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Luca 2021

I like this movie a lot.

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Was not expecting to end up all crying and snotty but here we are

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Shout by Deleted

可可爱爱, watched at 2021-06-19, imported from douban

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I loved this, pasta bikes and vespas, wholesome and lovely animation, A+

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Now this is everything I could ever have wanted in a sea-creature Disney movie. Forget arielle. This film is a hundred times better
Real friendship, innocent day dreaming, ending reigns of terror, new chances and old ladies eating gelato.

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The characters are all fun and likable, the setting of a small Italian fishing village is gorgeous and lovely, and the tale being told is heartwarming, with themes of accepting others for who they are and about not being afraid to show your true self, and I love it.

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I cried so bad to see this movie, the analogy and story are so relatable to my life

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Beware! Monsters are among us... ;>

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Simple yet effective story. It's nothing ground breaking but the execution is very good, it lands.

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Personally I prefer such slice of life movies. This story about trying to find your place in the world and finding “the good ones” who accept you as you are touched me more than any other Pixar movie. Makes me laugh and cry every time.

Telling simple, character-focused stories is definitely a wonderfully creative skill in itself and the crew did a perfect job.

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Santo Mozzarella! What an amazing Pixar movie. Beautifully animated with a heartwarming and quite original story, this is a must-see for everyone. Love the characters and especially the Italian setting.

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simple story but really cozy atmosphere, the summer, the sea and the best friends, you can literally smell the summer from this movie.

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a nice relaxing family movie with a lot of italian aroma!

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Great movie with great storytelling and lessons. Disney never disappoint to create stories that captivate both young and adults. It gives me some Peter Pan and Pinocchio vibes, where children are growing up and their caregivers must know how important is to let them discover the world, even though this might mean taking risks. Very beautiful movie. And also, as some people said here, not an Oscar movie maybe, but definitely a worth watching one.

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I truly wish this had been better. Letterboxd review here:

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This movie is the best and I consider you watching it I have no doubt that you will love it.

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Watching all the Pixar movies, shorts and some of the series. All I have left to watch is Cars which I'm not excited about. And I just finished Up, which was more boring than expected. Luca has been my favourite by far. It was the funniest one with just the right amount of emotion. I have started walking around at 2ork shouting "silencio Bruno!".

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it's a good movie, not to the point of deserving an Oscar nomination, but it's a good movie to enjoy with friends on a weekend.

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This is definetely not a 10/10 for everyone, but to me it is. I loved how the movie gave characters time to breath and develop. The art style, the beautiful scenery. The way it properly showed us a child's naivety, imagination and curiosity. It brought me back to my summers. This is probably going to go down as one of my favourite movies of all time.

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I enjoyed watching this so much. Love the animation. It has a lot of great message. Pixar never fails to present such awesome films!

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Definitely not one of the best pixar movies, but not the worst either. It's an enjoyable film, with excellent animation but with a story too simple to be a Pixar film (especially after their last work, Soul).
There are a lot of references to movies, music and Italian actors (the fantastic Mastroianni hanging in the Vespa they created) that symbolized the so-called "Italian Golden Age", which starts in the 50s and ends in the early 70s. In addition, the film succeeds in representing what was the Italian dream of the young people of the time: the much admired Vespa.
However, as I said at the beginning, the plot has nothing special, so it didn't keep my interest threshold too high.

[-] The plot is too simple; there is no real climax
[+] Excellent animations, nice quotes that make us dive more into the Italian 50's.


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7.5/10 - Well, Pixar did it, again :)

From the story/setting alone this isn't really my thing (I'd probably rate it 5/10) but as always Pixar somehow managed to make it work. The art style is beautiful in it's own way, the animations are nice, and the story has moving/heartwarming, funny, and meaningful moments. Kinda like there's a bit of something for everyone :D

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Great movie. I think the main theme of this movie is 'Curiosity is what makes lives interesting'.

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calamari by your name

"Silenzio Bruno"

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Definitely not one of pixar’s best but still a decent film with a lovely message and some beautiful effects and picture, animation is definitely improving the more time goes on.

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Calling Disney/Pixar's Luca a gay allegory is like calling Matrix a trans allegory. You can. You can interpret exactly that into it and also assume exactly that intention. And maybe it's true for one film and also for the other. And then exactly that is much more than okay. But this thought aside, Luca is a beautiful, colorful animation adventure that deals with friendship and courage. The story is wonderfully thought out, in part extremely profound and provides laughs and tears. I had a lot of fun watching it.

