There were some very interesting and quite Star Trek-y points presented to us in this episode. The Kaylon origin story was predictable, but fascinating, nonetheless. The way it lead to some sort of bonding between Isaac and Charly (who is still the most annoying character on the show, for me) felt natural and endearing... Unlike doctor Claire's side of things. I didn't like her imposing her own desires on Isaac, forcing him to do something he had expressed no intention in doing (which was, interestingly, kind of a reversed TNG's Data thing). As such, I appreciated the outcome of that plot line, by having Claire admitting she loves Isaac just the way he is, specially considering Isaac had already expressed himself several times in the past (in his own particularly logical and robotic way) that he does love her.

The Janisi story, on the other hand, was the Achiles' heel of this episode, since that plot line started broken right from the start: how could the Union expect to gain their trust though a lie? Bad writing.

As a short but worthy side note, Gordon's "I'll do it!" has got to be one of the finest low-key, out of nowhere, quick fire, funniest jokes to have ever graced The Orville.

Overall, quite a heartwarming episode, regarding Isaac (fuelled by an exquisitely excellent performance by Mark Jackson), giving us a better understanding of the Kaylon's existence and objectives as a species.

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