I'm going to reserve judgement on this series until I have seen more. There were elements I loathed and other elements that worked much better. The starting scene was absolutely terrible and could give many viewers a negative and misdirected impression of what they are about to watch. When the actual show gets underway it was more of a relationship based light comedy with some intrigue and a little action thrown in, rather than an action driven episode. Based on that first scene and elements of the action later in the episode, I am hoping that the series stays focused on the chemistry between "Jane" and "John". The coupling of a black guy and asian woman as a covert, married spy couple seems highly unlikely but if the future action scenes don't parallel that unlikelihood (as the first scene did) then it's a small issue that can be overlooked... but that opening scene was rubbish! How could those dumb arses be experienced spies?

Anyways, I liked Donald Glover and Maya Erskine's banter, they both played their roles with plenty of nuance and if you're not too expectant that it's going to be full on action the whole way, you might enjoy it. I now see what the trailer for the series was saying about the show and appreciate it's honesty even though I thought it was dumb at the time (I don't think the trailer scene worked out of context).

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