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The Mummy 2017

Universal launches their Dark Universe (again) with a rather mediocre and uninspired remake of The Mummy. The story follows a corrupt Army recon officer who discovers the tomb of a lost Egyptian princess who made a pact with Set, the god of death, and after her casket is excavated she breaks free and attempts to perform a ritual that will resurrect Set in a new body. Starring Tom Cruise, Sofia Boutella, and Russell Crowe, the cast isn’t too bad; though Cruise and Crowe pretty much phone in their performances. The writing is also weak, particularly the dialog which comes off as forced and unnatural. Still, the special effects are incredibly well-done and make for some dynamic and exciting fight scenes. Yet while The Mummy has a bit of adventure to it, without compelling characters it’s just noise.

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pretty much a disappointment in casting visuals were good but the rest forgetable

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Not a great movie by any stretch, but also not as terrible as many make it out to be by comparison with the heavily nostalgia-tinted one. There are many worse films rated higher just because they do not have to suffer such comparisons.

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That's me most ridiculous and lazy premisse I've seen in a block buster. The mummy does a pact with Set, just to be able to stab a couple people... Wtf. This movie is a joke.

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Are zombies descended from mummies? Or do they have any common ancestor? ;)

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Entertaining enough, I thought the first 30-40 minutes were way better than the rest of the movie overall.

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This not a great movie, but it's watchable. Anything Tom Cruise is in is generally entertaining, IMHO, but most are not great movies. Except for his role in Tropic Thunder, probably the best thing Tom Cruise ever did.

If you are a fan of the Brandon Fraiser version of this, you will probably be a bit disappointed. The first one was funny, silly, slap-sticky and entertaining enough that you could watch it multiple times. This one, not so much, but it's not a bad way to waste a couple of hours of mindless entertainment.

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For the first half of this I was having a fun enough time and thinking, “people have this thing all wrong!” Then the last hour happens, and the movies falls victim to cart before horse scenario and is only concerned with setting up this Dark Universe nonsense. Glad they bailed on that idea after this turd.

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I'm 20 minutes in, and for the past 10 minutes, I've been thinking, "Who wrote this weak script? Is this really the best idea that the studio could come up w/ to kickstart a movie monster franchise?" The melodrama from Annabelle Wallis is difficult to stomach, especially when they find the crypt. I can't imagine getting through two hours of this dreck.

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I'd like to see a sequel. I've seen it five or six times. I dig it.

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Honestly I was just rooting for the mummy the whole time.

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A dying religion uses Tom Cruise's empty soul as a vessel to spread its evil. Scientology or the plot to this weak remake? You decide.

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1/2 Plot/Writing
1/1 Acting
/1 Characters
1/1 Pacing
1/1 Dialogue
/1 Directing
/1 Theme/Message/Symbolism
/1 Tone/Mood
/1 Living Up To It's Genre

4/10.. I was VERY Disappointed in this movie.. Absolutely Hated Russell's Character not needed as if The Mummy wasn't enough

Now I did Like the Mummy's Character But Tom Cruise Character I did not like also No Feeling to this role

Directing, Tone and Theme was Way OFF and In Genre they put Horror lost a point for that overall really Bad Forgettable Movie

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Shout by Deleted

The Dark Universe, if it was just based on amazing action sequences and special effects, then it would of been a blockbuster, but there were so many moving parts, that it convoluted a natural narrative. It seemed like two and a half movies were happening simultaneously. If there was a way to commit to one or create a cohesive storyline then it would have been more intriguing and less bumpy. It was entertaining, but it could have been better.

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Mediocre movie. Not the disaster I thought, but still, absolutely forgettable.

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this isn't a fucking movie. this is pure GARBAGE!!!

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Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed watching this movie. I was really into it mainly because of the stunning visuals and the fast paced sequences but at some point it occurred to me that there was way too much information and most of it felt sort of pointless or misused ... there are some huge plot holes alongside minor flaws, the plot definitely lacks attention to the details and considering how fascinating the theme can be if used well, the movie ends up leaving you with a sense of disappointment. I think a more sound storyline would have conveyed more pathos and trepidation to the audience, in my opinion I would have been a lot more scared if my brain wasn't so occupied by the thought "this doesn't make any sense"
anyways it's still entertaining and Jake Johnson is the best sidekick there ever was

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Cheesy remake of Brandon Frazier mummy but i do like how all the horror monster films will tie into get her amazing idea on that so well done

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The Mummy is one stupid movie!!! Plain and simple...

An extreme amount of screaming, stupid plot twists, overacting, and a very complex and convoluted script makes this a movie rather hard to like...

There are some redeeming factors Sofia Boutella. She makes an excellent effort as Ahmanet (aka The Mummy). Another good part is the special effects. They might not be the most state-of-the-art, but they looked alright and there are some things, like Ahmanets eyes that were great.

This is nowhere near a must-see, but do watch it if you are into monster movies.

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Better than expected! Entertaining and somehow fresh.

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Don't waste the time, I had high hopes but the Movie was boring and I had to force myself to watch it until the end. The story is just boring and never exciting that's what makes it almost unwatchable.

