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Godzilla vs. Kong 2021

It is better that I thought. Full of action with cgi but they tried to make a story from such a barren plot.

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It was more like Transformers and Avengers. Kong was too smart and they made Godzilla overly strong. Plus the story sucked especially the Millie brown part.

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"There can't be two Alpha Titans."

First things first: Yes, the humans for the most part are the worst part of the movie. The story is pretty simplistic and whenever the camera would pan to Millie Bobby Brown and her crew I would think "who cares!". That being said, monster scenes and fight sequences were really a true sight to see, and the action was crisp. Kaiju were done right.

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Downloading a power source...................... WTF

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Streamed via HBO Max

Story-wise, it's the weakest compared to other MonsterVerse films. This film is more focused about Kong if you're wondering. I couldn't stand that Millie girl, to be fair I wish the human parts would be removed because I only want to see Godzilla & Kong fighting. But it's entertaining to watch.

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Fight scenes were awesome, the plot..... absolutely was not.

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To what purpose for the storyline was the part with Millie Bobby Brown in this movie? Completely pointless.

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Boring, remake, waste of money

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Really really fantastic! Enjoyed the experience so much, excellent CGI, a really good story too to carry the action forward! Must watch on the big screen!

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Nothing in this movie even tries to make sense.

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Had not enough alcohol in my body for that movie...

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I don't know what I expected but this was just terrible. The story was all over the place and fights weren't even that great. How does this get a 92% on Rotten tomatoes? I would skip this one.

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People gave me a hard time for watching every movie in the Sharknado franchise.

That has NOTHING on this movie and just how bad it is.

At least Sharknado knew it was bad and worked off that. This movie feels as though it thinks its actually serious and a good movie.

JFC. I can’t even.

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Like eating the right amount of your favorite candy, Godzilla vs Kong is a visual sugar rush that will keep you buzzing for hours.

Where Godzilla (2014) dragged in places and Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) was all adrenalin with nothing to grasp, Godzilla vs Kong is a perfect popcorn and Coke movie with the sweet action and the savory visuals. The right length, some gorgeous cinematography, flawless CGI, a perfect balance between action and story, Godzilla vs Kong is the best movie in the monsterverse and caps off the franchise gloriously.

It's not art, but that's OK, I didn't need it to be.

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the only bad thing about covid is that didn't killed me before watching this ... even if you turn your brain off this movie make no sense... The others before I expected nothing and was pleased, this one... gosh.... is a rip off of Pacific Rim and hell yeah, I'm aware of the irony of the film that ripped of itself of a bad copy of a bad copy....of a copy....

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Well It’s good to see Godzilla vs Kong with today’s graphics that were decent and not looking cheap and was the monster battle any good? Yeah it was fun and entertaining and plenty of it with some cool effects and was the plot any good? I didn’t think much of it and definitely needed improvements and some characters were cheesy but it did have a decent cast tho and yeah i get it because it’s a monster film it focuses more on the monsters but i do prefer a decent story in any film genre even if it’s gonna focus more on the monster battle because it’s got to balance and it wasn’t just monster vs monster because then i’d let it off because humans were involved too but that’s my opinion and love a good story or lest try make it half decent but i guess it’s hard to balance.

I definitely liked this film more than the two poor films before it and rate it mostly on it’s action and the 90s version will always be my favourite.

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I think I've written this before in other reviews of Godzilla movies but I'll mention again that Godzilla films are not exactly deep and certainly not grounded in any sort of reality. Godzilla vs. Kong continues that tradition. It's silly and colorful, full of city-smashing action. If that's not what you are looking for, you should skip this movie.

It's big and it's dumb, just like almost all the entries in the 30+ Godzilla movie series. I can say this as a qualified fan of both of these monsters as I own every Godzilla and every Kong movie ever made. I've watched them all multiple times and can say with confidence that GvK falls within the template set by all previous entries.

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so Godzilla vs kong is probably the best titan movie ever made it is mind boggling it has everything which the previous Godzilla movies lacked.
Titans are given more screentime in this movie which is a major plus and humans nobody really cares about them.

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Continuation of the transformation of "kaiju" films into children's films. There is a display that is colorful, but that is more interested in making noise than in elaborating with some logic a story that, of course, concludes that the man is actually the real monster. In the absence of story, the references to Jules Verne serve as disguise. Being the best of the worst does not mean not being bad.

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They swung for the fences with the concept, but absolutely went foul trying to make a screenplay out of it. The sound design is quite good. That's the best I can say about the film. If you're going to pay to see it in theaters at least go to a Dolby Cinema. Get your money's worth. You're not there for a good plot, characters, or visuals.

Also, I can count the number of good jokes on one hand... it was 1.

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-Hey Kong
-Yes Godzilla?
-Should we show the humans that after a decade these building are not titans-proof
-Sure thing

and after we show that Pacific rim Terminator who's the real Titan boss

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That the Chinese let Hong Kong turn to pile of ruin? Impossible. ;)

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Someone wanted to make Alien vs Predator vs Terminator but they couldn't afford those properties so they made this. If your girl made you watch Marriage Story this CGI slugfest is an appropriate response

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The energy Godzilla had when he finally defeats Kong was awesome. I wish he had that energy in the fight against Mecha Godzilla. And Mecha Godzilla was too fast IMO for a robot body, they should have gave him more firepower than speed.

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Visuals are fantastic but the storyline makes ABSOLUTELY no sense

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'Godzilla VS. Kong' delivers exactly what it says on the tin.

Everything on a technical standpoint is fantastic. The visual effects, bright warm colors, and the stand off between these monster legends is spectacular.

Everything else, on the other hand, leaves much to be desired.

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The only good thing about this movie was that little girl. I hope she gets better movies.

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It didn't waste a minute! 5 minutes into start and the first explosion starts. Very entertaining, i wish i have watch this in cinema, the effects were amazing, very goof fight scenes, nobody should care about the script, this is not for an Oscar or performances. Its pure action and popcorn movie. Which delivers successfully.

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An exhausting and meaningless popcorn teen movie that hits right in the notch of the times.

Completely uninteresting plot that moves along schematized standard paths. Has been seen at least 1000 times, bobs along and you don't really want to see it anymore.

The characters are all standardized and completely irrelevant. I fever with absolutely no one, Godzilla is insignificant for the film, Kong irrelevant to unsympathetic in places.

Yes, Godzilla vs Kong is visually stunning. Super SFX and great compositions. But for me, that alone doesn't justify a two hour film. It needs more.

It's best to fall asleep after 10 minutes (then you've already seen some beautiful images) and wake up again shortly before the end. Then you have grasped the essence of the film and missed nothing at all.

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The audio and video on this movie is truly outstanding. There were a bunch of plot holes and things they glossed over, but the Atmos mix and LFE was seriously amazing and it was still a really fun monster movie for me.

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Teaching King Kong sign language when he is unlikely to know the meaning of human words is just one silly plot point in this increasingly silly movie. Other than the decent special effects there is little of note here. The monster action - what there is of it - is entertaining to a point but the story is dumb and the human interplay is uninteresting.

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Again a simple story line. Finest thing is downloading a power source and it made within seconds :rofl:

but I love that universe :v:

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Just came out of the cinema after watching the movie. I loved it, definitely worth seeing. Doesn’t matter if you simply enjoy action movies or you are a huge Godzilla fan - the movie will cater to your needs.

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First and best Godzilla movie i ever watched the other ones i never finished....
8/10 only the adult woman actor was so bad annoying (Kong wisperer)

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okay so i went to this movie not expecting much but boy was i wrong this was a all out blast so much fun at the movies highly recomended

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It's like Batman vs Superman, only with titan-monsters. And story same as B vs S, just much weaker

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This movie features the most ludicrous and absurd scientific concepts and the most pointless and annoying human characters in recent memory. That makes it the Godzilla movie that's the most faithful to the spirit of the Japanese originals, and I say that as a huge kaiju nerd.

Lots of satisfying fights makes this one an easy recommendation for Godzilla fans, though I have to admit I still highly prefer the rubber suit and the original Godzilla attack music. Something about the over-expressive Godzilla face and the small, beady eyes makes this one kind of disappointing to watch, though I love the way he moves.

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it's hard for me to get into big monster movies it's not my cup of tea this movie is better than some of the other ones mostly just because of the Blockbuster ensemble concept of King Kong going up against Godzilla

I mean it's not going to win any awards In storytelling or acting but it's a great Blockbuster action movie with tons of destruction and a giant monkey and giant lizard fighting a giant robot lizard

yea who needs story anyway

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CGI is god-tier, but if you are here for the plot you should probably stay away.

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Just like Skull Island, this movie suffer greatly for the "human part" of the story. Boring, obnoxious, with plenty of bad written characters.
Worst of all, the characters portrayed by Millie Bobby Brown and Brian Tyree Henry.
The monster part is good, not as good as the ones from Skull Island but still good. A bit too dark in too many parts, but enjoyable.
Please, make a movie with just monsters!!

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The perfect excuse to show Godzilla and Kong smashing their butts. Don't get me wrong, that was exactly what we wanted to see and what was delivered to us.
The visuals were fascinating, I usually complain a lot about how obvious the CGI is noticeable, but this time it seemed very well done.
Obviously, the plot was not a big deal, it was very irrelevant, but as I read there, who was looking for a super exciting plot of human characters? nobody, hahaha. And they did not show how the beginnings of the monsters neither because that is what the previous films are for. Seriously, what were you expecting more than a giant lizard and an angry monkey fighting? LOL

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And the award for the « mother of the year » goes to... Dr. Ilene Andrews for bringing her daughter everywhere where it was extremely dangerous. Clap clap clap ! Congratulation for this stupid plot and globally for this movie written by kids wanting to play with monsters and big surreal tech toys. I loved the Gozilla movie but this one is beyond crap.

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incredible movie, solid action scenes, doesn't outstay it's welcome, insane cgi, the human side stuff is nothing to write home about but it pads out the film in between fight scenes.
if you're watching this for a masterpiece in story telling, you're not watching for the right reasons.

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What a bad movie! On,y the fights were cool

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Pretty much "no plot, just vibes" and I loved every second of it (human scenes excluded)

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The Long Awaited Battle Of The Kaiju's - Kong & Godzilla Go Toe-To-Toe With A Talented Cast As A Side Note To The Insane Action Taking Place - Continuing From The Last Kong Movie From Skull Island & The Previous Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah In The 2019 Movie Godzilla King Of The Monsters

Not To Ruin The Movie For Any One - The People Are There To Point Out Science, DNA, And Geophysics Behind The Kaijus While Adding To It The Myth & Legends Of Their Stories - Don't Expect It To Be A Great Story But The Movie Does Honor The Nobility Of The Creatures On The Screen As It Caters To The Appetites Of The Fans & The Audience - This Movie Is What I Wanted It To Be A Battle Of The Monsters & It Completely Delivered On That

I'm Looking Forward To More From The MonsterVerse Movies

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One hell of an awesome monster ride!! 8/10

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Monster fight scenes were a delight.
The story kinda meh. Madison's crew was just painfully cringe to watch with their acting and lame jokes.
On the other hand I liked Jia's and Kong's interaction and we got more lore which is always good.
Overall it is a damn fine movie, a much watch for monsterverse fans.


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What an absolute pile of trash

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Better than expected - has exactly what it says on the box: big monster vs big monster.

Honestly found this more enjoyable than either Pacific Rim

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I'm going to say something controversial, but I grew up with Godzilla (1998) and I effing loved it, it was stupid but simple, Godzilla was bad and humans had to save the earth.
This new whole series of Godzilla is just making stuff complicated for the sake of it. Is Godzilla good or bad? We never know, because he just exist and do it's own stuff meanwhile Humans are doing stupid shit and always making stuff worst. Well, ok, that one is a good point, humans are stupid and greedy for power, always more power and this is the part of the movie that is the most realistic :P
And just as you think this movie is about Godzilla versus Kong who will win and the endless debate on the web, SURPRISE! MECHAGODZILLA IS THERE! and just like with Batman v Superman, the two foes goes to fight the new enemy together and win...

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And I thought Nolan’s movies have bad sound mixing.

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Movie was ok. Not up to the hype. Typical 'hero fights fights hero then they fight together against a common enemy' type plot.

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It was good enought to be entertained and not feel bored.

Movie would be a lot better without Madison story. Wish they stopped casting Millie.

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A good watch for the Godzilla/Kong fans, but not better than Godzilla: King of Monsters.

Had high expectations before going, and that let me down. Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie for a one-time watch (for fans), with great fight scenes and stunning visuals/CGI. But, the story part is very very weak. There was no point in having Millie Brown or Kyle Chandler in this movie. Or the 2 people she surrounds herself with. Eiza Gonzalez is just simply "there". The trope is similar to Batman vs Superman. Then again, that was expected, since you can't make a winner out of these 2, without alienating the fanbase.

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delivers exactly what you would expect from a movie called Godzilla vs Kong, 2 giant monsters kicking the crap out of each other. even when monsters were not on the screen, there was plenty to keep you engaged

the runtime, which was just under 2 hours, flew by and i was never bored. yes, the parts that featured human characters were less interesting, but who watches a giant monster movie for human characters anyway?

having said that, the human characters following Kong's arc were infinitely more compelling than those following Godzilla's, and Kong's story overall had an emotional arc that made you care about him

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I could smell the SJW bullshit right away... "women strong! men cowards! girl power!" yeah, fuck that shit... putting that aside the rest of the movie was just average... sure, it was visually impressive but otherwise it was very predictable and also kinda dumb in some aspects...

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You are telling me a bunch of kids hacked into a top secret computer and disabled a mech? This has got to be one the worst sequence of events I have ever had the misfortune to experience. Good fights though. lol Poor Hong Kong.

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This movie is not a serious film, just turn your brain off when the big monke is not on the screen, why are people taking this movie seriously. Its eye candy and its damn good eye candy, some of the shots in this film are god tier im talking about the beam struggle

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Shout by Michal

Was there a plot or I’ve missed it?

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Wow!!!! This is just trash... I was actually looking forward to this... such a let down...

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It’s giant monsters fighting with a very weak story thrown in. Personally King of the Monsters did it better.

Comedy relief by Julian Dennison made almost every scene unbearable and felt completely unnecessary.

Visually it’s a great big screen looking film, unfortunately with even the two iconic monsters who’s films I have enjoyed since a kid, I don’t think I will be revisiting this one.

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I'm embarrassed to say I watched it. I'd rather watch a episode of Corner Gas.

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They finally let the monsters be the stars of their own movies. I mean, don’t we all go to see Kaiju films to see struggling families going through divorces, their kids misbehaving, and filled with all kinds of lovely human drama?

Nope, and they’ve finally learnt. Let the humies support the Kaiju and GTFO.

Nice to see they are starting to stop filming in dark blue rainy nights for entire films too. Monster fights in the daylight? YES!

This is a 10 out of ten. Deserves to sit along with my millennium era TOHO Godzilla films.

Thank you.

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So I waited for this one every since they announced it. Then covid delays. Bought the fist tickets for the first show days ago. Got to the theater, got snacks, sitting there with my son and nothing on the screen. The camera broke. No more tickets for the rest of the day available. Grrrrrr. Went home, watched on HBO max. Well at least the movie was awesome.

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During the marketing for this, I remember them sorting the human characters into "Team Godzilla" and "Team Kong", and while Team Kong spends the whole movie hanging out with Kong, Team Godzilla barely spends any time with Godzilla. In fact, the balance between Godzilla's screen time and Kong's is tilted WAY too far in the Big Monkey's direction. They should have called this "KONG (and also sometimes Godzilla)". Oh, and the pacing is noticeably lackluster too

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Decided to watch it again before I will see the new one in the theaters.

The fighting scenes are great. The story is terrible, and don’t even start about the acting.. the whole Milli Bobbi story was unnecessary and incredibly annoying and bad.

A lot of things don’t make sense at all, like how tf are you downloading the most powerful energy source their is?! Ffs man.

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This movie is a blast without doubt, you feel the excitement of an epic large-scale fight. It give you what they sold u in the trailer, the human part is quite interesting.

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"Feel free to be impressed."

My favorite of the franchise so far! Godzilla vs. Kong is just pure fun from beginning to end, nothing beats having both Godzilla and Kong in one movie.

The journey to Hollow Earth is exciting, i'd say it's the most exciting adventure we've had yet in the franchise, although Skull Island is also solid. The action sequences are great and epic in scale. The special effects look just as good as the previous movies. While I like the setting for the final fight in Hong Kong, I think the LED lighting doesn't look very good mixed in with the special effects, gives it a plastic look.

Kong is more humanized than Godzilla and gets to shine more which isn't fair but then again Godzilla got two solo movies and Kong only one. Not much of a story. The human characters are bland as usual but I do like Brian Tyree Henry's character, he's at least funny and entertaining. MechaGodzilla adds spice to the fight but his inclusion does a disservice to the title and premise of this movie.

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The amount of talent it takes to build a movie like this is unimaginable. The cgi in almost every single scene was beautiful. The destruction and design was amazing. This is why I love Godzilla and Kong, and to finally put them together, ahhh, a dream come true. I do wish for a Monsterverse movie in the pov of the monsters, but this got fairly close. The story was nor good or bad, but it kept me satisfied. The dialogue is always cheesy, and the acting and casting was mediocre. The score and sound design was amazing. I still can't comprehend how it's possible to make this big ol blockbuster.

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I'm a sucker for these kinds of movies. I didn't really care what the story was about. All I came for was to see Godzilla and Kong battle it out and I was not disappointed.

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Shout by DuYuKhIr

A quick Hello between the two Human teams would have been nice .

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With 'Godzilla vs. Kong', the Monsterverse has finally arrived in the realm of complete nonsense. But given the premise, this is a perfectly valid approach. The film relies much more on humor than its predecessors, but it's still not funny. At least for me, the jokes just didn't work. The characters fall somewhere between bland and obnoxious. Millie Bobby Brown once again plays an annoying teenager, and Brian Tyree Henry takes on the role of a wacky conspiracy theorist. There are also numerous scientists and corrupt business people, none of whom leave a lasting impression. And I don't even want to get into the plot surrounding the "Hollow Earth" theory.

But at the end of the day, you're probably only watching the movie to see Kong and Godzilla tussle with each other and eventually get along. And that's exactly what you get here, with a lot of spectacle. If the monster action was accompanied by reasonably entertaining human characters, then these films could be good. But as it is, "Godzilla vs. Kong" is nothing more than dumb popcorn cinema. But at least the movie is still reasonably entertaining and, in my opinion, better than 'King of the Monsters'.

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I was waiting for "Colonel" Graham Chapman to stomp in and announce "This picture is silly, and I'm stopping it now."
At least the mad scientist said "humanity" and not "humankind".

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The "Millie Bobby Brown timeline" is easily the worst of these movies.

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Monster-verse films are a specific taste. They are good shut off your brain content (similar to Transformers or Fast films). There’s no real knock here, but it still won’t do anything to convert new fans.

Rating: 2.5/5 - 7/10 - Worth Watching

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Not bad... But Hollyweird still cannot make a Godzilla movie.

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Shout by Deleted

not the first time i got attached to a kong and sobbed about it :')

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If you know what to expect from this movie, then you will have a fun time watching it. Two popular monsters fighting it out is just what I need to watch sometimes.

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I’ve got about 38 minutes left to go. Can’t imagine how they plan to fill that time! I think the fact I’m trying this now tells you how interesting this is. I’m just waiting for Black Panther to arrive as it seems like there’s a lot of vibranium lying around.

Other than lots of loud noises and smashy smashy, there’s isn’t a lot to praise.

The other movies in the series were better.

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I haven't watched the previous Kong / Godzilla movie collection, I collected this film to put my new 4k setup to the test after hearing about its demo-worthy status.

I had low expectations for this film but came away really impressed, while this started off slow with character and story development this quickly ramps up.

The visuals and audio are next level and filled with epic monster battles that made this a truly perfect popcorn film.

I'll now need to check out the films prior to this.

8/10 - Great film, one that I'll happily watch again

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I give it a 7 just because the fights were cool, all human story was wasted and almost pointless

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Godzilla vs Kong should be an epic showdown. Instead what we get is a CGI snooze fest with bland characters. I made it through, but barely.

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the scenes where the mother is talking to her mute daughter are not done well. We have no idea what they are saying, unless one understands sign language. Watched it on Go where there are no subtitles, by the way.

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4k UHD Blu-ray was recommended as disc with reference Dolby Atmos track. I confirm. It is. But. I’m was very nervous after a hour of watching because sound was so huge and loud that I’d like to renamed this title as Much louder disc on market. Ordinary human can’t recognize each aspect of surround array and fled it into one big bunch hardly recognizable sounds. Picture is mainly in dark so any mind blowing from screen doesn’t expect.

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Shout by Deleted

Reminded me of the early monster flicks with men in rubber suits; and not in a good way.
Hollow Earth is just fucking stupid too.

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it was better to have watched Pele's movie

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