Review by Dirk

On paper, the story is super cool, but the way it's told is just boring and tedious. It's OK to be chasing a plan you don't know about. But how stupid can you be? On the one hand, time is always pressing, on the other hand, you're constantly taking your time to do crap. In this episode, for example, time is pressing because Broyles has been discovered, but you have a long time to watch a video for Peter. Why? Furthermore, why does Broyles put himself in danger at all and not solve the matter like Nina and kills himself?

Also, the Observers have superior technology, can transcend space and time, everything is monitored, etc., but you make phone calls and walk the streets. How can that be? Why are Olivia and the rest so careless? And the Observers, why are they so stupid, why don't they just record all communication traffic, this total surveillance already exists in our reality, see NSA and Snowden. And if they don't, it should be explained why this is not possible in the universe of Fringe.

The creators only got 13 episodes for the last season, but it feels like they only had enough story for 6 episodes. With the final season, the creators of Fringe have finally landed on corniness. It's all about love and science and the Fringe cases are just a distant resonance. But there is one good thing about this episode, the shoot-out at the end was really well done.

Maybe, it's different when you watch the season for the first time, you don't know where it's going, but now the second time, it's annoying and tedious as hell and you want it to go on. (On the other hand, my original rating wasn't particularly good, so it must not have gone down particularly well with me then either).

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