Review by Ward

Hearing the classic theme put a huge grin on my face.

Why would you split Mulder and Scully up? In the finale of the show they were together, and in love, and they had each other, after all they had been through and losing their son, they at least had each other. Even in the movie 6 years later they were still together.


Why would you make Scully and that right-wing conspiracy guy seem to have a former relationship? No, you don't do that. It's disrespectful to the characters and the relationship of Mulder and Scully. It's just a dumb idea, even if the guy was only flirting with her, there's no need.


Why would Mulder doubt Skinner and ask him who he's working for?


Skinner is STILL an assistant director? After 24 years???

Why would the general guy shoot the alien immediately instead of at least capturing it?


We have never seen those circular marks on the stomach as a sign of alien abduction in the entire show.

The episode was okay. It doesn't feel like a continuation of the show, but more it's own thing. Which makes sense as a show 14 years after the original ended.

Some of the ideas are interesting, but it feels too much conspiratorial. The takeover of america by the elites. Originally that wasn't supposed to happen until the alien invasion, and then syndicate was killed and then the aliens started infiltrating top levels of government and they may or may not have been part of making super soldiers, i can't remember. Maybe the aliens do plan to take over america in the way they're saying before the official recolonization, or to create as much chaos as they can as a distraction.

But it feels too conspiratorial in the sense the rank and file people wouldn't go along with any of this. People may counter point in regards to certain events, but it's a much different scenario to this and it just wouldn't happen in america.

And the reasoning to chalk up a lot of previous events or the show events as syndicate only because of the technology they salvaged from aliens is too conspiratorial. I don't like that, unless it's just another cover. And i don't like Mulder buying into it either, not with all he's experienced with alien phenomena.

Bringing back cancer man is one of the most ridiculous and nonsensical decisions in television history. We saw him literally disintegrate into a skeleton, but yes, Chris Carter thought he could somehow still be alive.


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