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Little Women 2019


Shout by psonnosp
BlockedParent2020-01-26T09:08:05Z— updated 2020-03-22T14:21:23Z

I'm allergic to time jumps back and forth, back and forth and this movie has a lot of it and it ruins the movie completely, and they really have removed a lot of story. Especially noticeable after having watched the 3h miniseries and the movie from 1994 in the last month.

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Decent, but nowhere near as good as the 1949 version. Absolutely detested the choice to start at the end, go backward, and then jump back and forth though.

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Great movie i didn't expect to like it so much.It's so well directed and casting is beyond good even if i wasn't impressed with Watson's perfomance.Ronan is one of the best actress of our generations can't wait to see her in other movies.I liked the fact director choose to combine past and present.It's emotional and makes you think.


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I freaking hate that stupid ending. I hate that Jo and Laurie don't end up together. I know how the story goes, and so I always end up disappointed and broken hearted. It sucks.

To be honest, I feel like I could keep up with the story because I was already familiar with it. I really think someone watching this story for the first time would be utterly confused and lost by the non-linear chronology. Also, it does a terrible disservice and completely wrecks Jo and Laurie's relationship. Their friendship is such a vital part of the story. It's at the very heart of it. And this movie presents it as something silly, superficial and unimportant.

In my opinion, the BBC's mini series is a much better adaptation. The characters are much more empathetic, and so the emotional punches really hit home and all the events are all that much more meaningful. In this adaptation, I couldn't connect to the characters at all. Go watch the mini series!! I know I will.

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Not sure how this movie is so highly rated. It was boring, slow, confusing, and the acting was mediocre. Even my wife who enjoys chick-flicks agreed with my sentiment. This movie might have been ok 20-30 years ago, but there's absolutely nothing new it can offer today.

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The story starts in a very uninteresting way, then it takes shape and becomes more enjoyable but it still wasn't enough to amaze me, the way they handle love disappointed me a lot but hey, it's not a bad story after all...

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Whoever came up with the idea to tell this story nonchronologically seriously needed to be fired. The plotline was genuinely just all over the place and it really took all the feeling and charm out of it. Such a shame, because this movie could have been sooo good.

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BOOKS can flip back and forth and back again without confusing because the writer has more ability to describe the shift. in a film, particularly where the period clothing is not an indicator, it becomes tedious to watch. Downright annoying at times.

30 minutes in I wanted to turn it off. but I just kept staying for the book i loved growing up. It just overly reminds how limited women were and if they wanted to be more, it was more punished than rewarded. Not sure this film does anything else well, but it definitely hits that chord.

3, maybe 4. Find a better version.

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Very well-directed and acted movie that presents so many different views women may have of the world and none of them are undermined. The movie has so many highs and lows too. Each moment has so much impact on the four sisters' lives that impact them in similar and different ways.

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a stunning movie with a wonderful story and great cast with lovely scenes and touching moments

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A film that shifts back and forth between the past and the present non-stop. We know almost every ending, so the film has to make us want to know the paths. For some reason, it was only halfway through the film that I really began to enjoy it.

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A more visually confident effort from Greta Gerwig, starring some of the best young talent 2019 had to offer. It’s a timeless story that’s approached intelligently by the filmmakers, everyone should be able to get something out of this, even if you’re not the target demographic. The score is also pretty fantastic too However, it’s a bit too long, and some of its cheesy tendencies are a bit much for my liking.


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Oh my god don’t even talk to me about little women I love both movies so much, obviously the book comes first, and I’m not sure if this beats the first movie but I love it and the cast is my fav

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Beautiful, moving, hopeful and sad.

A wonderful tale about four sisters growing up into the fantastic adults they turn out to be.

I was moved to tears, angry fits and laughter for the characters.
One of the loveliest screen works I’ve seen this year.

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It starts slow, then it gets more interesting, but it still has some silly moments and it is just too cheese and over the top some times. I like the story within the story, though, and it has some good representations of historical injustices towards women and what it is to grow up and be force to let go your childhood dreams.

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Such a wonderful adaptation of the book. Great performance by Emma Watson and Laura Dern. Also loved the actresses who did roles for Amy and Jo

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"My little women."

The ultimate comfort movie when things are getting out of hand in your life.

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Shout by Maie San Joaquin

i had read the book first in 2020 before knowing that it had a movie adaptation a year before. i really loved and enjoyed the book, probably one of my faves. and tbh the movie, for me, didn't gave enough justice for the book itself. i still like it tho. we can't expect to see all of the details from the book come into life in a movie which just have a span of few hours.

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A beautiful film that is a bit on the long side but the story was nice and the performances were great.

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A very moving movie! 9/10 must watch!

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Little Women (2019) is written and directed by Greta Gerwig and is based on the 1868 novel by Louisa May Alcott.

This is my favourite movie of 2019.

It’s entire aesthetic is stunning and filled with beautiful shots. The entire third act of this film breaks my heart every single time I watch it yet I still watch it again and again. The juxtaposition of the past and the present scenes is done beautifully and connects emotions together perfectly.

Everybody is fantastic here but Florence Pugh, Saorise Ronan and Timothée Chalamet all deliver stand-out performances. They play their classic characters perfectly in a refreshing way and make you feel their emotions in every single scene so perfectly.

I am in love with the cinematography, the acting, the clothes, the writing. Everything.

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Just watched the 1994 and 2019 version of Little Women. I thought both version have their own plot hole that can be filled with one another. So I can't really decide which I like most. I personally prefer the march sisters and the set in 1994 but I really do like the characters development in 2019, its like finally we got closure...mostly for Jo, Amy, and Laurie. While I do too love Meg's story, I feel like they didn't do enough justice for Beth in this version & it was sad for me because I really like the relationship of Jo and Beth in 1994.

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A tad slow but otherwise done masterfully.

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Worse than the first one. And honestly if 13 year old amy and 20 YEAR OLD Amy weren’t played by the same actress it wouldn’t have been so bad, it was so fucking cringy having to look at a grown woman pretending to be a child:smiley: I love the Amy in the first version tho

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A lot better than I thought it would be, I really liked it. Friends kinda spoiled this for me, but anything with Emma Watson is automatically amazing

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Not my type, but there must be something to it, as shown in the film - every work has the right to find its recipient.

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Little Women is an immensely cheesy book aimed at children and young teenagers. The 90s film is too cheesy to watch. Greta Gerwig has done an incredible job at finding the realness in this story and making the cheesy elements feel believable. The chemistry between the sisters is joyous and electric. Jo is everything we want her to be while Amy's ambition is to be admired - kudos to the actresses. The cinematography highlights the boldness of our character's choices. The shots, lighting, filtering, and overall feel of the film is perfect. Yes, I cried. I would absolutely watch again and recommend to anyone who likes period pieces and tearjerkers.

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"I've had lots of troubles, so I write jolly tales."

Saoirse Ronan? Great. Florence Pugh? Great. Greta Gerwig? Great. This movie was a great remake of the previous renditions and it is good to see that these types of stories are still getting made.

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I like the movie, it's modern, it's nice, joyful, good actores, good view. But that's it. I read the book many years ago so I don't remember anything fron the book, but I did remember the last movie with Winona Ryder and Christian Bale abd I remember I was crying when Jo dumped Laurie. In this novie I felt everything as too simple and superficial. I couldn't felt for Laurie and I even got to think that Jo was even faking even though Saoirse Ronan is an excellent actrice. So, final words. It's a good movie to entertain yourself for 2h.

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Haven't read the book or seen other versions but felt very nostalgic watching this movie. I teared up quite a lot actually. I do think it was quite hard to follow as there are different timelines and they don't really look younger or older in them so it took some time figuring that out. Very great cast and a very nice movie though :)

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I loved it, it was wonderful.

