• This is probably my favorite episode of the season. There were so many emotional moments, I teared up at various scenes such as Anthony’s talk with his mom and with Gregory, Kate and Mary’s scene, and Penelope and Eloise’s confrontation
  • Anthony’s love confession was perfect! Jonathan Bailey did a really good job portraying this character. I liked how we saw smiling so much more once Kate was his. Unfortunately I just couldn't feel anything towards Anthony and Kate as a couple. And I think this is mostly due to Simone Ashley’s portrayal of Kate. The actress is absolutely gorgeous but the chemistry was not there and her acting was very stiff.
  • The scene with them kissing with all those people around felt very misplaced. In the previous episode they had sex in public but it was in a secluded section of the garden so I can let that slide, but here you can easily see the people behind them!
  • I loved the relationship between the Queen and Edwina and how the Queen got them out of this scandal
  • Benedict and Eloise’s relationship remains the strongest between the siblings and it just warms my heart!
  • Book Spoiler - I am viewing this adaptation as a separate entity from the books so I am not very picky when it comes to changes but one change that I am absolutely mad about is that scene where Penelope overhears Colin talking about her! This is probably one of the most iconic scenes in the books and it wasn’t supposed to happen this way!! BUT at the same time, in the show, I am not sure how the Colin/Penelope relationship will be established after what she did regarding both Marina and Eloise. How will they redeem her character in Colin’s eyes once he finds out the truth and will he be able to forgive her?
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@tago1987 it's funny how subjective chemistry is. I thought Johnny and Simone had it in heaps and I absolutely loved her as Kate. But then again I haven't read the books, so I suppose I had no expectations as to what I wanted her character to be. Are the books worth reading? I don't care about Daphne and Simon much, but for Kanthony I might consider it.

@aniela-krajewska I really like the books, some more than others but all of them apart from Daphne and Simon's book (don't care about them either) are enjoyable reads. The family dynamics are more present, you can see how close the siblings are to each other which makes for great passages. My favorite book is Hyacinth's so I really hope we get enough seasons to see her story!
