Review by FinFan

Funny how now the Empire Remnant has a secret underground resistance against the New Republic. How the tables have turned.

This episode was way better in terms of storytelling but it left me very frustrated. I know that the Mandalorians are not likely to win if they want to keep the mythology. But just for once I'd like to see them come out on top. Gideon has become a bit ridicolous. He's the archetype of a bad guy. He was more interesting when he wasn't flying around as a Vader look-alike. I hate to see Vizla die but I should've seen that one coming because I really grew to like him. Grogu inside IG ? Come-on, he's a Force user. Despite the fact he choose not to train with Luke he still has the ability, no ? And we still must have a monster, doesn't we ?

Now, those are personal and, yes, biased points on my behalf. Like I said it was a great episode as such. In the end I see it as a win for the author if he invokes those reactions from me. There were also moments that gave me serious goosebumps. Like when Bo told them what happened between her and Gideon and subsequent how Din told her why he's following her. The talk about Thrawn didn't surprise me. I expected that pretty much from episode one forward.

Only one episode left and I hope there'll be some silver lining.

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@finfan Yeah, Grogu can use the Force, but look how cute he looks in the droid! Sometimes they just gotta sell more action figures.

@finfan I agree Grogu in the droid is forced, but I could not stop laughing when he was walking the city "yes yes yes yes yes"

@noodlebrain Sadly I would absolutely believe that that was the sole reason the did this. Grogu's story really hit a wall this season.

@mcbibus Yeah I don't know. I'm more with Din: "This isn't working for me". Maybe once Grogu starts shooting blasters or something like that. :wink:

Funny how now the Empire Remnant has a secret underground resistance against the New Republic. How the tables have turned.

The Rebel Alliance to Restore the Empire?
