This might be the absolute best Black Mirror episode. I'm going to rewatch the Christmas episode so we will see but this one is just so masterful ... and I only just discovered that it's the only episode not written by Charlie Brooker. No, it's Jesse Armstrong instead who I then researched and realised he's behind some of my favourite British comedy, and now super successful with creating the show Sucession (which I really need to watch). And with this episode in his locker too, lead by the extraordinary Toby Kebbell (so fucking good he needs to be in more things), it seems he cannot do wrong because Goddamn this shit is remarkable.

Part of me doesn't want to think this because I like when Black Mirror goes allegorical (like in the brilliant season 6) but it just might be true that Black Mirror is at its peak when it goes simple.
So much of this episode could've seemed gimmicky but I think this mastered simplicity and an incredibly tight script makes it not only work but actually hits the 'genius' sweet spot - A zone so difficult to achieve.

It gets more and more tense until a heartbreaking ending that might be the best representation of a breakup I've ever seen. It's just all so perfect - the close-ups of her face from his memory and wandering around the house seeing her everywhere. It's not only clearly written from a passionate and personal place but it's also the perfect ending to an episode about memories ... I mean, where are memories more prominent and emotional than in a breakup?

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