new episodes ready faster than their competitors for the fall season. It sounds like Voyager's producers liked this episode, but also weren't happy with it being the season finale, since they too wanted something more action-packed and exciting. (Supposedly "The 37s" was a candidate for being the finale when they were organizing the season.)

@andrewbloom Thanks for the info. Haven't heard that before but it makes sense. It always felt as if they just ended the season without thinking too much about if the episode makes a good finale.
"The 37's" would have made a better finale if they ended on a cliffhanger with crew members deciding to stay. Well, hindsight is always 20/20.
