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Sound of Metal 2020

Very powerful movie full of emotions
The journey of dealing with deafness is told impecably , each stage you feel the disappointment and empowerless of Ruben
Well written , Well directed , and very well acted , Riz Ahmed is phenomenal and the sound was great

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Very powerful movie! I don't need to repeat, what the other comments already pointed out.

The only 2 things I found a little bit weird, were 1st: that it seemd like nobody told Ruben, that his hearing will be different after the surgery. I don't think (or hope) that the doctors he probably talked to, wouldn't tell him that.

And 2nd, I feel like "Metal" as a genre, probably hasn't been handled fair here. I do not listen to Metal myself, but obviously for a lot of people it sounds just like "loud noise" which Ruben turns off at the end.

So metaphorically... Maybe that thought goes too far, but I feel, that metal as a genre was handled a little negative. Like these two only played Metal because they were hurt from the past and that they had to get out of it, to start living a normal life again. But still for the characters, as they were presented, I think storywise it worked and the journey they had, was resolved very very well.

But these really are the only issues I had. People should definetly watch it! Great movie! :)

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Fantastic film. Riz Ahmed plays a metal drummer losing his hearing. Olivia Cooke plays his girlfriend. One of the best of the year. Derek Cianfrance (Blue Valentine, The Place beyond the Pines) co wrote the script, and his fine balance of drama and tragedy shines through.

The performances are noteworthy, Ahmed giving an absolute blinder. The sound design is predictably stark given the subject. Hard to review without spoilers but the themes of rehabilitation and self destruction are evident. Marder also wrote 'The Place Beyond the Pines', so it's clear that this team are a tight-knit group who believe in each others work.

It's a film that would have been overly melodramatic and sentimental in the wrong hands, but the direction is absolutely pitch perfect, and the last 15 minutes or so had me in bits.

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Great movie. In the end, it is about acceptance of who we are.

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Part of me fears of losing my hearing at some point in my life. You just gotta appreciate the little things you take for granted sometimes. Being abled in all your senses is a gift itself. This movie made me appreciate it more. Got me thinking. I am just moved. Brilliant film. Perfect. Immaculate.

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I think there are a lot of good things about this film...
The acting, the way that they emulated hearing loss and the way it sounded when he got the implant.... And when he was at the school in the beginning.

I also agree deafness is not something that necessarily needs to be "fixed" like a disease. However - if an adult decides to make the choice for themselves they want to do something about it, they should be able to without judgement from their own community. Or anyone else. It's certainly not an "addictive" behavior. Acting like it was, and throwing him out like that when he was clearly in need of help was a shitty thing to do imo. But ok.

Also dont care for the whole "stillness"and finding "god" in those moments.... Maybe his moments were when he was playing music? Some people truly feel that and trying to get your hearing back is a big deal when you're a musician. ‍♂

I also agree that metal as a genre was treated poorly in this film.

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The description of the movie says that this movie is about a former drug addict musician that is about to lose his hearing. At a higher level I think the movie is about people trying to figure out where they belong. Or maybe more importantly, where they do not belong. I think the story is extremely well told and the acting is incredible. Maybe more importantly, the last ten or fifteen minutes are true to the spirit of the movie. It was definitely one of the best movies of the year.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Oh this was so beautiful!!!!!! My favourite from this season so far. So heartfelt, so raw and obviously that sound editing!!!! Incredible. Riz Ahmed is gorgeous in it too. This year’s best actor race is insane!!

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You know what? I love my ears! Period!

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Maybe the only movie this year that I’m still thinking about on a near-daily basis. Shocking, beautiful, transcendent. Shoutout to Paul Raci. I'll never forget the roof scene.

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Incredibly unique and sublimely directed film, with a thoroughly engaging plot. Amazing performances from cast.

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Great movie, Riz is outstanding

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Highly recommend!

Riz Ahmed gives an incredible performance as Ruben, not only did he make me care immensely for the character but he also makes Ruben feel like a real person. You can tell he put a tonne of effort into this and it really does show.

Away from Ahmed, Olivia Cooke (Lou) and Paul Raci (Joe) are also very good performers, while it's nice to see Lauren Ridloff (Diane) involved - she's great in 'The Walking Dead', while she is soon to be in the MCU's 'Eternals' as well.

So much heart to this. I couldn't possibly say with 100% certainty for obvious reasons, but it seems to do a terrific job at telling the story that it intends to. That's not always the case, so the filmmakers deserve praise for that - as well as for the sound design et al.

'Sound of Metal' is worthy of the hype, no question.

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I’m a little lost for words to describe this film... it is a journey for both the protagonist and the viewer. It is evocative and intimate. The acting is powerful. It really is an actor driven vehicle. It is not about Metal music, so if you are not a metal head, be patient with the opening minutes of noise, turn down the volume and wait. It actually becomes somewhat of a study of silence. It was nominated for 6 Oscars (2021). I don’t think it will win Best Picture but it is definitely worthy of its nominations. If the competition wasn’t so stiff for Actor in a Leading Role, Riz Ahmed would be a contender. His performance is a 10. But, for the whole film, I give this an 8 (very good) out of 10. [Drama]

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A must watch definitely. The plot is attractive itself but the script and direction of Darius Marder made the film a journey to enjoy and to think about. The Golden Globe nomination for Riz Ahmed is well deserved due to his very good performance as a musician who has to struggle with losing hearing, his face and eyes are so expressive that he takes us into his rage, fear, despair, happiness and serenity. Setting first and last scenes into comparison helps us realize how well it ends.

