Utter boring garbage. Creepshow was funny af - and walked a great line between that and horror. This, however, is neither. Idc if effects are bad - I live for stuff like that, as long as it's not over done shitty CGI.... All i know is, sitting through this first one, both stories were tedious, dragged on forever, and had absolutely no substance to them whatsoever.

It's like "here's a super tiny idea for something, how far can we drag it out to make an entire half episode!"

I'm loathe to give it any more chances - i can tell already how bad this is. Tales of The Crypt was amazing, and it's been decades, this feels like a cheap imitation, but without the comedy & talent.

That show was full of great actors. This.... Idk. How did this get 4 seasons?!

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