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Shazam! 2019

This was actually pretty good, and really fun. Levi's man-child, Angel's don't care attitude, and Strong's cynicism played well off of each other. I liked this about as much as I liked Aquaman. A little slow in the beginning, but more than compensated by the light-hearted comedy of this child who learns what it means to have a family, and to be a hero.

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I didn't really liked it because it felt like they dumbed it down quite a bit. The antagonist felt like he was more appropriate for a darker tone instead of the lighthearted one that was obviously directed toward younger audience... the demons were useless against any character with plot armor... sure, yeah I don't know what villain would've been appropriate for a kids movie but still... I guess the comedy was decent and since this came from the DC-verse it feels kinda new... I really liked how in the very last scene they teased us with a Superman cameo which indicates that Shazam may make an appearance in the upcoming Justice League 2

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That was just sad... (fifthword)

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Great movie DC can't wait to see black Adam then a Shazam 2 with black Adam and Shazam. Loved the cast and who they turned into when they all said SHAZAM!!!!!!

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a great family movie, not my type of movie, a lot of jokes and a "decent" CGI, good in general.

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The movie starts good with setting up the character background and trying to produce more humor than required. But there are some minor details cinema lovers would notice and might like.

On the whole, the movie sometimes feels lengthier especially at the end. But a good effort by the team.

In simple, you will like it if you are a superhero fan and love little humor here and there.

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This is a lot of fun and doesn't take itself too serious. It starts a little slow but once Shazam shows up things start picking up. Zachary Levi is delightful and really makes the movie. The little kid in a grown body gimmick works pretty well here. The themes of family are strong and really great in that last battle. The whole mom situation was really weird. Mark Strong was good but his character was meh. The CGI was decent but that last fight felt a little long. This is one of the better DCEU movies and I hope to see more Shazam.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2019-04-04T23:36:25Z— updated 2019-04-06T22:40:57Z

Occasionally goofy but cute and fun. DC still can’t do CGI for monsters though. The Seven Deadly Sins look like something from a Scooby-Doo movie.
So they need to work on CGI still. Since Doomsday and Stephanwolf. Either way the charm and heart is what makes Shazam good. It was perfectly cast as well.

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This is a rocking good movie for all ages. Very enjoyable.

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Shazam is a nicely put together DC product where you can feel the box and see it through the plastic wrap.

While the story is manufactured (basically Big meets Kick Ass -- there's even a visual reference to Big in one scene -- so Shazam is half as original as both of them), and the jokes are more scarce than I'd hoped, overall there's nothing wrong with Shazam. It's nice to see a film where a foster child is the hero, but in the sea of all the Super Hero films we find ourselves in, is 'Good' good enough?

Shazam is a pleasant place holder while we wait for Endgame, but will be quickly forgotten once the latter lands.

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Just watched and its AWESOME!!! The movie has humor (hilarious), action, horror and above all it has HEART. I loved it.

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Based on the trailer I thought it was going to be a silly kid movie but still fun to watch. Got earlier premier and decided to take a change.

Not what I was expecting, totally like the movie. Started slow with Billy Batson story and how he get to the foster home. Once Shazam appear you get good action scene and unexcepted funny moments. Overall it was a really good movie.
I’m not a big fan of super hero movies but I like this style of movie where is entertaining to watch. Similar to Deadpool, you have a mix of everything, drama, action, comedy, etc…

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DC has made their best Marvel movie. No, that's not a knock on this film. It's a fun family adventure with a lot of heart. Levi is great as Shazam and Mark Strong is the 2nd best DC on-screen villain. They dive right into the magic elements of the DC universe and also tell an origin story lead by heart and family. This was a fun ride with some funny moments. It seems DC/WB is on a streak now with this Aquaman and Wonder Woman.

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The trailer of this movie is misleading. It leads you to believe that this is a silly comedy but it is not. It is at least 30 min (if not more) into the movie when you hear the first joke. The movie is entertaining and has the same feel as all movies based on comics (not Marvel). Overall good movie with lots of silliness. There is something that bugged me between Shazam and Billy Batson however I cannot make any comments about the plot prior to the movie being released. Another thing that bothered me (although not as much) was that sometimes Shazam was shown really tall, other times - not as much. There is no consistency.

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The real Captain Marvel. Hope the movie will be fine.

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