I wish Vader would've killed her. She's just a weak character. Even a ten year old kid is not intimidated by her. It should have been Vader chasing Obi-Wan from the beginning if it is that much of a personal thing for him. The story could have been so much better.

I'll admit, this episode was rather weak. Convenient writing and all in all a remake of Obi-Wan on the death star. No real suspense since the only character that could have died is Tala.

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Vader would have killed her in that scenario, he wouldn’t have waited.

@finfan I really liked this one.
The difficult part of writing this series is that Obi-Wan is an already built character, so you have to unbuild Kenobi to build him again. The writers chose to show us a broken man, full of regrets and without the Force.
He is touching the Force again and a smile appeared on my face when he used the lightsaber again, instead of the blaster. I was hoping to see him distracting the troopers with the Force and I was satisfied by the writers\director.
He is also more secure. We are near the Kenobi we know in Episode IV. Plus, we had some genuine Star Wars fun: lightsabers, blasters, running around, getting safe from impossible situations...

I get that hiding Leia under the coat was a little unrealistic, but everyone was busy with the alarm, it remind me of Luke dragging Vader around in the Death Star II, at the end of Return of the Jedi.

I liked seeing Leia resisting to the mind probe, like the strong person she is and she is going to be. The actress is doing a great job!
The Jedi tomb maybe connected to the Mandalorian finding, to explain the cloning of Palpatine. Who knows.
I am a fan of Indira Varma so knowing Kenobi and Leia we'll be safe made me worried to lose Tala.
About the Inquisitor, I think Obi-Wan is not ready to fight again Vader, but I get your point about this being too personal to have someone else searching for Kenobi. But I think it's risky to abuse the presence of Vader in a movie or a series.

@andreas1138 I agree on the first paragraph but it also describes the problem for me. I want to see Kenobi getting in touch again with the Force. How he picks himself up again after being destroyed by self doubt and guilt. I want to see how he learns what Yoda told him to do - how to get in touch with the force ghosts. Give me an episode of that and not just a five second scene where he moves around one object. Instead we get the story of some unknown wannabe who's badly written and portrayed. And as much as I like the genuine Star Wars fun, at the end of the day I need some content.

I'm also with you concerning the tomb. All the Star Wars shows up to this point are working towards explaning how Palpatine returned. But then please commit and go that route instead of just a bit her and there.

I for one would love more Vader, heck I would love a Vader show. I was so looking forward to seeing him back and finally getting the evil Vader.

My guess now is, we will get another fight between him and Kenobi and Reva will die in the last episode, turning back to the Light and sacrificing herself for Obi-Wan.

@jarvis-11297644 Absolutely. After she told him about the tracker he should have killed her anyway to show the others how he deals with failure.
