Shouts about...

Shazam! 2019

A goofy fun movie. The score 8/10 is for a superhero movie... Probably more of a 6 or 7 if you're looking for a serious plot.

The monsters look like ass though. Someone else said it well... They look like straight out of a scooby do movie.

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I watched this yesterday for the first time and I was a bit disappointed. Though I have to admit I am not a DC fan. I am also not into these comics things, but I watch every comic movie from recent years. So this was is definitely a movie I would not recommend. The acting is good, the sound is good, just the story is a little boring.

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Always fun to watch. So entertaining!

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Quite a letdown after Aquaman. Childish superhero movie. Only the last half hour was good.

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Not sure why it took me so long to watch this. I haven't laughed that hard at a movie in a long time.

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The boy spent a quarter of the movie running.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - This film is thoroughly entertaining for every age group.

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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Very entertaining, funny and yes cheesy, Zachary was exactly Zachary. Very enjoyable.
Also i was curious about the Title of course and the story between the captain marvel, DC and the name trademark was very interesting after movie reading.

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Even though
I am
"Always That Marvel Guy"
and DC continues to
fail in the
Cinematic Universe
I actually rather enjoyed
this more than I thought.
for once DC got some light
in this one so I could actually
see what's going on,
it wasn't dark and depressing
nor did it over stay it's welcome
like most DC movies do.
Great performances
completely heartfelt,
I laughed in all the right
places, Darla was
my favourite,
bloody hilarious and
a scene stealer.
Good reference's to
Black Adam,
Captain Marvel and
The Joker.
with nice vfx and a
story I could follow
this particular DC
installment surprisingly
was a lot of fun and very
Was it a
"Marvel" Billion
Dollar Blockbuster"
absolutely not,
but at the same time
it wasn't a painful
grind and a big fat
waste of my time like
most DC movies are.
Out of all the utter
Piss-poor Garbage
DC turn out this movie
is in my top 6 favourites
where DC are concerned.

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I think this is better than the first. It had a good story and enjoyed it….

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I'm hear for my boy Chuck. Zachary Levi is the perfect choice for the role. :ok_hand_tone2:

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Oh wow! I'm guessing I might appreciate this film more if I was 12. I cannot for one second buy the rating. At its best it's a five out of ten despite crudely throwing in some funky music. Way too juvenile, thin story, embarrassing costumes and cgi.

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Shout by Kaito

I frankly had a hard time watching a decent chunk of this movie, because I have a hard time watching embarrassing stuff. And oh boy, there is a bunch. I give credit that it’s accurate to when 14-year-olds get superpowers but it was too accurate.
However, the story itself is pretty nice, and the characters are charming. Everyone played their part well. So that was some wholesome stuff for the heart, but the kids-being-dumb portion of the movie was just embarrassing and that was not as fun to watch.
But, I have to admit, some jokes were funny.


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Re-watched this in anticipation of seeing the sequel and it was about what I remembered it to be: a family/YA geared superhero movie that succeeds on the back of better than average child performers, humor that hits more than it misses, and a story that is simple enough to not get in its own way. Of course, there are juvenile elements that don't land and the family theme results in some extra cheese here and there, but, as will likely be my refrain with any superhero movie I review for the foreseeable future, it's way better than Ant-Man Quantumania.

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Nice. For kids. Not really movie for adults but entertaining.

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Pleasantly entertaining.
6.5/10 - for the good family vibes.

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I wish I could like this. I understand it's a good movie. All the elements are there. The CGI is servicable, and the rest of the pure craft aspects are at the very least decent. But I'm sorry, I just can't deal with the embarrassing and awkward moments of the film. I understand this is just completely natural for 14-year old boys. They are embarrassing and awkwayd, I get it. But I'm way too neurotic and anxiety-ridden for this.

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Great movie, adventure, action and comedy in good measure.

Shazam! It's an amazing movie, from previous movies DC has done, this one is average, of course it doesn't reach Batman's feet, but it's excellent.

The special effects are very good, I found this or that flaw, but it's almost imperceptible.

Waiting for the sequel with Shazam! Two.. Highly recommend!!

