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Annihilation 2018

Curious movie that makes you think you're watching. A reflection.....

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Annihilation is a very interesting movie. Even though the viewer is left with a lot of questions at the end and throughout the film, the story is fascinating. Very creepy, exciting and thrilling. The cast is amazing and the music is brilliant.
The visuals are amazing and even though I saw the movie only on the small screen (Netflix), I was very impressed.

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While a good film in itself; call me old fashioned but the book and the series is better.

It may be that if you come to this without having read each book when it came out you won't feel like anything is missing. But for me it just didn't quite mesh, for anyone loving that it's an all female expedition - that's just how it is in the book it's not written in to appease or enrage anyone.
From this version with the characters having names, to the myriad other forms it diverges from the books. It just feels too much has been lost.
I won't ruin anything if you do read the books. Which I would totally recommend and have been doing so for years.

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Don't know if I liked or not. Its very different from the book and not sure if it's mistery is well handled. Good performances but still didn't like it much.

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A mind trip into chaos.

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Not quite scientific accurate but this one definitely lets you think. Also some mistakes are noticeable. Doesn't matter tho, this is a kind of movie I would really enjoy watching over and over again.

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Shout by schmenky
BlockedParent2018-03-23T21:19:51Z— updated 2018-03-27T22:05:51Z

1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

5 out of 10

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ah! I didn't know the books. I hope they make movies of the other two books, I'm definitely gonna read them now.

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the movie feels incomplete. you are left with so many questions.

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Wow, what a waste of my 2 hours. First off, it is not the movie promised in the trailer. This was just stupid and I don't want to hear anything about it making you think. I can think on my own thank you.

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Annihilation was one of the movies that I am absolutely glad I saw in a theater. Alex Garland has a way with his CGI that is fascinating.

Garland did a great job making the characters feel real. I really enjoyed the internal debates I had as I watched all of the things inside "the shimmer" resolve/be revealed.

The whole story felt up for you to decide the morality of each action, which I thought really lent itself to the realness of the movie.

Overall, I'd say Garland is 2 for 2 in his directorial career

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Peliculón o bodrio? La crítica se decanta por lo primero. Desde luego NO te va a dejar indiferente. En España se ha estrenado directamente en Netflix sin pasar por las salas.
A mí me ha gustado.
#annihilation #aniquilacion

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Fantastic movie. Saw it knowing nothing about the book or the movie, and was absorbed and blown away. One of the better SF movies out there.

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they simply ruined one of the best weird fictions ever. what the hell garland?

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The CGI is undoubtedly amazing, but the story fell flat for me and I can't seem to understand what about this is supposed to be so "deep." Everything was predictable and the ending was just like any other ending in any other sci fi/horror movie: purposely ambiguous . But even then, you can very easily understand all the implications and possible ramifications, so there's really nothing of substance to chew on afterwards.

All in all, it's an entertaining movie, but nothing else. You will more than likely forget about it the next day,

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Drug is bad. Don't eat it.

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Ex Machina also by alex garland was a great movie but this movie is such a waste of time. Its concept it´s attractive and it could have been a great movie but it got lost along the way.

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Björk's most ambitious video to date!

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Just watched. What can i say? Boring as hell. Totally waste of precious time. Poor acting and story. Everything sucks in this movie.

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Visual is good but the story is meh. There was no twist and everything was predictable.

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Shout by Deleted

Science fiction that makes you think. This is a slow-paced film that pulls you step-by-step into the world of the shimmer. Natalie Portman is the main focus and it is very much her character's story. While not on the same level as Arrival, Annihilation shares that film's desire to keep the aliens alien, with their motivations and technology left unexplained.

The characters, during the course of the film, have their own take on what is going on (the physicist and the refraction explanation), but I think this should be seen as a human in the situation explaining thing in terms they understand rather than as 'the explanation' of what is actually happening.

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The movie touches on a lot of topics, and shows a lot, but never ultimately explains what happened, it just happens with no explanation.

The ending with Lena fighting her doppelgänger and detonating the phosphorus grenade was awful. What did the alien ultimately want? It is unclear.

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Annihlation is up there with the great science fiction films of the 21st Century and arguably the 20th Century as well. The cinematography is beautiful throughout and the music and score helps to keep you hooked into the world. Although I wasn’t a fan of the non-linear story at first, it really helps to explain the story a bit smoother which only helps to make the last act even more insane, giving me major-2001 vibes. The more I think about the film, the more I question what it really meant and how it all came together, only strengthening its status as a great science fiction film.

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Idk why but i would say that i hate it the fact that almost the entire cast are woman hahaha, dont we have it enough with 2017??? overall good movie, and being part of netflix it makes this one even better! Alex G. is becoming one of my favorite directors.

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The shining points of this film is the cinematography, art, sound and score.
The acting was believable.
My biggest hang up is the plot, the first 2 acts are great and build the tension well. The climax felt ambiguous for the sake of ambiguity.