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"The world does keep moving, and it can be a damn cruel place. But for me, those moments of stillness, that place, that's the kingdom of God."

I don't like to overhype movies, but this might be my favorite of the year. You can tell that Riz hung out with the deaf community to get a feel for what it would really be like to lose your hearing, and his connection to them makes this feel special. While I do agree that Riz Ahmed was amazing in this, I also give major kudos to Paul Raci. I would want a mentor like him in my life.

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My favourite movie of 2020, and the only movie I have seen that I thought was truly great. I am in awe of the long stretches without dialogue which keep you completely riveted. The sound design is beyond anything I have come across. It is so profound and moving.

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Not at all what I anticipated. As someone who's a drummer and a huge metal fan, and also unfortunately experiencing some hearing loss as a result of it, the hundreds of concerts over the years and so on, this hit quite close to home. Though this is no where close to my own experience, I can certainly feel for Rueben. Ahmed played this perfectly, as did Olivia Cooke.

Reminded me a lot of the film The Tribe though a completely different movie entirely.

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The most touching story I've seen in 2020. If you don't feel any empathy for deaf people now, I don't know what to say to you.

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Sound of Metal is like an object in your rear view mirror because it's bigger than it appears. This resonant story of a drummer in a metal duo who has sudden hearing loss is as good as it sounds. Because, like all well-told tales, this one is so intimate it's universal.

Riz Ahmed takes the lead role of the recovering addict facing the music personally and delivers such a stark and accurate portrayal that it is already receiving some Oscar buzz.

Playing the other half of the metal duo and his better half at home, Olivia Cooke uses her immense talent (if you haven't seen Katy Says Goodbye, don't, because she's so real in it, it might kill you) to show us every little flaw in her character's character like a little girl displaying her cuts.

But perhaps the real hero of the film is director Darius Marder (The Place Beyond the Pines). His subtle yet obvious talent makes him more a tattoo artist than director because Sound of Metal gets under your skin, leaves its mark, and becomes a part of you after you walk away.

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Very impactful movie about the hear of a musician

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Shout by TMRider

I liked how the doc at the beginning tried to lighten the mood suggesting that even turning it up to eleven won't help (well, clearly he never tried it before)

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This movie was built on interpretation. Everything we had to interpret was by sight, almost as if we were deaf. As I watched it, I was forced to make my own opinions on what happened or is going to happen. I absolutely love and hate open scenarios where we decide what happens. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so believe me, this movie becomes your own. The production of this amazed me, and finding out it was shot in only 24 consecutive days is insane when you see the quality of acting and metaphorical cinematography. The sound work was astonishing. Genuinely astonishing. I'm not deaf but for those 2 hours, I felt the annoyance, horror, peace, hate, evny, beauty, and so on, that Ruben felt. In other words, I became him. The pain I felt in the noise. The peace I felt in the silence. A must watch.

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That ending.... Give me a break. :thumbsdown:

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love riz ahmed in this. spectacular performance

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hey guess who’s gonna go listen to some French songs and cry

this gal


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That was heavy. I think my neighbor was making onions while I was watching.

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Powerful and profound, possibly the only film that accurately conveys the experiences attributed to hearing loss. Ahmed is, as usual, brilliant in the role.

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Shout by Deleted

I’m speechless and I can’t put into words and describe how much this movie got to me and the message behind it is absolutely amazing.

Riz Ahmed did a wonderful job of portraying a character that was going through a life changing event and how it effected him emotionally.

This really did deserve the Oscar nomination and I’d highly recommend it.

PS- this is a little nitpicking but the only thing I didn’t buy was when Ruben lost his hearing and he spoke perfectly. I’ve been in situation twice where I almost was close to hearing loss and both the times I spoke loud and had slurred speech because I couldn’t hear myself and it annoyed people. Not saying that you can’t speak properly if you’re deaf but it probably takes practice to get there

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this is a powerful movie

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One of the best movie I've ever watched. What a beautiful movie. Great sound work and incredible performance from Riz Ahmed. I love the ending, perfect way to end the movie.

Streamed via Amazon Prime

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Really enjoyed it, that said, it is not very original. There is another film by the name of It's All Gone Pete Tong which follows an identical plot. The main differences between the two are romantic relationships the main character choses. If you enjoyed this film I highly recommend It's All Gone Pete Tong. Different vibe, but the subject matter is equal.

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[Amazon] Shocking. It is probably difficult to reflect the anguish of hearing loss, the need to rebuild life, the longing for everything to be temporary or, at least, to be "fixed." There are few movies this year in which the story flows so naturally. Few in which the sound/absence of sound has such an emotional effect. From Derek Cianfrance it has that sturdy character build (great Riz Ahmed) that raises the story.

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Ammmmazing movie! Riz Ahmed was soooo good!

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Shout by Deleted

If loosing my hearing would be my only problem, I would be happy. I'm losing much more actually. Diseases suck.

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