Review by Aars
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-04-01T04:36:56Z— updated 2021-04-24T01:34:15Z

That wizards reference! It reminded me to that one teacher in Far from home that was like WIZARDS! Wanda reference! But why are they like “wizards don’t exist” so they don’t know about Westview?
Okay, so this was way better than the first episode! I think my issue with this show is that it doesn’t feel like a show, it feels like a movie that was divided into six parts, so a stand alone episode is gonna be kinda underwhelming and always incomplete and not like cliff-hanger incomplete but like literally incomplete, but overall this episode was so much better.
So when we got the first glimpse of Karli it was obvious she wasn't a hostage, and then when she smiled that was diabolical, BUT THEN it's explained that after the unblip some of those billions of people that returned are now displaced, homeless, refugees, like before the blip but now worse, so point to Thanos, and that the Flag Smashers are redistribuiting resources for the returned! so they aren't villains at all! so if the plot is that sam and bucky wanna go after them because they are riding an invisible moral high horse because even what they are doing is good they don't justify their means, then this show is gonna BS. That moral "dilemma" is so outdated so I would hope that next episode is them joining forces with Karli! No more patriotism, no more moralism or whatever.
Also I don't usually notice that stuff, but the visual effects on this episode were BAD! That one scene where they are fighting over the cargo trucks, it looked terrible, and when the helicopter pops in that was embarrasing, like what happened there? and for real I never noticed that stuff but this episode had me saying wait a minute.
Also I just think it wouldn't be realistic that the public would accept a new captain america, that literally does not make sense, unless they are in a different Earth, but I know us, and like imagine how we would react to a Chris Evans recast in the movies, there would be change.com petitions, people would boycott the movies, there would be hashtags, a movement, something similar to the
snyder cut, and that was for a movie, so now imagine it's real life and there's actual superheroes, and one of them has been around since the 40s, and then when half the world disappeared he was there, helping people one on one, no one would accept a recast!!! I liked The Boys vibes from this episode, but it doesn't make sense that the public would support this new guy.
And I can only speak of these two episodes, but how is it that the show is doing an ok job w issues like police brutality/racism agaisnt black people, or like the bank scene where we can see the system being designed against black people but still is so YAAAAY MILITARY YAAAY ARMY YAAAY WAR, how do they get so real about half of it and are still so delusional about the other part?
So I'm not hating, I feel optimistic the other 4 episodes are gonna explore these issues I have, I think I'm gonna wait to watch till at least 3 more episodes are out, so I can stop complaining about this being a movie and not a show.

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