Shout by Corey

I dunno… this series just isn’t grabbing me yet — and I’m not surprised. WandaVision made me care exponentially-more about Avenger characters I was never truly invested in. And I feel the exact same about Bucky and Sam as I did since their introduction… which isn’t saying much at all. The banter and bromance therapy is doing absolutely nothing for me.

Story-wise, something isn’t clicking for me either. It all seems a bit scattered. The threat doesn’t feel all that menacing. And why are they about to talk to a Hydra person? Admittedly, I should probably know this, but the storytelling here just doesn’t feel solid.

I’m hoping I get into it more. Right now, my biggest investments are a) whether the new Cap is actually a good guy and b) whether or not Sam and his sis keep the boat.

I need more.

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