Funny how most people think this is boring filler stuff, or even dislike the whole show, while I do like it more and more.

For me it seems this is the first time that Marvel puts substance over effects. There is an actually story involved instead of just knitting together CGI shots. Of course there is an agenda in all of this, there is no denying that. But I don't see this as a bad thing.

And I'm looking very much forward to the final episode now.

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@finfan I dunno if "Marvel" puts "substance over effects". Just recently WandaVision through all of it decided to have a stupid finale with fighty-fighty-boom-boom instead of something more psychological

But yes this show is getting a chance to shine

@aniforprez You're right, they did. And it is safe to assume we will get a Captain America vs Wannabe Captain America big fight here, too. I guess that's where Marvel needs to stick to its formula. And there is nothing wrong with that in general as long as the fight doesn't become the story.
