Though at times it seems like this episode tries to occupy too many places at once, and could have dropped a subplot or two to really focus on Isaac and the Kaylon again, there is still enough character work and humor to make this an enjoyable watch. Even toward the end, my thinking was closer to "How is this all going to wrap up? Isn't the episode almost over?!" than "Geez, how much more of this is there?" That's a good thing.

I also understand that the producers probably didn't want to focus another episode solely on Isaac and the Kaylon, considering that the season premiere already did that. The C and D stories were therefore useful to take breaks from what could have felt like retread territory to some viewers.

And finally, I kept hoping that there would be some opportunity for K-1 to spoof The Good Place's Janet and say something like, "Not a robot." It didn't happen, but it would have been hilarious.

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