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Annihilation 2018

Alex Garland makes some pretty unique content, and it is not talked about enough. This movie is a trip that kept me engaged and entertained from start to finish. While this may not reach the heights of Ex Machina, it is darn close!

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Highly Recommend

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 9.5

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For those of you who like their sci fi movies with great visuals, than this is definitely a movie for you.

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Annihilation is a thrilling Sci-Fi mind bender that will have you thinking throughout the entire film. There was not a second that I was not constantly reformulating my theories about what was causing the anomaly and what was going to happen next, which is a great experience for a film. I really enjoyed how the movie took a more realistic approach based on science. The team gathered of multiple field experts to investigate this event was reminiscent of The Arrival and was fascinating. I found that there were certain plot points that were a little far-fetched, i.e. Lena being added to the team and being given classified shortly after arriving to the military base. There were certain scenes that had so much tension and were done with some pretty interesting creatures that had me on the edge of my seat. The acting was all fine, no performance really stood out as excellent. Overall, this film was a captivating adventure with a third act that will have you questioning the entirety of the film.

Verdict: Great

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I don't know why this is tagged Horror!! I wanted to watch a horror movie, got a bulls surrealist sci-fi. :unamused:

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Mysterious, and often frightening film, with great cinematography and an engaging story, that leaves you wanting more of it.

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Annihilation is a cerebral science-fiction drama that is backed by gorgeous visuals and thought-provoking them which emphasize a meteor hitting the earth's surface and creating a shimmer thus mutating anything which comes under it is in fact an imaginative triumph in itself. In short, this is an adventure drama of finding the shimmer origin and destroying it. Though this film has a deep significance in comparing itself with the likeness of cancer cells this for me seemed like yet another highly fictitious episode.

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The most confusing alien story! The climax alien who was supposed to be super strong and wicked turns out to be a 3D model or call it dead body plastic wrap up! It watched it for the suspense buildup and wanted to know how they end, well even the director would not figured out till date I guess.

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Shout by Lucas Heron
BlockedParent2021-04-18T04:30:41Z— updated 2021-05-21T17:48:07Z

The beginning shows us a interesting plot. But I think the story could be better, because the movie has a lot of cliches and the ending is horrible.
For sure, the best thing in the movie is the cinematography, because the movie is VERY beautiful, but the rest...

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I regret watching this piece of shit. Two hours of my life that I'm never getting back.

Have a functional brain? Don't watch this movie, you'll thank me.

Do you want to watch a movie with lots of sparkles and zero logic? You'll like this movie for sure.

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First 1/4 was very promising, after 2/4 Tuva Novotnys character is killed off which was a big downer. The third 1/4 was just confusing and the last part was more of an art installation disconnected from the first 3/4.

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I wish I could give this POS movie a 1 twice.

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A very original concept, with some very good ideas, that shows enough but still leaves a lot to intepretation in the end. The scary adventure part of the story is also very interesting. Nice effects, not that well made, but really well used. Some beautiful images. An almost 100% female cast for a change. Only bemol is that it feels more like a concept than a whole movie. Missing a little depth, but not enough to not be enjoyable.

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What in the blue hell just happened? Enjoyed the first 2/3rds of the movie then the last third completely lost me.

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I heard a lot of good things about this movie i just didn't found them. Very slow, very boring, nothing original, nothing scary, nothing atmospheric, the twist, come on they hardly can be called twist, and the music especially in the Lighting-House was ear hurting.
Don't understand the good rating,totally mediocre b movie and completely disappointing.

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Shout by Chris

“You said nothing comes back. But something has...

One twisted ride down the insane metaphorical rabbit hole. Twists, turns, lots of hidden meanings, will allow lots of fun theories on what the heck it was all about. Really fun trip.

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When u go out with ur friends and forget that you and the girls got matching tattoos to remind u of the day

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the reference to "The color out of space" by Lovecraft is clear

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I enjoyed parts of this film and had issues with other parts....

I liked the idea. Think 'Stranger Things' meets David Lynch. And there's a decent cast.

The psychological stuff is okay - a little slow paced. The effects are good. The story is okay but a little light on events...

I'm not angry at the ending. It at least hinted at some more intelligence than other parts of the script had done...

6.5/10 - I'll give it a generous score for ambition and some nice touches. But it is underwhelming against other films and TV set in this arena.

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A 6.5/10 for me. I feel vaguely stupid for not understanding the movie. Is it alien? is it cancer? I.DONT.KNOW! I think I would be satisfied if the ending wasn't so open-ended.

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The movie is a bit... mwoah. Portman carries it to a 7. Tessa Thompson is not a very interesting actress. Second movie I see with her this year and second movie that she has the 'shine' of a door.
The story is interesting, has a lot of a King novel in it. The ending of the movie is not as well developed as I'd wanted to. It leaves a lot of questions unanswered.

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This movie was quite good but it had almost nothing to do with the book it is based on, which is a shame considering the book is extremely good.

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Liked ex machina but this bored me. I wasn't gripped by anything.

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Shout by Deleted

Good story with a new approach of what could happen if something from out of space came to visit us... Only thing that I regret was the special effects...not so good compare to the actresses's performance.

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We were quite intrigued by this movie but had so many questions. It's not bad but also not good at the same time. What we found really weird is that there's either just men or just women to work on expeditions, which was weird…
Though the whole revelations and so on seem really cool, though some explanations were not easy to understand.

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Interesting idea annihilated by not necesarry melodramatic and obviously too long sequence.

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Happy they didn't go full feminist on us.
Good to see a predominately female cast that didn't annoyingly point it out the entire movie.

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Peliculón o bodrio? La crítica se decanta por lo primero. Desde luego NO te va a dejar indiferente. En España se ha estrenado directamente en Netflix sin pasar por las salas.
A mí me ha gustado.
#annihilation #aniquilacion

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Drug is bad. Don't eat it.

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Film Annihilation bercerita tentang sekelompok tentara yang memasuki zona bencana lingkungan, wilayah yang dikenal sebagai Area X atau tempat yang dikarantina oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat karena adanya berbagai aktivitas aneh dan berbahaya. Dari kelompok tersebut hanya satu tentara (Oscar Isaac) yang keluar hidup-hidup meskipun dia terluka parah. Dalam upaya untuk menyelamatkan hidup suaminya, Lena (Natalie Portman) seorang ahli biologi menjadi relawan untuk ekpedisi lain ke zona tersebut untuk mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi disana.

Kelompok yang diikuti Lena terdiri dari Josie Radek (Tessa Thompson) seorang Surveyor, Anya Thorensen(Gina Rodriguez) seorang Anthropologist, Cass Sheppard (Tuva Novotny) seorang penerjemah dan Dr. Ventress (Jennifer Jason Leigh) seorang Pyschologist yang bertindak sebagai pemimpin misi ini. Selama ini ada 12 tim ekspedisi yang telah dikirim ke area tersebut. Namun mereka kembali dengan berbagai efek samping dan mengalami kejadian mengerikan. Ada tim yang melakukan bunuh diri massal, ada pula tim yang saling membunuh dan ada pula yang kembali dengan penyakit kanker ganas.

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Idk why but i would say that i hate it the fact that almost the entire cast are woman hahaha, dont we have it enough with 2017??? overall good movie, and being part of netflix it makes this one even better! Alex G. is becoming one of my favorite directors.

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hate this end , a mix of arrival and close encouters

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Concept isn't something new and you can guess pretty much everything after the first part of the movie but the structure of the movie and the details of story make it perfect. You should read ending theories too.

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I wish I could tell you if this movie was any good or not, but I paid to fall asleep 4 or 5 times throughout it. Torrenting it now to see what I missed, but I might just not be a "Ooohhh look at the pretty visuals" kind of guy. Reminds me of when I fell asleep during The Fountain, and I agree with another reviewer here that the aimless pensive wandering of Stalker pairs. I think this is a big reason I don't take chances on movies in the theater when their trailers bills itself as something more of a mystery or action, but tricks you into a more befuddled and boring meander.

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