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Gayest Disney movie I’ve ever watched

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Quite a nice movie. Obviously more targeted towards kids but the morale is really nice. That everyone is loved and no matter what people say about you, you can achieve anything you want. Being an outsider is not bad.
A bit disappointing was, that there wasn’t really any noticeable soundtrack.

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What a funny emotional great movie!
i really liked everything about it, mostly the animations it's really feel like you are in the movie, soundtrack was also good and the storyline
really liked it

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This one seemed like it took a bunch of discarded bits from other Pixar films and decided to combine them into a movie. It struck me more as a sequence of vignettes than a single whole. Even though the characters are likable enough, it was a real slog for me and it took me several nights to get through it. Of the last three Pixar films, only SOUL did a good job of hooking me right out of the gate, so I'm hoping that this trend stops and I regain my faith in the company. But for now, I'm left to wonder if someone influential and high up behind the scenes might have left the company five years or so ago since that seems to be when I started to notice a change in things.

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I loved this movie. it shows how we should face our fears so we can grow!

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Another great movie! Love the visuals!

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'LUCA' is a solid addition to the Pixar library that hits all the beats you would expect at this point with a Pixar film. The voice cast is solid along with the animation. I think that the screenplay could've done with a little bit of a tidy-up, but maybe this film is being aimed more towards the children than the adults (but still has enough in there for adults to appreciate it). Overall a solid film.

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Maybe one of the worst movies from Pixar. Beautiful? Yes... but the story and the narrative is boring and not captivating. Cute but not fun.

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Only the Italian accent worth to watch again. amusing but not much

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:heart::heart::heart: this movie one of Pixar’s best

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Great movie to watch with the kids. It's rare these days that all four of us will watch a movie together and all pay attention and actually like the movie. Nice story, great animation.

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Shout by Ro

“The world is a very dangerous place, Luca. And if I have to send you to the bottom of the ocean to keep you safe, so be it.” – Daniela

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An excellent film about growing up, experiencing life as an outsider, and overcoming your parents’ limitations and expectations.

I loved all the Italian words that were mixed in. Certain scenes are reminiscent of The Outsiders, in the best way possible. Absolutely worth watching, exceeded my expectations.

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Like a bad batch of Kinder eggs: good, but no surprises.

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This was just lovely! Such a heartwarming film. It's been a while since Pixar hit me in the feels, but they went full on roundhouse with this one. I highly recommend you give it a shot.

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A wonderful Pixar movie about being the underdog!

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i think i found my comfort movie:sob::sob::sob::sob:
when you realize the inside things that theyre trying to tell us it makes the movie1000x good
Silenzio bruno!!!!!!!!!

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[Disney+] The abundant cinematographic references also reflect a certain narrative inconsistency, as if the game were to find them instead of following the story: Gelsomina, Mastroianni, Visconti and, of course, "Porco Rosso" (1992) are there to be fished. So much so that even Luca seems to be after Luca Guadagnino and, why not, a wink to hide the true nature of the relationship between the two monsters/boys.

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animation and sounds effects are just amazing! good storyline, too. loved it.

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I watched it with my little sister, it's short and sweet and fun. Made me shed a tear at the end.

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Vespa is life and life is beautiful

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I knew as soon as I saw Luca that this was the same director/artist from La Luna. Happy to see that they gave Enrico Casarosa a full movie as his short was amazing!!!

I really liked Luca but everything was so straight forward. it took more of a Disney aspect of story telling than a Pixar one. Pixar usually likes to keep you on your toes with twists and turns and not always ending with a happily ever after cliche.

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Luca is a beautiful movie, a homage to great Ghibli movies with memorable slice of life moments. Moments like gobbling up a great pasta (trenette al pesto and you can get the official recipe from Pixar's Instagram page), learning about space (a nod to director Enrico Casarosa's directorial debut La Luna), and fishing.

But taken as a whole, the movie lacks coherent narrative pull. It doesn't help that challenges easily conquered and conflicts neatly resolved. It's a good movie to curl up with your kids with popcorn on Friday night, but it's not in the same caliber as last year's Pixar greats, Onward and Soul.

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It's a awesome animated movie!

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Shout by Deleted

I'd just like to know who f****d a fish.

