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Immaculate 2024

This movie is what you get if you order The Da Vinci Code from Temu

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mmaculate is a very good horror film. Great cinematography and soundtrack. Sydney Sweeney gives a great performance with a particularly striking finish.

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Not my typical style of horror, and it shows in my takeaway of the film. There was a decent mystery, but the world failed to hook me in. I am sure many others will be much more better receptive of this one than I was. It was not anywhere close to bad, but preferential taste will probably prevent me from watching this one again.

Rating: 2/5 - 65% - Not Recommended to Everyone

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This wasn't even a movie. It's like the first 15 minutes of a movie or show stretched and then just ending. Waste of time

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All right narrative, neat twistaroo, beautiful sets, good atmosphere and some great scenes. Unfortunately also some less great scenes and in all a bit too formulaic with old tropes and predictable jump scares holding it back from ascending to the next level. But still, for me the performance of Sweeney bumps is up from 7 to 8. A solid horror flick.

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Sweeney’s performance in the final scene is shockingly intense.

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There's really no point in watching this movie unless you're a huge Sydney Sweeney fan. It's just not good and not scary at all.

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Good movie :thumbsup::grinning: love it :heart:

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Using the elements of Italian horror cinema from the seventies, even including fragments of some of Bruno Nicolai's soundtracks, the film holds on with difficulty in a particularly absurd story, which could be funny in a Series B product. But Sydney Sweeney takes her character too seriously, which ultimately is ridiculous. And not even the religious iconography with horror elements is very elaborate, while Álvaro Morte offers a tired and predictable performing. The most notable is an excellent soundtrack by Will Bates that, at least in this case, does try to offer something different.

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Not bad just average, but it was a descent film.

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Where do I begin? There's absolutely nothing scary about this movie. In fact I laughed out loud several times. It was stupid and predictable. The best part was the sound of whatever it was falling out of her at the end. The worst part was we didn't even get to see this abomination. This film is hot garbage and I will never get that 90 minutes of my life back

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That ending ended me ... WTF :sob:

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One of the best horror endings in a while, thank you Sydney Sweeney's vocal chords!

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A good movie that needed more. The horror was quite horrifying, the score was unnerving, the sfx and screaming were deafening, and the costume and set design was pleasing. It was alright in pace, but the story needed more because it felt very empty by the time the credits rolled. The performances and goriness took me for a spin at times, but I think the reason I felt empty was because of how typical it was. Started by gripping my attention but weakened it by being slightly cliche, not just in the religious genre but every other trope it takes. All in all, it was predictable but suspenseful.

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Thought the movie would have a good scare part but it was utterly disappointing.

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Thought the movie would have a good scare part but it was an utter disappointmwent.

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I thought it would be a horror flick, but it disappointed badly.

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I thought it would be a horror flick, but it disappointed badly.

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The only thing I'm ever going to remember about this film is that birth sequence. The rest is simply everything I've seen before in so many movies like this. Shame, but at least there is something memorable.

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There was so much screaming that it felt distracting.

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Just another Hollywood attempt to discredit Christianity in general and Catholic church specifically.

Why? Because more and more actors and young people go to Catholic church to regain their soul and sanity. Hollywood and people in power are afraid.

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Considering the crap movies that have been released thus far, this was a descent movie. If you lower your expectations, then yes this is a MUST WATCH!

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An interesting story, there are some similarities in plot and scenes with "First Omen", which I believe to be a coincidence, but regardless, it's a great movie and in its second half it gets even better.

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The Catholic aesthetic horror of my dreams, gorgeously shot, thematically relevant, Sydney Sweeney as my new favorite scream queen, tasteful gore if you’re not squeamish.

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I thought it was a pretty decent movie. I kind of liked that it didn't get all supernatural like these kinds of movies go.

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Horrendous film mis-categorized as a "horror movie." Complete 3/10.

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I think I wanted more from 'Immaculate', though what's provided is fairly watchable to be honest. Visually it looks neat, too. Sydney Sweeney's performance is as good as expected, the rest of the cast are all competent; Álvaro Morte the standout of them.

The run time does fly by, I kinda felt watching that there wasn't really a middle - just one long build-up to the main event at the end. Speaking of which, 'the' scene at the conclusion made me smirk, the problem is that it most certainly was not supposed to; Cecilia's screams immediately sounded like that "best cry ever" meme* to me, I couldn't help but smile, I'm sorry.

*never knew the backstory to that clip until searching for it here, it's not quite so amusing now to be honest. awks.

All in all, I'd narrowly class this as a film worth watching. I almost got to see it by myself in an empty cinema, though a group of two inexplicably arrived like 30-45 minutes into the 90 minutes! That's gotta hurt.

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Only Sydney's performance was great, but not the story.

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The two great things I loved about this movie are Sydney Sweeney's tiddies.

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If "Gross" was a movie genre, this movie would be a classic.

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Loved the setting but the story is just another variation of Rosemary's Baby.

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Disappointingly toothless but visually splendid. Never fully confronting it's central idea of female body autonomy and oppressive religious institutions, Immaculate languishes in mediocrity and trite horror tropes outside of it's impressive visual aesthetics and grizzly, gnarly finale.

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I enjoyed watching this movie because of Sydney Sweeney. No actual horror, in my opinion, but her acting was good and she is just too gorgeous to resist watching a movie with her on the cast. I am just waiting for the next one where the end has a plot twist and it continues in a later movie.

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This is a well made movie, let down with a script with not enough pizazz. Sydney Sweeney is great here and the story is interesting and fucked up. A stronger script could of elevated this into being something rememberable. Worth a watch but nothing to ride home about.

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Well, this was a surprise. I've long since grown bored of nun and religious horror, but Immaculate was genuinely enjoyable. It didn't go as hard as it could have, but it went hard enough to be satisfying.

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A deserved revenge but predictable flick.
with some very funny bits. (I think unintended)
Everyone in it is good. and you feel for the ones who have been wronged

The music is lovely (untuned off-key glory)

Door creaks are off the chart.

Wish they had spent another 10 minutes doing more revenging, and shown at least 6 frames of the rock target.

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Confirmed I still can't do horror. Aside from that, the story leaves a lot of loose threads unresolved. Sydney Sweeney was actually really good in this though. That one-shot at the end was insane. New scream queen?

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Immaculate struggles to find itself initially but the storyline it settles on has some merit. Unfortunately, the best themes are underdeveloped and atmosphere comes second to weak jump scares. The film overall is slightly better than many in the genre, but that final scene is masterful.

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Not a terrible movie. I am bored of the maternity horror genre, but Sydney Sweeney gave a really compelling performance here. Has an interesting storyline which I really wish was explored more in depth, however I do understand how it needed to play out.

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The cinematography is really good. Sydney Sweeney 's performance proves again that she can act and deserves more demanding roles. Unfortunately, the movie itself is borderline dark comedy and doesn't inspire that much fear. Felt like a Resident Evil game almost.

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This movie in my opinion was very good, however with that said it left me in a shock at the end. Like “what just happened?” It’s traumatising, it’s disgusting and extremely obnoxious. It makes your stomach turn inside out. And if you’re a woman watching this you’re in for some very sensitive visuals.

It surprised me and it was very well made because this movie was not predictable at all!

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Decent body horror, cheap jump scares, and plot that gets crazy that some will love and some will just say WTF. All while Sydney Sweeney delivers a "not the best, and definitely not the worst" performance.

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