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Annihilation 2018

Really dissapointed. Is just like a bad trip.

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I've read the book, saw the movie and they both has the same problem: the authors do a great job at the start and the middle, but couldn't end properly. The book goes better, way better, but has this too. I read the all trilogy waiting for something great. But ends unsatisfactory.

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Just watched. What can i say? Boring as hell. Totally waste of precious time. Poor acting and story. Everything sucks in this movie.

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Shout by Lucas Heron
BlockedParent2021-04-18T04:30:41Z— updated 2021-05-21T17:48:07Z

The beginning shows us a interesting plot. But I think the story could be better, because the movie has a lot of cliches and the ending is horrible.
For sure, the best thing in the movie is the cinematography, because the movie is VERY beautiful, but the rest...

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First 1/4 was very promising, after 2/4 Tuva Novotnys character is killed off which was a big downer. The third 1/4 was just confusing and the last part was more of an art installation disconnected from the first 3/4.

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I heard a lot of good things about this movie i just didn't found them. Very slow, very boring, nothing original, nothing scary, nothing atmospheric, the twist, come on they hardly can be called twist, and the music especially in the Lighting-House was ear hurting.
Don't understand the good rating,totally mediocre b movie and completely disappointing.

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Liked ex machina but this bored me. I wasn't gripped by anything.

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Wow! This movie is a whole lot of non sense and randomness... And if it was supposed to have a plot I don't know where that went.
Other than good visuals and Natalie Portman, I don't know what else this movie has...

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What do I have to say about this movie? That I lost 115 minutes from my life.

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I don’t know what too say. I feel stupid for watching it , but I’m not as stupid as the person who wrote it.

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Boring. Fall asleep a lot of times. Had to rewind a lot until I was able to finish it. Interesting idea but that's it. Just an idea.

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Shout by Paul Littlefield
BlockedParent2018-05-24T21:44:39Z— updated 2018-12-20T12:26:23Z

I didn't like Ex Machina and I didn't like this. I fell asleep twice. Sorry Alex, just not my cup of tea. 3/10

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I don't like the story, I don't like when there are so many "what?" and "why?" moments...and if I knew that this movie is about 80% pure CGI, I wouldn't have watched it in the first place! Still, they tried something new, but they fail! I think that Natalie Portman did a good job... I love her :) so 3/10 from me.

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Do Not Bother!! Worthless Film. Really Bad!!

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I regret watching this piece of shit. Two hours of my life that I'm never getting back.

Have a functional brain? Don't watch this movie, you'll thank me.

Do you want to watch a movie with lots of sparkles and zero logic? You'll like this movie for sure.

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Unforgivable. Horribly dull presentation of what could have been a fine Sci Fi idea. Fought off sleep and now wondering if I should have just taken a nap. 2/10

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I have seen some bad movies. This? It was bad on a whole different level. An inexplicable circumstance never defined. Plot points that made NO sense. *!!!
I watched trying to determine in Natalie Portman was a good actress. This movie was just awful. Gina Rodriguez... Tessa Thompson... Oscad Isaac... Jennifer Jason Leigh... WHAT THE *
Alex Garland wrote & directed this. Dude you explain anything. As visually captivating as some of it was everything else was just nonsense. That ending made no sense.

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Wow, what a waste of my 2 hours. First off, it is not the movie promised in the trailer. This was just stupid and I don't want to hear anything about it making you think. I can think on my own thank you.

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This movie is a complete mess

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This movie was awful! It started off great, thought they had a good plot, then they go into the "shimmer." It became very hard to follow, the story was going back and forth and sideways. I found myself wishing the end would just come lol. There are way better "end of the world" movies out there. How does this director go from 28 days and 28 weeks later, and Dredd to this crap. Will never watch anything with this director again, I should have known, wasn't that impressed with ex machina either. And Natalie Portman?????? Hasn't she been downgraded to a "B" movie actress yet? I can see that her acting as not improved at all since her days in "Star Wars."

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they simply ruined one of the best weird fictions ever. what the hell garland?

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I wish I could give this POS movie a 1 twice.

