Bridger sure has a thing for Doctor's, hasn't he ? And how many deLuise's can you pack in one episode ?

Sadly this episode isn't great. There is just too much going on, everything thrown together. It's somewhere between a soap and a bad comedy. Had some very few good moments. But all in all forgettable.

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@finfan All the deLuise's and "bad comedy"? I'm devastated :cry:

@noodlebrain There were actually things that would've been interesting in this episode. Like how Dr. Smith deals with the problems of her telepathic abilities. I am also not opposed to the Cap hitting on the Doc but it really was a bit cheesy. The Captain's barbecue could have been a great oppertunity to show the crew in private like they did with TNG. Instead the main focus was the youth addiction of Piccolo's mother by taking pills (now where do I know that from ? :wink:) which they turned into a DeLuise famlily reunion comedy.

Yeah, what can I say. Just tell me I'm too petty-minded. :laughing:
