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Another Round 2020

So many familiar moments in that movie! :sunglasses:

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The science behind it:

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Sophisticated, intellectual, refreshingly different movie. More like this please.

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Shout by Nikkie
BlockedParent2021-08-25T13:47:57Z— updated 2022-11-27T16:44:25Z

Phenomenal movie and one of the best endings I've ever seen. Goosebumps!
Edit: Back for a rewatch and I'm so glad I did. This is one of those movies that makes me feel so utterly alive. Just fantastic.

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Great film. Mikkelsen and the rest of the cast are spot on. The film is not just about consumption, but about the risks you'll take to break free of the mundane life so many feel trapped in, and the consequences for breaking those shackles.

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Mads Mikkelsen never ceases to amaze me. He stands out alongside Thomas Bo Larsen (lovely last name), Magnus Millang and Lars Ranthe (Amazing first name). There is chemistry between these four men who are having a midlife crisis. They never fail to keep you glued to your screen. Seeing them all cope differently with their alcohol abuse is interesting to see.

You have a feeling it'll all go down a bad road one way or another for the four teachers. Everyone is effected differently, but it's lovely to see them having each other's back at every turn. You'll laugh with them, feel bad for them and have the biggest smile on your face at the end. Those final 5 minutes are a sight to behold. Mads Mikkelsen moving his hips is something you don't want to miss out on.

Another Round is a must watch for everyone here at Letterboxd, you'll be amazed by Mads Mikkelsen, the story, the other actors and the ending. Another Round is one of 2020's best. I haven't seen many of them but it'll be up there for sure!

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Second time here, definetely better than Nomadland.

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Easily one of the best of 2020.

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Mads Mikkelsen dancing and spinning around is one of the most beautiful cinematic moments in 2020
He's so good , great cast all around and a top notch movie

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The Nordic countries are the ones that most control the sale of alcohol, but also the ones that have the most problems with it. This searching (and finding) of de-inhibition is a very sarcastic look. The film also works better on its uninhibited side than on the dark side. The courage of the proposal seems subjected to a certain moralistic reading. For the dance scene alone, Mads Mikkelsen deserves three Oscars. "What a life, what a night. What a beautiful, beautiful ride".

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Damn nearly died of laughter when it skipped to them fishing for cod haha.

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That dance at the end by Mads is one of the best things I've witnessed in my life. The whole movie's worth it.

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Oscar should be given for one of the best films of the yr

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i was expecting a whole 4ss different movie however it surprised me so much. That last dance scene alone should make you watch it (it was the closer i have been to a club in the last 20 months too so...). Pretty good movie with a great cast. 100 % recommended.

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i love it when mads goes all out, makes a hell of a show combined with thomas bo larson...the hunt...ring any bells? well acted relatable and thought provoking

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I'm 23 years old and have yet to have my actual first drink, I think I'll keep it that way

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Shout by Félix Cuervo
BlockedParent2021-03-07T00:56:53Z— updated 2021-04-17T18:52:44Z

This film is a mirror of the human experience. I felt deeply connected and moved by it. What a ride.

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I thought this is going to be a comedy but there's literally 0 comedy in it... just a social experiment kind of movie.. I couldn't finish it, only went about half of it.. Boring AF

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Lost a point because I don't like story arcs that end up without change in the main character. I thought Martin had learned from his experience, but the ending just stunned me with his absurd stupidity. Tough to watch, but the skillful presentation of the film's message certainly merited its Oscar!

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A decent dramedy with a great performance from the always reliable Mads Mikkelsen. Unfortunately the themes of drinking culture and the midlife crisis are tackled in the most obvious, predictable way. A lot of the writing and character arcs didn’t feel all that fresh or dramatically interesting to me, and on top of that the set-up requires a lot of suspension of disbelief. It’s more of a film that’s elevated by some individual moments, such as the scenes that involve dancing and excessive drinking. Depending on the kind of person you are, you’re likely to either laugh or cringe at those moments, however for me they never go to a place I found surprising. It’s missing something like final 30 minutes from Requiem for a Dream, a risk factor that’d elevate this beyond a standard warning of substance abuse. The directing is pretty decent, I like the strong Danish stamp that Vinterberg works into his direction here, but it’s also way less visually interesting than The Celebration or The Hunt.


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Always a pleasure to watch Mads! Solid movie with great performances and tight writing.

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Interesting premise and convincing acting throughout. Definitely worth watching.

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it’s just not for me. idk maybe because im not that old

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Shout by LaLluvia
BlockedParent2021-05-21T22:25:43Z— updated 2021-05-30T17:45:06Z

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It's a really fun movie to watch, although the ending is expected, you enjoy the whole thing.

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Everything about this film should feel insufferable to me and yet Thomas Vinterberg managed to make me connect to and root for 4 men in their 40s/50s going through a midlife crisis and acting like reckless teenagers. I think that says enough about the good work that is done here.

It’s a fun, sensible, serious, introspective and ultimately fundamental exploration of the boredom and depression of a very non-spectacular and uneventful regular middle-class adult life and the never-ending longing for youth.

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An interesting reflection on alcohol consumption. Mads Mikkelsen's performance is incredible, as always.

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'Another Round' is good.

The plot is a little predictable and its message ends up being pretty standard, with it very much being the performances that elevate this flick up for me. I found the characters cringey a few times as they act like teenagers rather than fully grown adults around alcohol, though I can appreciate what the film was going for. What wasn't cringe, however, was Mads' dancing - chapeau!

I've watched a lot of Mads Mikkelsen and a fair bit of Thomas Bo Larsen lately and found them to be highly reliable performers and here is thankfully no different, I really enjoyed them as actors throughout this 2020 release. The others merit props too, namely Magnus Millang and Lars Ranthe.

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Shout by 020202

Mads Mikkelsen's dancing at the end makes it worth it

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What an odd movie. Somehow intruiging but also very weird. Not really sure what it was supposed to be about. Yes, there were some interesting points made, but at the same time … where there really?
Well done but all in all, the movie was just wwwwaaaaaayyyyyyy too long. 2h felt like 4 :sweat_smile:

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Both amusing and thought-provoking at times, it raises an interesting hypothesis for the existential question and answers it well with varied but generally optimistic responses. Should watch imho.

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Goes great when watching with alcohol.

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This movie is best seen a bit drunk, but even sober you end up a bit drunk.

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I like to think that this is what Hannibal would be like if Mads Mikkelsen didn’t eat people

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I'll have what they're having.

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On the surface the movie sounds rather superficial: some friends try to maintain varying degrees of intoxication in their daily lives. But to what end? That seems to be the central question that each of them needs to answer for themselves. Is it for science? Is it to improve their lives? Is it to push away pain? In the end the alcohol really seemed to be more of a metaphor than anything. What did they want out of life? The last scene answers that question for the main character.

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This variegated life of ours.

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The original title of the film is Druk.

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