Overall Rating: 8/10

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Extremely fun and entertaining enjoyable movie

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Well directed with a good and different script and some good laughs.I enjoyed it more than i expected and i just saw it after i finished the boys so i was looking to see something similar to this,so good choice. 7.2/10

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Probably a great movie for young children but this is definitely not your "superhero" movie by any stretch. I can't believe I actually sat through this. I guess I've forgotten what the comics were like as a kid; I honestly expected this to be far far better than it was. If you're looking for "superhero" movies on the scale of the usual DC (or Marvel) films, you're gonna want to skip this one. I can only see this being appealing to very young audiences. Terrible from start to finish.

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A bit of a parody, a bit of moral lessons, but above all 2 hours of good entertainment. :)

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I love Zachary Levi and wanted to like this so bad... But this was just... bad.

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Kinda cheesy but also kinda fun.

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Shazam is a superhero movie that really entertains children and adults. A child's maturity has been perfectly passed on by Shazam. This was the differential of this film, in view of those already on the market.

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pretty dumb but still entertaining

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-05-01T14:54:39Z— updated 2023-03-19T10:14:30Z

The film was generally quite enjoyable, although extremely uncertain in tone. Many jokes didn't land, and the last fight sequence was way too long. Sure, it's a family movie that rediscusses the concept of family in a not-so-obvious way for a Hollywood flick, but the overall taste is a bit too sugar-coated and childish even for a 14 years old main character.

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Managed to be just funny enough to make it a decent super hero movie

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Just like every superhero origin story film of the past 10+ years, Shazam is overlong, hits all the prerequisite "making the hero" beats, and is just watchable enough to not flip off. The biggest upside to this one is Zachary Levi. He is the perfect person for the titular role and feels natural as a teenager in a superman body. The rest of the film is fine. The big bad has stock motivation. The hero grows. There's a big fight to cap things off. It's all so...the same. But if superheroes are your jam, you could do much worse.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

I'd put off watching this one as I assumed it would get the silly Marvel-esque treatment. I'm glad to see it still kept its DC roots whilst managing to be a decent PG-13 film though.

There were laughs but it wasn't afraid to be serious and heartfelt. And it didn't feel the need to punctuate those moments with a joke (like the MCU does). The effects were done well and I loved the fact that John Glover was cast as the overbearing bully father to the bald super villain as a huge nod to Smallville.

Fun ride with some real feels at the end.

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Shout by Deleted

I delayed so much to watch this movie because I really though it would be silly (even though I never thought it would be a bad movie). But I finally watched. And it was a really good surprise. Of course, it was a very "simple" super hero movie, predictable in some aspects, but even though this movies has a lot of cliches typical of super heroes movies, this one uses the cliches in its favor.

The young cast is brilliant. I love that actress who played Darla so much!! She's so cute and funny!! Zachary and all the other adult actors are so similar to their child versions and they all can capture that childish spirit. Cause after all, those adults are actually only children. The cast is definitely 10/10.

In the end, it was another good DC movie. Really love it. Looking forward for the sequel. Let Shazam! Fury of The Gods come!

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10 if you're 10, seems worse as you grow up, I'm 26, so a 5 from me

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For me the beginning was a bit too long, but once the boy becomes Shazam I had a good time. It still didn't have to be over two hours if you asked me. Severeval scenes could have been shortened/cut, I guess.

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It was pretty good, not great. There might have been a little too much juvenile humor in it for my taste, but the final act made up for that I think. Hopefully a follow-up movie (if there is one) will be a bit better.

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The “I’m floating”-scene was one of my favourites this week.

This has been a really nice movie. About family. Makes sense to create movies like these nowadays, when the traditional sense of a family in which we feel safe and protected and “belong” applies less and less. So here’s one for the “Make your own”-type.

I hadn’t expected the film to be this nice actually. I’m not disappointed in how they made a big kid believable. I mean, getting soda and candy wouldn’t have been the first thing I’d have done as super hero, but it would have been there right after saving all the animals from the bad bad humans hahaha.

Either way, nice tale about family and sharing. New generation of Christmas movie huh? Nice move.

“Weak, worthless, ugly envy.”

The very end surprised me hahaha!

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Escapist fantasy that also, almost coincidentally, happens to involve a big, powerful, lightning-themed superhero. For better and, sometimes, for worse, Shazam! is more like a cartoon than almost any other offering from the recent flood of caped/costumed movies. It's playful and carefree, even when a serious threat looms near. The surrounding world is vibrant and simple, most supporting characters dedicated to their one specific personality trait.

