Well, if the plan was to portray how dire the situation is they did a good job. Whole episode was grim but also a bit boring I have to admit. The final five minutes redeemed this somewhat. But no Bad Batch in "The Bad Batch"
Omega is still very naive. My guess would be they have Snoke, or an earlier version, in that vault. In the end it has to lead to what happened with the sequels and that's the bitter pill I have to swallow.
I find it hard to believe thought that no one noticed that Nale Se discards Omega's blood samples all the time.

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@finfan I am SO hoping Nale Se is hiding Omega's, "M-Count," because she's Force-sensitive, or capable of receiving a mitichlorian transplant!


@vwfringe Could be. There has to be a reason why they are after her. But truth be told, I wouldn't mind for once not having a special one. We already had Anakin, Grogu and Ezra. But like I mentioned they need to bridge the gap to the sequels. I don't like it but I accepted it. Doesn't mean the story can't be good.

Thanks for the reply.

@finfan I get what you mean, and... want to suggest a long-ish YT vid, and, if you watch it, would like to know what you think of what it says compared to, "Bad Batch," (which isn't talked about in their video, but I think applies somewhat).

STAR WARS De-Infantilized (27:04)
ps: I watched a bit over two or three days.


@vwfringe Thanks for the link. Took me a while to get to it but I finally watched it.

I think it's a really good analysis of SW. It has always been for kids, I myself was twelve when I saw ANH, but that doesn't mean it can't also be for adults. I do like some of the Disney shows for what they are but not all of them. But I agree wholeheartedly why Andor is special in that mix. Which is exactly the reason why some people I know don't like it. And that's fine. You can't satisfy everyone, althought I something think Disney doesn't know who they want as an audience.

Ultimately Disney has extinguished my interest in new SW. I quit watching "Ahsoka" althought she's one of my favorite characters. Not the live action version, though. I will complete The Batch because it's the last season and I want to know how it ends. I do look forward to next season of Andor very much, hoping they don't destroy it, too.

But all the new shows/movies being in developement, I have no interest in.

@finfan Thanks, both for watching that YT video and sharing your thoughts_!_
I guess I was hoping to hear you thought something about, "Bad Batch," elevated it above the crap & bad decisions SW has been doing under Disney, in the way that YT video suggested, "Rogue One," and, "Andor," have, but, I've read your comments on episodes after this one, and your response here, which kind of point out it's not all that, as the phrase goes.
I've seen another YT vid title (haven't watched it, don't need to) is something to the effect, "Dune, the Star Wars killer," and, don't need to see it to know SW borrowed heavily from Dune, and two recent Dune movies are out now. The books were great when I was a teenager, and even though the movies cannot hold a candle to how Frank Herbert wrote into fifty manila folders setting up foreshadowing and eventual pay-offs, they are perhaps better than any of the last five or six SW movies and all the series.... I just wish there was more! Denis V will stop doing Dune adaptations after just one more (the second book) movie -- and, they didn't get really good until the fifth & sixth book IMO.
Thanks again, glad you enjoyed, "Sisu," it was SO fun.
