Could have done without the Janisi storyline as well as LaMarr's sex injuries storyline. Added nothing to the episode. I guess that was supposed to be the comic relief between the emotional scenes? UGH. Just felt like stuff 5th graders would laugh at. I found the SFX makeup on the Janisi subpar. The scientist looked like a Dr. Who alien (those cat nurse creatures). I am not seeing any real originality as the episodes go on. I am half waiting to see them run into a Borg-like alien this season or get caught up in some interstellar war with scorpion-lilke aliens ala Farscape. It's just way too much stuff from other shows. Doing 3 story lines in this episode waters them down and none of them can be fully realized. They needed to stick to one story line and do it well instead of do 3 storylines half-assed. Almost forgot: Charlie needs to be thrown out out of the air lock soon. Really getting tired of her character. Just my opinion.

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