This episode felt a bit sloppy at points. It felt a bit like a bunch of isolated scenes that were good on their own but didn't really weave together all that well? I'm also a bit unsure about the Flag Smashers right now, I feel like I don't get their motives. How does their anarchism link to their belief that life was better during the Blip? Hopefully that gets filled in more later. I also felt a bit thrown off how Sam and Buck both had good human storylines set up in the first episode that weren't followed up on here.

On the plus side: I appreciated the social commentary, even if it felt a bit surface level. Mackie and Stan have good chemistry, which helps carry the show. I also enjoy Kellyman's performance, even if I don't understand her motive yet, and Wyatt Russell is good too. And hey, a Young Avenger was technically introduced, thats exciting!

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