Do all those plot pieces actually have a purpose ?

We went back in time to restore the timeline. Now we have Soong and his cloning (funny that he doesn't protect his files). Jurati and her personality issues. Rios's Doctor is back in the picture. Raffi's becoming more annoying with every episode. I'm still not sure what's Q's play ? And Picard having a traumatic episode. Does all this actually have something to do with the main issue ?

Oh wait, there was a little bit of Renee Picard in there. And concerning that, I don't know if her not making the mission is the problem or her making it is. Maybe it's something else entirely. I am also confused that Picard didn't seem to know about his ancestor. From TNG we know he's well versed concerning his family history. But neither the date nor the place seemed to be important to him.

I don't hate the show but I'm also not overly enthusiastic. Truth be told, I'm bored. And that's worse than either of the other options.

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@finfan I haven't watched this episode yet so I have no idea if what I'm about to write is relevant.

Perhaps the reason that the date and place were not important to him is because she was NOT on the mission. If she WAS on it, then it would have been a significant event in his ancestral history. THEN he would have remembered it.

@ewingdav Well, yes that would be a possibility. Since I don't know how far you've watched I can't comment further.

@finfan I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but at 90% I.m sure that it was said that the mission was particularly important, because Renee Piccard discovered an intelligent bacterium (?) on it and led it to be considered equal to humans. Without that event, humans would have considered aliens as something inferior to themselves.
PS. Which of course is not consistent with Star Trek canon.

@maleniak Yes, the two problems with that is, one, if that's part of history then why didn't knew anyone about that? After all, they were send to their own past and not into a fanatsy. And second, why wouldn't a different crew not have found that organism ? It's pretty unbelievable there isn't a spare crew on such an important mission. It's all pretty weak story telling with little logic.