There's a welcome sense of relaxation throughout, an exhale when we realize there won't be much dramatic tension. On occasion, it toys with that juxtaposition - a confrontation with would-be robbers from the first trailer being the loudest example - but for the most part it's happy to occupy its own place and do its own thing. The humor is mostly on-target (razor-sharp, actually, during its most inspired moments), and Zachary Levi is wonderful as the innocent, naive cape-bearer, but it's awfully narrow and the constant efforts to tie it in with the super-serious DCEU are off-putting. I enjoyed the experience, but I didn't love it. My kids did.

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As the great Edna Mode said:


Other than that, this is a good movie to watch when you're sick

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I liked very much! The movie satisfy with the promise being so funny and introducing a good hero.

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6 - Fair

I'd describe this as a "Safe" comic book movie. It's a good movie but it doesn't do anything special (although I get that, the story can get a little bit crazy in itself). The ending is bit disappointing but the rest of the movie is okay (even the child actors - which I usually hate - are good).

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How embarrassing - but I loved this. It was childish (but probably not for children) - but harkened back to the super hero movies of 20 years ago (but with proper special effects).

Sure, I had just finished watching Avengers Endgame, which I found as over-contrived self satisfying rubbish - and then this.

It's a nice reminder that some people can still make good movies.

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Very simple For a children's audience. It is a film without great intentions, but it still has many shortcomings and the story makes it more incredible every minute that passes.

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It was a good movie but i find it weird that the kids were acting more maturely than their adult versions except Darla.

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Zany, but in a bad way. I prefer Chuck to Shazam any day of the week.

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Loved it. Captain Marvel was always a great character and I think they did an excellent job of modernizing him. Fun and exciting. Hope to see more of him.

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Loved it. Captain Marvel was always a great character and I think they did an excellent job of modernizing him. Fun and exciting. Hope to see more of him.

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The dark DC Universe goes kiddie with the lighthearted, comedic superhero film Shazam! When 15-year old Billy Batson is given magical powers by a wizard he turns to his foster brother for help, and soon discovers that there’s a super-villain who’s trying to take his powers from him. Zachary Levi gives a pretty good performance, as does Mark Strong, but the material doesn’t really let them do much. The characters are all broad, one-dimensional stereotypes (particularly the villains). And, none of the action scenes are all that impressive, and the character designs for the Seven Deadly Sins aren’t scary. More Disney than any Marvel movie, Shazam! is a silly kid’s film that doesn’t fit the cinematic universe that DC has been building.

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I really enjoyed Billy/Shazam scenes with Freddy because of the actors themselves but it was not very funny anyway. The whole movie and especially story looked so cheap. Costumes, fighting scenes, monsters, plot... well I did not have high expectations but I was dissapointed anyway. But yeah as one time movie it was okay.

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I actually think it's pretty good. Had a good laugh. No romantic interest, which is a plus to me. and yeah, family. It's nice to watch and was very enjoyable and entertaining to me. :)

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I didn't expect much – as I don't like super hero movies – and was not disappointed: this is utterly nonsense. Not like all superhero movies but like all DC superhero movies. I don't know how they still continue to try but fail so miserably. I don't like Marvel either, but DC always feels worse.
Jokes are kind of lame and the acting is… huoa… not that I can act, but I'd expect more for a budget like that…

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The concept itself is really good, but I think the writing lacks majorly.

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Mediocre acting, bad story but had a couple of laughs at least.

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What a wonderfully fun bit if nonsense. Really enjoyable and playful. 8/10

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this is such a great movie, i had such a good time watching it :sob:


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only bad and long bad film

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40 minutes!!! Forty minutes to introduce the main character. Am I the only one that think the adult guy's personality and the kid's aren't well matched. Low intelligence script, poor acting. In the positive side, good effects, three laughs... or maybe four. Disappointing.

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The Marvel magic is working better then the old depressing stuff the first movies used.

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Well I'm glad I watched it...and equally glad to never watch again

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Surprisingly good! It is certainly "DC dark", but lightly comedic as well. Any movie that opens with a father calling his son a 'little shit' and still calls itself a family flick has gotta be DC. There's also the theme of abandonment and belonging, as we see the desperation of the main character's search for his parents, who never bothered to search for him. The reveal that the mother intentionally let her son get picked up into foster care because she felt unprepared as teen mom was heartbreaking. Damn! Zachary Levi was fantastic as a teenager in a man's superhero body. And there were lots of other surprise superhero moments in the 3rd act that kicked ass. The trailers did this film NO justice! One of my most enjoyable DC flicks in years, go see it!

