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Mad Max: Fury Road 2015

I really hate the over post-produced Batmanish voice they put over Tom Hardy, It was like seeing an old Chinese movie translated. --I'm Batmax-- ...and the exaggerated color filters, but it's a good movie, it's fun and a lot of action, Charlize Theron did an excellent job... still, I love more the old classic Mad Max movies (except Beyond Thunderdome).

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I had no expectations of this movie when I went to see it on cinema. I never saw the original movies (and I don't intend to either), but I must say that I was positively surprised by this one. It was action packed with something happening all the time, so there was really never a dull moment, although I think it was maybe a tad too long with all the back-and-forth. The characters were brilliant and interesting in their own way and let's not forget - completely insane - but in a positive way of course. The sheer amount of creativity poured into the production simply amazes me. Everything fits together perfectly. I'm giving it an 8 simply because I realize that, although it certainly delivers on it's promises, it's just pure (but awesome) entertainment, and I generally expect more from a movie to give it a higher rating.

Oh, and don't bother with 3D, it doesn't add anything to the experience.

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An outstanding addition to the beloved franchise that exceeded all expectations. With its great action sequences, stunning special effects, and incredible performances by Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron, the film was a visual feast. Director George Miller created a post-apocalyptic world that was both terrifying and mesmerizing, and the attention to detail was impeccable. If you're a fan of the Mad Max franchise, this is a good watch.

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-06-06T03:46:01Z— updated 2022-08-21T02:06:55Z

"Max Max: Fury Road" excels at world-building but could have done much more with it. Few other action films managed to create such a fascinating world and transport you into it naturally, preferring visual cues and little details over verbal-info dumping. Still, I hoped it was going to be a little more than a two-hour car chase with grotesque pageant floats. I am aware that narration doesn't play a big role in this kind of film, but then why eat up two whole hours with the same thing? I was wildly entertained for the first half or so, but my interest started dropping once I realized that it was going to be a round trip.

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Madness, total madness.
It is a very good action movie. Not disappointed at all.

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The best action movie in years.

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Cine Paco: I liked it more than when I saw at the cinema, now in 3D VO. Image, sound and 3D 5/5

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was good, action, good budgetm history, seems a rehash of the 2 and the 3. angry furious empress

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must be the only one that didn't like it that much

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Oh man, people are deluded if they think this is a great film. Excellent cinematography and action sequences, but it stops right there. No narrative, no acting, no dialogue, and a pretentious soundtrack. I was so disappointed. I had no clue what was going on at any given time, other than the awsome explosions and rad costume design.

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BlockedParent2020-11-03T06:14:49Z— updated 2024-06-02T01:18:16Z

Brutally bad for me, wrong actor to take the reigns, way too much money spent to try to make an extra dollar.

Go back to basics, it's not STAR TREK.

Great actors to cast but definitely not the RIGHT ACTORS, probably casted because of name recognition.


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It's an OK summer blockbuster. The plot is pretty weak, but if you're looking for non-stop action, special effects and costuming, this would fit the bill. It's not a movie I'd watch again. I know "lots of driving" sounds like an odd criticism, but there is a TON of driving; it's about 95% of the movie. This takes place in Australia unless they changed that from the original, so why doesn't Theron have an accent? As far as I know, international travel doesn't happen in this world. Some of the other accents are extremely weak too, so that's definitely something they should have focused upon a but more.

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Shout by Nyx
BlockedParent2023-07-25T20:09:43Z— updated 2023-09-03T05:34:35Z

It's the usual summary - a beautiful film visually, and the concept is appealing but the writing (specifically structure and dialogue) is ridiculous.

6/10 for cinematography, acting, sound and editing... pretty much everything was good, except the key element - the writing.

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This film was absolutley visually stunning.

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This movie is so not like the original and they way they say it was made in Australia is wrong they moved it to south Africa so only Australian production team and make up and director...and what was with the super models in the desert I turned the movie once that happened so wrong from the original

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Despite the sound mixing being weird/off for dialogue at parts (Tom Hardy/Max), the engine sounds, action sounds are a treat for ears.