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Films that pretend to be really smart but in fact aren't are bound to be more disappointing than films that don't pretend to be anything at all. I can't get my mind around how Alex Garland thought showing a character barfing light while yelling "annihilation" would seems like a satisfying ending (well, it's close to the ending) to a film that is set up in such a "look at how smart I am" way. Same goes for the old trick "kill one = kill all" (with a phosphorus grenade, in this case).
I get the fact that there are lots of ending theories and "hidden meanings", but even these seem really easy to set up if for a movie that doesn't really settle on anything at all. Guess I am just tired of films whose initial "mystery" pulls you in and whose endings aren't anywhere NEAR as interesting as the initial mystery. Okay, I'll stop rambling now.

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hate this end , a mix of arrival and close encouters

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Do Not Bother!! Worthless Film. Really Bad!!

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Words to describe this film: creepy, transcendent, bizarre, beautiful, original... and shimmery! Honestly, there were times when this film could have played as an effective screen saver on my tv, so elegant were the visuals.

The film, as a whole, is very good. Alex Garland has created something unique, and while I am sure there will be those head scratchers who didn't 'get it,' we should celebrate this film in whatever camp we fall into. It's not often we get a piece of hard sci-fi like this - as others have mentioned, the last film in memory to compare this to is Tarkovsky's Stalker. I would also splice the same director's Solaris into the mix, as well as 2001 and Prometheus, especially around the themes of creation and evolution - the film seems to play with a Garden of Eden theology, despite the Darwinism notions of genetics. There is so much more I want to say but can't quite find the words - my head is metaphorically self-destructing as I type this - but it's a film better experienced before reading any comment or review anyway.

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Funny, I did not know that the same director was behind Ex Machina, only found out after I saw the movie. And I had the same problem with that movie as I have with this one. When characters who are presented as being very smart do stupid things, it just ruins the movie. It did for me with Ex Machina, it did it for me here. The great visuals and all the interesting idea are just destroyed by it. Not a bad movie at all, but far from great.

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Concept isn't something new and you can guess pretty much everything after the first part of the movie but the structure of the movie and the details of story make it perfect. You should read ending theories too.

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I wish I could tell you if this movie was any good or not, but I paid to fall asleep 4 or 5 times throughout it. Torrenting it now to see what I missed, but I might just not be a "Ooohhh look at the pretty visuals" kind of guy. Reminds me of when I fell asleep during The Fountain, and I agree with another reviewer here that the aimless pensive wandering of Stalker pairs. I think this is a big reason I don't take chances on movies in the theater when their trailers bills itself as something more of a mystery or action, but tricks you into a more befuddled and boring meander.

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Shout by Deleted

Greatest movie ive ever seen by far. DMT instantly puts you into a conversation with your subconscious so why would EVERY living thing have dmt in it? I think this movie dances with the idea that dmt is the universal language between all living things and as we learn more about it we will see its the closest thing to “god” there is. People who use the word “weird” tend to be the ones who never think about what that description actually means.

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Not quite what I expected, but it was still a very well done movie. As weird as it it, it made me uncomfortable at times in a good way if that's even a thing lol

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I loved the visuals and the soundtrack of this film but was disinterested with the other elements. Everything was predictable, even to the very last scene. Perhaps I have watched too many similar movies that I can now guess what's going on, not sure.

Some of the 'mind-blowing' plot elements my friends thought at the end, were clearly visible throughout the film, and semi-obvious.
The lighthouse scene was visually stunning and not too haunting, which I personally appreciate. Although the second I saw Dr. Ventress, I guessed the next 5 minutes-the end of the film (it would clone her, get out, etc.).
My favorite scene was that void that Natalie Portman looks into. The visuals and sounds were impeccable.

Overall, this averages out to be an above-average thriller, with something to think about afterward.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2018-02-23T03:45:32Z— updated 2018-08-18T22:46:02Z

What a visually stunning, thought provoking, and uncomfortable (I mean that in the best way possible) movie. Alex Garland knows how to make a hard sci-fi movie and he needs to do more. The visuals and the score are just so trippy and creepy that you just can't look away. Natalie Portman showing off her amazing acting skills. Tessa Thompson and Oscar Issac are both good too.

The whole lighthouse scene I was mesmerized. What an awesome scene. The way the alien started to take form of Lena's face really freaked me out. The lighthouse burning with Lena watching it might be my favorite shot in the movie. And then to end it with Lena and Kane back together but not themselves was a perfect ending. Kinda the same way Ex Machina had a great ending.

EDIT: Even better on rewatch. This is a drop dead gorgeous movie. Watching it in 4k HDR is mesmerizing. The color palate jumps out at you. The score is haunting, especially near the end. The lighthouse is still very uncomfortable.

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