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don't know why people hate on it, i thought it was very good.

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O melhor filme de super-heróis!

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Very disappointing
I saw the trailer and really liked it but the movie was waste of time, too childish and boring

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if you like marvel movies, you'll like this one, if you're into something more special and marvel movies are not for you, you won't like this movie!

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this movie was fun but it felt at times like too much! didn't know if it was a superhero movie or just another teen movie! and i didn't like where they introduce his brothers it felt it wasn't the right time to do it and the whole movie was shazam! shazam! shazam! kept waiting for him to live it to his potential and it took 2 hours to do that. this is DC first right attempt so i think they'll get better with time. overall 7/10.

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Shazam is another one of those movies that's just plain fun.

Much like Detecive Pikachu, it doesn't really ask much of its audience, and to me that's okay. It's a fun superhero flick that shows, realistically, what some kid would do if he suddenly got these amazing powers. It's a really funny film, too, with a good message and a lot of heart. The villain and his weird demon army were like, actually really lame, but that's easy to overlook when everything else in the film is pretty good.


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Shazam! is played in 3 acts, each with varying level of success.

The first act introduces the film's antagonist, Dr. Sivana. One of the key ingredients of all great action films is getting the audience to empathize with the antagonist. IMO, the first act is just too rushed and goofy.

The second act is the polar opposite. It's almost as if it was written and directed by a different team. It has a strong Stranger Things meets The Greatest American Hero vibe. Great casting, executed with lots of hearts and laughs. The dynamics within the foster family is just utterly charming.

The final act is a mixed bag. Weak antagonist combined with low budget-style execution fail to excite. IMO, the film should've taken The Matrix route, which peeled one mystery layer at a time until the final reveal, perfectly synced to the final climatic moment.

All in all, I loved the foster family, which made the final act all the more frustrating to watch. The film could've been one of the greatest superhero movies for younger audience. Instead, it succumbs to lack of focus and sloppy directing and writing.

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Good fun, super hero family movie. Light hearted. Worth a watch. Enjoy.

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It is an okay movie. Poor casting.

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Great fun, but a little happy slappy for me. DC is better when it's dark lol. Good film though, but a shame they couldn't even cast Henry Cavill at the end for those 2 seconds lol.

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Best super hero movie of all time

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For comedy 8, for story 6. Nothing special but the fan factor remains there every moment. A good weekend night entertainment movie.

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Well, damn.The reviews for this were good, but even by keeping my expectations in check I still ended up disappointed.

It's really a kids' movie, and not a very good one at that. It's not, say, The Incredibles where you can indulge in the fantasy as an adult and stll enjoy it... It's the kind of kids' movie that condescends to its audience. The Wizard and the bad guys are just terrible, barely on the level of a Scooby-Doo villain, and the entire conflict at the heart of the movie makes no sense.

There's a bit of humor in having a teenager in an adult superhero body, but most of those jokes were shown in the trailer or don't amount to much more than predictable humor. Worst, there's no attempt at all by Levi to act as if he's Billy Batson in Shazam's body... The two characters may as well be completely different people. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle this ain't.

A hard pass as far as I'm concerned.

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From the trailer you expect a silly kid and funny movie. When you see it, its not.
Its only a kids movie, the jokes are all in the trailer.

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Really nice movie. I suppose that this is the first Shazam movie and for that purpose it served very well also.

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The movie is cute and the two boys in the lead roles have a good future ahead, quite the acting! Also, THAT ending was everything! :)

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hardly as breathtaking as i was made to believe, an exaggerated good step for DC

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To say the least, Aquaman was everything i wanted it to be (and maybe more) except that last Patrick Wilson fight maybe
This WASN'T.

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Absolutely amazing!! The best new film I've seen all year. This film really had me in stitches of laughter to the point where I didn't think I'd be able to stop. I was pleasantly surprised by this film because I was told that it was a superhero film with comedy in it. With the exception of Spiderman, I'm not really into Superhero films or any kind of action film. I've watched many but they're not usually my thing. But this had it all - excellent storytelling that touched your heart, superb comedy that genuinely makes you laugh out loud on multiple occasions and loveable characters. It kept my gripped from start to finish. Couldn't recommend this more!

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Great action, a fine sense of humour, and a rich emotional core at the centre of the film. This is DC's best movie yet, and is a heck of a lot of fun. There is a lot to recommend here, not only for superhero fans, but for anybody looking for a great night out at the cinema.