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High on action low on story, that's how I'd describe Mad Max: Fury Road. I was never a fan of the original movies and that didn't change with this reboot. Throwing together all kinds of crazy characters and them having them say the most ridiculous lines doesn't make a good movie. How some of the actors could say some of these lines with a straight face is beyond me. "He's a crazy smeg who eats schlanger!" What?!
The Mad Max universe is a post-apocalyptic world that's just too much and has no clear direction. It tries too hard.

And what's up with naming the movie Mad Max and then placing the focus on somebody else? Tom Hardy as Mad Max literally mumbles his way through a few lines in the entire movie and the rest of the dialog goes to Charlize Theron's character Furiosa. The title character is just along for the ride is someone else's movie.
A movie that has some (the CGI is shockingly bad for todays standards) great (physical) special effects, but lacks a story.

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Basically 300 except with more orange and in cars. What I mean by that is that the plot is there and it's okay but that's not why you're watching this movie (and the acting is honestly terrible). You watch this movie for the elaborate and unique action sequences.

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Nice effects ... VERY LOW story ...
I would not say it has been a wast of time, but yeah ... Its been so weird ... Its kinda like a car accident, you cant really look away and just keep staring...

weird weird weird ... cant really recommend it

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horrible movie. Stopped watching it half way through

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I always knew that this wasn’t gonna be my kind of movie, but no one is ever going to convince me this is good. I don’t care for any of the choices made. Even the visual aspects, that most people seem to love, are just not for me. And the story is mediocre at best. One big “nope” for me.

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Shout by King David
BlockedParent2018-10-03T06:01:25Z— updated 2018-10-08T03:57:29Z

The visuals were dope! But I still hated the movie.

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A b-movie plot and directing with an a-movie budget.
I can appreciate b-movies, but I expected more from this one.

Most of it was:
Oh no they all are definitely doomed now.
Phew made it at the very last second.
Oh no the fight is not over yet.
Phew made it once again.

... and repeat...

Thinking about it, I would have liked a tv show better, so that the interesting world could be explored more than a movie can manage to do, and hopefully with the long-ass stupid action sequences dialed down a bit.


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What a suck ass overrated movie

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wost Tom Hardy waste of time

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This was a tough one--a little bit more 'story telling' and I think this may have been great, but to much was left out for their actually to be a movie with any reason--cool special effects is just not good enough for me these days, there actually needs to be a reason for the movie to have been made...

The Earth Mothers restore sanity to the world was a bit tired, the fractured evil triplets were not well developed--Raging Leader, Financial Scum, Super Hunter needed at least two more scenes to really make any sense or have an purpose in the film--to have been menacing. They 'landscapes' lacked diversity--though the Hurricane Alley & Desolate Swamp were great, we could have used more 'changes in scenery' at some level particularly the crushing urban stuff from the first film.

Hope is dangerous, Who Killed the Earth, Haunted by Nightmares of the Past, Drifter/Savior were all simple movie tropes that could have been developed SIGNIFICANTLY to make a movie that would have paid off a lot more.

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The Mad Max concept after all these still pretty dumb.

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Oh yer I watched this last night.

Memorable and added to the greatest ever Mad Max film list. No.

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And where is Mad Max? I spotted only Tina Turner's sick brother...

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Wow, that was the most boring, inane, stupid waste of time that I've been through in a long time. A lot of pretty pictures, I'll grant you that, but no plot, no story, no drama, no meaningful interaction, no nothing! Just endless pointless "action" that makes no sense -- kind of like a colorful kids movie for wannabe grownups. I really have no idea how on earth this movie could score an 8+ rating on IMDB.

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i give it "2:Terrible" one for Tom and one for Charlize :)

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I will not waste too much time writing about this garbage of a movie, but I feel like it is my duty to make an attempt at saving someone from seeing this. So quick summary: No story whatsoever (I'm not kidding), terrible dialogue (the few minutes of it there is), terrible "characters" (if you could call them that) and barely passable (very repetitive) action. Honestly, one of the most pathetic excuses for a movie I have ever seen.

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I just watched a two-hour commercial for CGI. What a collossal dissapointment.

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The visuals are phenomenal and the action is amazing BUT it was such a boring movie. Had to force myself to keep watching. Maybe it’s just not for me

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Overrated junk, with no plot and no play. Waste of time.

