Review by Erick Juan

Mr. & Mrs. Smith 2024

In the series Mr. & Mrs. Smith, the promise of a captivating adaptation of the original movie is quickly undone. The potential for an engaging story is wasted on monotonous dialogues and uninteresting characters. The title suggests a plot full of action and romance, but what we find are two people talking incessantly, without offering anything substantial. The lack of chemistry between the protagonists contributes to the boredom that pervades each episode. Additionally, the absence of significant elements from the original film leaves viewers questioning the reason for using the name of the original work. Instead of paying homage to the movie, the series seems to only capitalize on its fame, without truly honoring its essence. Action moments are scarce and poorly executed, leaving much to be desired in terms of entertainment. It's disappointing to see a potentially thrilling adaptation reduced to a series of tedious and uninteresting conversations. In the end, it's another example of a work that fails to capture the magic of the original, becoming just a pale shadow of what could have been.

There's yet another example of a son wiping his ass with his father's work. The heir always fulfilling his purpose. Congratulations to those involved.

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