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Few cheesy parts but other than that this film that was across from big and superman vs lex was fucking brilliant with a super cast, full on humour, emotional at times and lots of fun action XD

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That's the kind of movie to watch with family and friends. Really fun.

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Shout by Mike

Not as good as Man of Steel, BvS, Justice League, Wonderwoman or Aquaman but fun to watch. For me it was a little bit to childish and marvel-like. I will miss the darker tone from earlier movies, but that will be the way they will go in the future. Marvel does it. People want childish movies. Their success proves them right.

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Best DC movie since forever !!

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This is fun movie and good:)

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sinceramente perfeito e quem não gosta come vômito no café da manhã enquanto assiste algum filme da MCEU

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Muito bom, povo fala das piadas do filmes, mas as piadas de Thor Ragnarok são em excesso e todo mundo achou legal. Isso para mim são os fanboys da Marvel. O filme vale muito a pena.

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a description? just a fair movie for kids

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Probably a great movie if you are ten years old. A lot of corny jokes and cliche situations. IOW it's really all been done before so if you're ten you haven't seen this type of movie it may do it for you. Also a situation where gravity was defied which had nothing to do with super powers (the bus scene was just silly). It has its moments for sure but everything is just over the top. Clearly for the younger crowd.

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How to watch this movie?

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Well. It's your basic superhero movie. I am kinda biased here, but some moments in there were dumb. )< Like, how did thet ferrous wheel break? But overall. Good for the kid whose mom abandoned him, then the kids gets superpowers from a weird wizard.
If you are a fan of the superhero stuff, it's a movie for you. I just came to the college at the wrong time, so I decided to visit a movie theater to watch this movie.

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Loved it... Had quite a few laughs.. I really like it when Superhero movies do not carry a far too serious tone like Avengers 4 feels right now. The movie really embodies what it would be like if a teenager is granted superpowers.

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My favourite DC movie so far , I might have a few new favourite superheroes...

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This movie is just a lot of fun. Aimed at a pre-teen audience the humour can be a bit juvenile for adults but kids will love it. This superhero with training wheels is played brilliantly by Zachary Levi who was mining his inner kid. Jack Dylan Grazer plays the superhero expert to a tee. The movie has gags, humour and heart, and the twist at the end sets us up for the possibility of sequels. This DC Universe entry has found a missing pocket in the superhero saturated media offerings and I look forward to them developing this stream. Don't forget to stay for the mid-credit and end-credit scenes. I give this film a 7 (good fun) out of 10. [Superhero Action Adventure]

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Maybe the decent reviews got my expectations too high. I didn't see anything that I haven't seen in five other superhero movies.

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Decidedly better than the DC lineup so far, and even a contender of other recent Marvel films. The humor was well executed, and exactly what you'd expect from a kid trying to figure out their superpowers. Zachary Levi was a perfect pick for the role of Shazam.

The last quarter of the film dragged a bit, becoming more like other DC films, taking itself too seriously. Other than that, I thoroughly enjoyed the film and couldn't leave my seat.

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This was actually pretty good, and really fun. Levi's man-child, Angel's don't care attitude, and Strong's cynicism played well off of each other. I liked this about as much as I liked Aquaman. A little slow in the beginning, but more than compensated by the light-hearted comedy of this child who learns what it means to have a family, and to be a hero.

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I didn't really liked it because it felt like they dumbed it down quite a bit. The antagonist felt like he was more appropriate for a darker tone instead of the lighthearted one that was obviously directed toward younger audience... the demons were useless against any character with plot armor... sure, yeah I don't know what villain would've been appropriate for a kids movie but still... I guess the comedy was decent and since this came from the DC-verse it feels kinda new... I really liked how in the very last scene they teased us with a Superman cameo which indicates that Shazam may make an appearance in the upcoming Justice League 2

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That was just sad... (fifthword)

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Great movie DC can't wait to see black Adam then a Shazam 2 with black Adam and Shazam. Loved the cast and who they turned into when they all said SHAZAM!!!!!!

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a great family movie, not my type of movie, a lot of jokes and a "decent" CGI, good in general.

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The movie starts good with setting up the character background and trying to produce more humor than required. But there are some minor details cinema lovers would notice and might like.

On the whole, the movie sometimes feels lengthier especially at the end. But a good effort by the team.

In simple, you will like it if you are a superhero fan and love little humor here and there.

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