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From Greta Gerwig comes a new interpretation of L.M. Alcott’s classic novel Little Women for a new generation. The story follows four sisters as they grow up in the backdrop of the American Civil War as they deal with issues of love and loss, and finding their own way in the world. Starring Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Laura Dern, and Chris Cooper, the film has an impressive cast that gives good performances. And Gerwig too does a great job at capturing the romantic tone of the novel and the ambiance of the period. However, it tries to get a little meta in its shifting time frames and parallel storytelling; which can get kind of confusing. And Gerwig tries to slip in some liberal messaging that takes one out of the film; which is really kind of a shame given how powerful the original material is on its own. Still, the authenticity of the costumes and sets is remarkable, and the score is beautifully done. The ‘94 version is probably a little better, but Gerwig’s Little Woman is a compelling coming-of-age drama with its own unique character and charm.

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Other than the inaccurate title - these women are all over 5 foot - this is a good film, with a great cast and excellent work from Gerwig as director. Fans of the source work will especially enjoy the movie.

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The story never gets old. I still teared up like a lil bitch every time Beth was mentioned T_T

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Very beautiful movie .. loved it and loved the cast but loved joe the most

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I read comments about the timeline being confusing before I got to see the movie. You have to be stupid to find this movie confusing. Do you really need a "x years later/earlier" sign to get it?

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Little Women (2019) is a period film but it manages to feel so modern and fresh, maybe due to the fact that it touches upon topics that are relevant to us, now.

Even though I've never read the book, I'm aware of its significance, and I'm certain Greta Gerwig did an excellent job adapting it.

Honestly, I feel like I could rewatch this a thousand times and still love it, but I recommend you watch it at least once, because it's definitely worth it.

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I honestly am surprised that I liked the movie, esp period movies most esp romantic period movies. What kind of spoiled me was the flashbacks and what nots that are happening, it felt so jumbled and confusing. I guess I should just face my fears (fear of just wasting time) and read the actual book myself.

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Shout by adruber

I can best sum up this film as wasted potential. Actors/actresses giving it they're all yet terribly miss cast in their roles, a story with moments that are simple and heartfelt yet the majority is confusing and in need of prior knowledge of whats going on to fully understand, cinematography that can sometimes be stunning yet for the most part is bland and uninspired. I hated this film however I can see that if your someone who already loves the story of Little Women you might very much enjoy this new iteration. Everyone else though please skip, there are much better tellings of this story out there. You just have to look.

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I'll say right up front that I am not "burdened" (that doesn't feel like the right word) by having an intimate knowledge of the book so my review is not affected positively or negatively by the director's interpretation of the original work. That said.... I really loved it. While the jumping between timelines seemed somewhat arbitrary at first towards the end of the movie it all started to come together. It doesn't always work but when it does (Godfather Two, Once Upon a Time In America, Blue Valentine) the film can take on the feel of an epic. I think this technique gave us the best view of the complex character of Jo, and in the final scenes the struggles of her complex character resulted in a beautiful bloom. While I thought Lady Bird was terribly overrated I thought that Gerwig did a masterful job with this film. It was at different parts funny, touching, sad and hopeful. And as you might expect, the acting is phenomenal.

It's in my top 5 for the year.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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Very interesting ending, meybe not real life ending?!

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This is not a bad movie. However I must agree that the non-linear story telling had me confused and it was tough to follow. I also wasn't satisfied with the end where Jo suddenly ends up with a guy who has rather a small part in the movie. There doesn't seem to be a connection between them.
I do understand the Oscar and all the other wins and nominations. The movie looks amazing and the acting was brilliant. Maybe I'll watch it again later and change my opinion towards the story.

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Beautiful movie. I really like the Lady Bird too but this is a little better.
I thought that it will be a simple movie with some dramedy feelings.

But it was a way much more than I ever expected.

The casting is perfect.
The emotional journey is unforgettable.
The photography is phenomenal.

I think this is the best movie I've seen in a while.

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How many versions of this movie do we need? If you've read the book you might like this film. But if you haven't it's pure torture that seems to run forever. There's no clear plot or direction, just random segments assembled without reference to chronology. After battling to stay awake for hours asking myself "what was the point?"