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One of the worst movie from 2015. No background about the characters, bad storytelling, flat dialogs. Did the actors have any script what they should speak? I think not. If you like action and don't give a fuck about storylines than mad max fury road is definitely a good movie for you, if you like stories and background grab another movie!

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very long bad chase scene

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Seriously the biggest load of poop ever.

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I don't see why someone would watch this movie. IMO, it is a bunch of vehicles chasing another and the only thing that happens troughout the movie is them exploding and crashing into eachother - of course, troughout the whole storyline, everything is happening in a dessert to make things even more borring and monotone. Can someone list me at least 10 reasons why he/she would watch this move?!

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Going to go against the vastly popular opinion on this one. The originals had this grounded bizarreness to them. Here we have a movie that starts off with the action cranked to 11 and continues all the way to the end without letting up. No character development, no semblance of reality without any grounding. Hardy is no longer the average family man turned hard due to tragic circumstances like Gibson, Hardy is a hard man out of the box. Im pretty sure this entire movies dialog would fit on one page.

Maybe I'm getting old, but I no longer respond to mindless bombast. And this movie is pure bombast and nothing else. I can appreciate the subtext of strong women leading women - nothing wrong with that. But this is supposed to be MAD MAX, not Maxine. Heartbroken.

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4K Mad Max and all is weirdness.....

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I'm glad I stuck with it. I was gonna turn it off but it gets so much better after the storm chase scene. I still can't get over them building their entire society on the one resource they're most desperate for and the motorcycle chase scene looks like a themed Nitro Circus spectacle. But it was enjoyable. And being on a Nicholas Hoult trip lately, this kept my attention more than it normally would have. I still believe this is massively overhyped though. Some of the effects, even for the time, are really bad.

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Probably the first and only time I've agreed with the phrase "non-stop thrill ride". I don't think I took a breath until the film ended. Fantastic.

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"Mad Max: Fury Road" marks the return of George Miller to the franchise that launched him into the spotlight.

Tom Hardy replaces Mel Gibson really well in the character of Max Rockatansky, despite Charlize Theron being the star of the film.

George Miller shows in "Mad Max: Fury Road" how to shoot action. There is no "shaky cam", so we can actually see what's happening.
The "stunt work" made in "Mad Max: Fury Road" is some of the best ever made in cinema.

In the end, "Mad Max: Fury Road" is one of the best action movies ever made, side by side, with movies like "Die Hard" or "Terminator 2: Judgment Day".

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This is definitely one of my favourite movies, the excitement doesn't end until the movie ends. Even then, you're still kind of left with a tingly feeling.This is BOMB and it's one of the most exciting films i've ever seen. The cinematography was AMAZING and I had to take screenshots watching it at home because it was too fucking hot, it's like each scene was filmed and tinted with one dominant colour. Cinematography and the actual film itself aside, the way they represented this dystopian world is so unlike anything i've ever seen - some of the stuff is so out there, like the concept of man wanting to be more machine-like and using the V8 symbol as their hangsign. Not to mention the unrealistic use of a plastic bodysuit for Immortan Joe which would be impractical but yet that made the whole movie more exciting. The moment something impractical came into the film, it kind of make me think that cinema can just be explosions and action and stuff that doesn't make sense. Not everything needs to realistically fit to 'fit'. It's out of this world.

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good movie I recommended to anyone

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I get why many loves this movie. It looks great, has a lot of action and... and... I've heard that some people think that the story is strong. Really? I'm all for women taking matters in their own hands. I love strong female characters. A movie can be well made but do nothing for me, and a "bad" made movie can be entertaining. For me a great movie, or a movie I love is one that I want to watch again. And lots more times. This didn't make me feel that way. I might watch the trailer(s) again but that's it. Not gonna buy it. For my entertainment it's 2/5 for me. Hate me if you want. Quality wise it definitely gets higher than that though.

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Loved the Doof Wagon! And Doof Warrior was awesome!

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This movie is worth the time spended on it

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Abbey Lee is so qt

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Watch "Mad Max: Fury Road – Comic Con Footage – Official…" on YouTube

Mad Max: Fury Road – Comic Con Footage – Official…:

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Comic-Con First Look: - Can't wait!

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