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I was personally attacked the whole movie

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I think the movie is more about over-protective parents that don’t let their children explore the world and also about the anxieties of a person not being able to fit in a new lifestyle/culture. Instead of being about gay people...

idk thought my interpretation was different than other people :man_shrugging_tone1:

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The most Ghibli of Pixar´s Movies.

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Nice movie but on Pixar's standards, a little light, could've used more, like literally more of the movie.

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Been there, done that. Nothing special out of Disney, despite aid from Pixar this time. Hope Disney doesn't ruin Pixar as well

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Nice watch! One of the best movie in 2021.

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apparently Disney knew I needed a CMBYN x H2O crossover before I did

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Thinly (thinly thinly) veiled metaphor, but it worked. So freaking CUTE! Although there was a lot of cannibalism going on and it was never addressed...

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Great movies but i dont know why it felt incomplete to me as if thats it? i want more...

Luca's school life. his learning entering the whole new world
and what further Alberto doing in the town or maybe his father quest. where he is etc

i think we can get 2 more parts of this movie.

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While it’s simplicity is both a strength and a major weakness, there’s hardly no denying this film is another winner from Pixar

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Luca is a heartwarming, stunningly animated adventure presented with all heart. An ode to a beautiful friendship between 2 sea monsters and a human kid which makes your heart skip a beat. Pixar's yet another picturesque animation combined with resonant storytelling makes it a must-watch.

Full Reviews :

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Not top tier Pixar but enjoyable nonetheless. Unlike other Pixar movies, there's not much for adult audiences.
The animation wasn't that different from the usual style. Shame.

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So Pixar are just gonna give me a film with sea monster as allegory for being gay and expect me not to develop an insane attachment to it? This is really really a happy place for me. One day we’ll have the real thing, but for now we have Luca:green_heart:

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such a fantastic movie. this was interesting and entertaining, very fun and emotional and maybe even a little bit scary at times. i loved the friendship between luca and alberto. this was truly a story about friendship and accepting the people you care about as they are. please just watch it. it's fantastic.

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The movie is amazing. :tada::raised_hands_tone2: Just like every Pixar movie, this has a lot of emotions.

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Beautiful animated! Bringing the Italian riviera to life. Adorable characters.

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Simple, elegant , effortless, Cute and enjoyable and probably one of the best Disney / Pixar films in the last few years

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Calamari by your name

This was pretty much just the little mermaid with kids

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has a very cute story

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Luca is a heartwarming, stunningly animated adventure presented with all heart. An ode to a beautiful friendship between 2 sea monsters and a human kid which makes your heart skip a beat. Pixar's yet another picturesque animation combined with resonant storytelling makes it a must watch.

Full Reviews :

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In terms of Pixar’s output to date this ranks as one of their lesser efforts. Of course, as they have never made a bad movie, this isn’t a negative. The animation is great, the story is fun, and there is a sprinkling of Pixar humour. For me, however, it was a little too simplistic, and it won’t last long in my memory.

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Breathtakingly beautiful and infectiously fun, Luca is a celebration of everything "diiferent" set in the summer of a small italian town. The new animation style looks pleasing and adds to the already compelling writing. Worth the 95 mniute runtime.

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The first Pixar movie that I ever cried for, maybe it was the beautiful art, the compelling story or the fact that I was being represented on tv, no I'm not a sea monster, but if you replace all of the times that "sea monster" was said in this film and instead use "gay" you'll get what I mean. Hat's off to the writers, I could go on and on about how perfect the parallels are but I'll just have to silenzio bruno!!

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A wonderful movie about friendship. As well as not being afraid to be yourself. Though you can also look as it being afraid of coming out of the closet. If you’d be accepted.
Since Luca and Alberto want to run away together. Due to Luca’s parents being strict sea monsters when it comes to him going to the surface.

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Shout by Deleted

Tim Lockwood looking dude is peak character design.

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I loved it! I laughed, I cried and it takes a lot for me to cry... Okay not much. Lol I recommend as a family movie.

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It's so completely wonderful! I want to be a seamonster!

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We all are going to have subjective levels of how we see and criticize things but this was a 10/10 Pixar movie. Usually, they create art of course but only they can get me emotional over an animated story. Prettty prettty gooood.

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Are you here looking for reviews to see if the movie is good?
Just say Silenzio Bruno!! and immediately watch this movie

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Pretty good film overall. That kick from Luca's mum was hilarious though.

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