This is a perfect pilot.

Niles: "You know what I think about pop psychiatry."
Frasier: "Yes, I know what you think about everything. When was the last time you had an unexpressed thought?"
Niles: "I'm having one now."

Daphne: "Nice to meet you. [sees Eddie] Oh, and who might this be?"
Frasier: "[darkly] That is Eddie."
Martin: "I call him 'Eddie Spaghetti.'"
Daphne: "Oh, he likes pasta?"
Martin: "No, he has worms."

Niles: "I thought you liked my Maris!"
Frasier: "I do. I... I like her from a distance. You know, the way you like the sun. Maris is like the sun. Except without the warmth."

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