I can see why everyone will feel differently about this show from love to hate. I liked the show but it was not perfect. There are lots of holes in the stories, but that is OK. I feel that they were picked to fail.

Every episode someone dies, something is funny, something is kind of makes it uncomfortable until it moves on, but I think this is part of the show’s signature.

With the ending there are so many possibilities I’m thinking of:

1) They live and remain on the run.
2) They live and maybe asked to come back. Going from High Risk to extreme High Risk for their ability to take out the previous Smiths with that position. “We have a couple’s job opening!”
4) They die and next season is a new Smiths couple. Maybe the exterminating Smiths so up and John has an eye patch. You can switch out Smiths until you have someone that people love for multiple seasons.
5) They live and get recruited to work for the rival organization. Maybe it can include Alana jealousy returns for the lady John was seeing that escaped. John can get better training to not tell anyone he is a spy.

Any option going forward We will learn a little more about the organization as time goes by.

There are a lot of holes, but you can use them to keep going. Maybe tighten up as things go on.

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