Review by whitsbrain

Rampage 2018

This is a lot of fun. Dwayne Johnson plays this perfectly. He's as big and tough as the monsters that he fights. He delivers some funny lines in the midst of all the chaos. I about fell off my couch when a giant crocodile crawls out of Lake Michigan and totally deadpan, he says "Well, that sucks". It doesn't sound funny but it was.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan is weird at first as Agent Russell, but by the middle of the movie, settles in as a likable hero. Malin Akerman is as evil a villain as you can get. Demetrius Grosse is the stubborn military commander. Everyone is painted with as broad of a brush as possible. The motivations of the bad guys makes no sense but it keeps the good guys moving.

The action is great. The monsters smash their way into the city and destroy a lot of buildings, military equipment, etc. There really isn't a sense of danger established, but some people are caught in the crossfire even though the effort is made to evacuate. A good chunk of downtown Chicago gets in the way of the beasts.

I'd say this movie has a heart, primarily because of the relationship between David (Johnson) and George the gorilla. Others are cannon fodder for that relationship which the film makers try to alleviate with a scene in which the main characters discuss how many lives George saved after the dust settles. I suppose some movie watchers need that kind of justification for such wanton destruction.

This isn't going to win any awards but I liked it. I've always been a fan of giant monster movies, from Godzilla to Gamera to King Kong. These types of movies aren't made to be dissected for greater meaning (with a few exceptions, like the original "Godzilla"). There have been a lot of these sorts of movies released lately and even if they're as dumb as "Rampage" was, I say keep the fun coming.

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