Not the most exciting episode, but I remember it for Majel Barrett's resilience and Lwaxana's bond with Alexander. She was grateful for someone who didn't simply tolerate but appreciated her presence, while he relished in the motherly attention she imparted. Both connecting over irreplaceable loss - a husband no man could ever compare to, and a mother gone too soon.

That scene about being alone and compromising to fill the emptiness was especially heavy. Knowing that it was with the heartache of missing her husband - Ian for Lwaxana, and Gene (who had died just the year before) for Majel. That close up with all the pain laid bare on Majel's face made the scene excruciatingly real. Lwaxana in her own odd way taught the child that we sometimes need to make compromises for love, while Alexander reminded her to not compromise self in favour of love.

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