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The CGI is undoubtedly amazing, but the story fell flat for me and I can't seem to understand what about this is supposed to be so "deep." Everything was predictable and the ending was just like any other ending in any other sci fi/horror movie: purposely ambiguous . But even then, you can very easily understand all the implications and possible ramifications, so there's really nothing of substance to chew on afterwards.

All in all, it's an entertaining movie, but nothing else. You will more than likely forget about it the next day,

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I'm sorry, but this was boring to watch.
Visuals are nice, but CGI was a bit over the top.
Story moves slow and I can't say that either horror or thriller labels would fit this film.
Maybe it's meant for an artistic intellectual audience.
For me it disappointed and won't recommend to watch this..

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At first the movie is pretty interesting but it quickly falls apart and the ending seems like it was rushed together by a first year film student on a shoestring budget. Don't bother.

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I only watched this because I read an article saying Annihilation shows what the world is like if pokemon were real. I was disappointed.

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Had kind of an expectation before watching it...totally disappointed. It makes no sense from start to the end. If then make a no sense means something being "intelligent"..well... Nothing new..if not the idea of the refracted DNA. And I was kind of ok until Lena get to the point where the meteor crashed into a lighthouse. The rest was too much no sense. I like when a movie leaves an open ending..but this didn't trig my mind on thinking what it could be.. By the way..if the story of the movie is based on what Lena's reports, and Lena isn't herself anymore..then everything is based on nothing.. Oh..and the ouroboros a tattoo is part of a person's dna? really?? Yet it apperes on many people once they get there... And Josie? Turned into a bush? that's it? Cause she had no will to fight or look for answers? Really? I get mutation and refracting DNA..but to turn into a bush in the matter of few seconds...give me a break!

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this movie is terrible and it has such a dry dull atmosphere to it. i wouldn't recommend it complete waste of time.

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the reference to "The color out of space" by Lovecraft is clear

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Shout by Deleted

Good story with a new approach of what could happen if something from out of space came to visit us... Only thing that I regret was the special effects...not so good compare to the actresses's performance.

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Happy they didn't go full feminist on us.
Good to see a predominately female cast that didn't annoyingly point it out the entire movie.

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Peliculón o bodrio? La crítica se decanta por lo primero. Desde luego NO te va a dejar indiferente. En España se ha estrenado directamente en Netflix sin pasar por las salas.
A mí me ha gustado.
#annihilation #aniquilacion

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Film Annihilation bercerita tentang sekelompok tentara yang memasuki zona bencana lingkungan, wilayah yang dikenal sebagai Area X atau tempat yang dikarantina oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat karena adanya berbagai aktivitas aneh dan berbahaya. Dari kelompok tersebut hanya satu tentara (Oscar Isaac) yang keluar hidup-hidup meskipun dia terluka parah. Dalam upaya untuk menyelamatkan hidup suaminya, Lena (Natalie Portman) seorang ahli biologi menjadi relawan untuk ekpedisi lain ke zona tersebut untuk mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi disana.

Kelompok yang diikuti Lena terdiri dari Josie Radek (Tessa Thompson) seorang Surveyor, Anya Thorensen(Gina Rodriguez) seorang Anthropologist, Cass Sheppard (Tuva Novotny) seorang penerjemah dan Dr. Ventress (Jennifer Jason Leigh) seorang Pyschologist yang bertindak sebagai pemimpin misi ini. Selama ini ada 12 tim ekspedisi yang telah dikirim ke area tersebut. Namun mereka kembali dengan berbagai efek samping dan mengalami kejadian mengerikan. Ada tim yang melakukan bunuh diri massal, ada pula tim yang saling membunuh dan ada pula yang kembali dengan penyakit kanker ganas.

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Concept isn't something new and you can guess pretty much everything after the first part of the movie but the structure of the movie and the details of story make it perfect. You should read ending theories too.

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I wish I could tell you if this movie was any good or not, but I paid to fall asleep 4 or 5 times throughout it. Torrenting it now to see what I missed, but I might just not be a "Ooohhh look at the pretty visuals" kind of guy. Reminds me of when I fell asleep during The Fountain, and I agree with another reviewer here that the aimless pensive wandering of Stalker pairs. I think this is a big reason I don't take chances on movies in the theater when their trailers bills itself as something more of a mystery or action, but tricks you into a more befuddled and boring meander.

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