Review by Shubes

The Nun 2018

Not sure why this movie gets such a bad rap; I enjoyed it quite a bit, myself. It should be noted here, however, for the diehard "horror" aficionados that I would consider "The Nun" more of a suspense movie than actual horror. Granted, there are some scary "jump out of your seat" scenes, but overall, it's the overwhelming feeling of suspense and "you know it's coming" that makes this movie a good watch, IMO. Contrary to a lot of other reviews, I didn't find it "plodding" or slow...okay, well, yeah at times, it was pretty sluggish...but as an overall story, I found it a decent watch. The other movies in the franchise will scare the bejabbers out of you; this one only does that in one or two places, which is why I feel it should be seen more as a great psychological suspense movie. The scenery and overall cinematography was outstanding and the acting was - again, just my opinion - quite good. I'm watching the entire franchise again from the beginning, so maybe watching this first skewed my opinion, compared to others, but I found this to be a very watchable movie so long as you don't go into it expecting true horror (translation: not a lot of gore). Good enough that I'll watch it again! :thumbsup_tone2:

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