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what a beautiful, heartwarming story about the female experience that, although years apart, still resonates so strongly with the present. Greta shot this wonderfully, you wanna live in this world forever.

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Hardly a false note in this film, every aspect of this film is exquisitely handled

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After the big hype around it I found it not so overwhelming. Was good but...

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An incredible cast. Interesting at times, but it's easy to get bored during the movie.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Little Women’:

  1. I didn’t love it. I didn’t hate it. Wasn’t familiar with the story. Went in for the cast, came out reaffirming that this just isn’t my kind of film.

  2. The movie struggled to hold my attention for the first half, but proceeded to grab me in towards the end.

  3. I wish I liked it more. The cast is superb.

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Fantastic ensemble cast, with some great set work and wardrobe, Little Women really is a great transportation to the late 19th Century. My main reduction being the stories almost abstract, scattershot approach of framing its time jumps, leading to some incoherency in the plot (atleast for me, with this being my first foray into the story of Little Women). Still, a great movie (albeit one very far out of my usual tastes) that deserves the praise it will likely receive from the Oscars.

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Shout by Lightning13

when you accidentally watch Little Women (2018) instead of Little Women (2019)

Anyway, Flo really deserve that nomination
Hell yeah gurrrlllll. and as always, amazing soundtrack. What do you expect from Alexandre Desplat

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This movie is pretty great. Possibly in the top 2 of all 4 adaptations. I'll say one thing though, Chalamet vs Bale = Bale & Pugh vs Dunst = Dunst. Rest are ties with the '94 version.

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Florence Pugh stole the show in every scene she was in, she gave indeed the best performance of the year. Every member of the cast does a stellar job and Greta Gerwig's script is marvelous and charming.

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I loved it, I really did, but my favorite part was the book porn at the end. :heart_eyes:

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Shout by mercuriorosso

"Stellar cast and a smart, sensitive retelling of its classic source material."

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I’m sorry but I just thought it was boring. It has a couple charming moments and it’s undoubtedly filled with amazing performances but it just doesn’t have a story that I can remember. Very bland in my opinion.

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Little Women is like that time I ate cow tongue: I knew I wasn't going to like it until I tried it and was amazed at how delicious it was.

And judging by how much I liked Little Women, Greta Gerwig must have made the cow tongue as well because her special sauce is what made the movie so great. Sure, Saoirse Ronan just tears up the screen with her magnificence but it's Gerwig's delicate touch that gives the images their depth, the characters their heart and the story its soul. She proves here that she's more than just a director of quirky indie films: she's capable of making great movies on a grand scale.

Simultaneously smiling and losing the fight to hold back tears, I wasn't prepared for how emotional I would feel watching this period piece and my heart hasn't been touched like this and moved so much in a long while.

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This latest adaptation of Louisa May Alcott's celebrated novel is an absolute delight and a triumph of filmmaking by Greta Gerwig. It is very cleverly written, incorporating how the book was written and the visualisation of the book, all using the same cast.

It's a film that looks as if the production costs are high, with great costumes, make-up, and all other aspects of the production department who have recreated 19th-century New England on location, so it feels authentic. The film has a lush, evocative soundtrack by Alexandre Desplat and a magnificent ensemble cast including Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh, Laura Dern, Tracey Letts, Bob Odenkirk, and Meryl Streep without a single weak link.

This is Gerwig's second collaboration with Ronan after 2017's multiple Oscar-nominated Lady Bird, and it would be astonishing if history wasn't repeated with Gerwig and Ronan receiving Oscar nominations for Best Director and Best Actress, respectively.

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A delightful costume drama about domestic problems filled with a star studded cast giving great performances. It was an easy and fun watch.

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As a fan who grew up on the 1994 version (born in 93) I thoroughly enjoyed this version. I was shocked to walk out of the theatre and realise 2 hours had passed. There were plenty of memorable scenes mixed with new perspectives that didn't ruin it in any way. My only issue was it was sometimes hard to tell what scenes were the flash backs, but again, that didn't remove from the movie at all.

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