While this still felt like another side quest in some ways, this episode was set up nicely by all of the episodes that came before. It brings us back to Nevarro, Greef Karga, and the pirates from episode 1, shows us a little of the New Republic and Kane which we have some context for thanks to episode 3, at the end we start hinting back to the events of episode 2 and Mandalore, and this entire episode wouldn't have worked if it wasn't for episode 4 when we saw Mando and Bo-Katan earn the respect and trust of the Mandalorian covert. It also provided some more great action with exciting moments, and was another big episode for Bo-Katan as she continues to rise in the ranks and gain a lot of power very quickly. This felt like a bridge episode to start tying in the various elements of earlier episodes into a more connected narrative, and while the balance wasn't perfect, I liked how it connected things a little more. At the same time, I was a little underwhelmed by the events of this episode and more so just appreciate the writing that got us to this point. There are also some things I'm not so sure how I feel about, such as Bo-Katan being entrusted to take off her helmet and unite all Mandalorians just because she has "walked both ways" and saw a Mythosaur. Din has the darksaber and has walked both ways too, so why did he have to go to so much trouble to become redeemed? I get that Bo-Katan's history is different and she may be better suited for uniting the Mandalorians, and maybe Din doesn't really care to walk both ways, so it doesn't bother me all that much but certainly feels a little contradictory from the Armorer. So overall, a little underwhelming but this episode was set up nicely.

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@justinnumerick Well, you could say Din wanted to be redeemed to become Mandalorian again while Bo didn't care and got redeemed by accident if you will. And then seeing the Mythosaur, which Din didn't, is interpreted as some kind of sign. Like the Armorer said, the beginning of a new generation. There is the issue of the Darksaber, thought. And something inside me doesn't want them to fight for it.

@finfan Yeah exactly, I don't think Din cares all that much to walk both ways given he's been motivated to become redeemed this whole time whereas Bo-Katan hasn't, which I think makes her more suitable to unite everyone. To me it just feels like the Armorer sends conflicting messages with how harshly she treated Din versus how she treated Bo-Katan. I don't know much about the lore, but I guess seeing a Mythosaur just holds that much weight? I could see the two of them fighting for the Darksaber, maybe the armorer will push them to fight for leadership. But also Din doesn't feel like the guy to really care or want to fight Bo-Katan for it so idk.

@justinnumerick yeah, but he can't really give it to her. It doesn't work that way so there has to be some resolution to that problem. Din is just fine with beeing who he is right now which makes me think if Bo could become the centre of the show at least for now.
The Mythosaur is a very strong symbol and according to the Armorer it's foretold that he'll rise up to herald a new age for Mandalore. So if she believes Bo has seen it I think it explains her change in behavior.
In any case, I think this will be interesting.