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What was said about being not good is true, he does not know what he wants to be, and the end uffff

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Shout by PProjectTV Watch by mood
BlockedParent2017-11-30T20:47:53Z— updated 2018-07-04T20:21:29Z

Well, Crowm and Cruis have helped with Universal's "great" movie experience. I will not give a star or two behind the effects, the camera or the cut because my only feeling is disappointing and if someone wants money for such a shit, it wants to send out a clear signal - WASTE. Rating 1 Star / Weak Sauce :(
Fajn, tak i Crowm s Cruisem se s přispěním Universalu postarali o "skvělý" filmový zážitek. Nebudu rozdávat hvězdu nebo dvě za efekty, kameru nebo střih, protože můj jediný pocit je zklamání a pokud někdo chce peníze za takovou sračku, tak to chce vyslat jednoznačný signál - ODPAD.

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Tom Cruise sucks in the movie. It was a typical zombie movie, with crappy acting and even the 'zombie mummies' were poor CGI. Whole movie sucked.

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"We lost thrust in both engines," says one of the pilots of a cargo plane early on in the movie. A cargo plane with four engines. The dialogue, what there is of it, only gets worse from there. And the plane, despite the fact that it started to break up "six miles off the coast of Dover," somehow stays airborne long enough to crash more than 90 miles to the west ("400 meters north of Waverley Abbey") about two minutes later. That's something like 2700 MPH (almost four times the speed of sound) while its wings are disintegrating. Impressive. And it only gets worse from there.

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Shout by Deleted

Can't say I was disappointed... I saw what I was expecting... think I even had a little nap half way... The Mommy first films where quite entertaining... Tom Cruise doesn't fit this film at all... well recently I don't see him fitting in any... and it's a pity he has done some good films...

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effing Horror movie :/ wrongly categorised.. or i wouldn't even have started watching it.

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The story was OK for the return of the mummy and always Tom Cruise has the same hero act, maybe the scense were predicted easily, in the end you should watch the movie to know more!! recommending to watch it with 3D to not lose the fun part✌️

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Shout by Deleted

i expected so much more yet it was an ordinary treasure hunt story. the picture was lovely and details are well taken care of

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It's a strange choice to choose classic monsters to build a blockbuster action franchise on, but here we are. And good God, the reviews I've seen for this are pretty pathetic. Sure it doesn't do anything to reinvent the wheel, and it gets pretty hokey by the the end, but it's an entertaining enough popcorn movie. And it's no more ridiculous a plot than the majority of the comic book movies coming out.

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Shout by Deleted

A five only because saw it on iMax 3D

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Not a bad start for a reboot. Don't go into watching this movie and compare it too the the other version of the Mummy. This is not meant to have humor like the other version, this is going back to the horror days of monster movies. Saying that i would not say it would fall into the horror category. More in the action category.
The base story line is the same as the other version.
Tom Cruise is the worst part in this movie. I feel he wasn't the right choice for this movie. He plays this character like he plays most of his characters.

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Shout by Deleted

A Fine Action Horror Film.

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This was fun..its not a master piece but brain numbing fun..when the action went down you felt it..the acting was fine..the only disappointment was maybe Mr Hyde

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It was so and so, i liked the action scenes, the plot was a bit messy but overall not that bad, i will expect the rest of the dark universe movies and see what they will built

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Everything Tom Cruise touches, turnes to shit

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
0 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
0 / 1 dialogue
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

4 out of 10

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Where do I start?
Totally lacks the charm of the Fraser movies but that seems to be intentional. Thin story which was expected. The humor was flat throughout the movie. That Morton character is a total idiot and Cruise acts was if he gives a **** about the movie. Little to no chemistry between Cruise and Wallis. And - come on.....Jeckyll and Hyde ?!?! Really ?!?!

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Not like this... I'm fan of the old Mummy movies with Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz and I was expecting something similar but this movie is completely something else and to be honest nothing works in this movie. The relationship between main characters has no intensity, Mummy isn't scary at all and the plot is also weird. We can see another bad guy "original" escape. I don't know why film makers have to do the same mistakes over and over and make us suffer :( Average movie I will forget in 10 days. What a shame.

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I was surprised they have decided to change the all idea of the mummy. I was expecting something similar to the old movies. Didn't like the female version at all. It became more like a zombie movie. I respect Cruise, but wanted to see more from Crowe. Just a 6/10 from me.

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Thank you
Shahnam M. Nazar

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Shout by Mounir

loved the cast. some lines (comedy) were a bit forced (i'm talking about Jane's line in the upside down car in the woods) but other than that kept me smiling and focusing on the movie which is something new to me lol. love this Dark Universe thing! we're gonna see some really terrifying movies in the upcoming years.

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Very ... VERY stupid, but not the right kind of stupid, and cheap(?).
Racial equity was not brutally forced.
I expected it to be unrealistic and stupid, but this is just idiotic.
But at the same time it manages to be BORING and slow, so that is quite an achievement.

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Película flojísima. El protagonismo total de Tom Cruise, lleva a momentos ridículos. Totalmente olvidable.

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The movie probably had more potential before Tom Cruise signed on and turned it into a another Mission Impossible with mummies.

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This movie is more like The Mum-meh

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Shout by Deleted

It´s so bad that i actually laughed in a few scenes... so in a way the movie served his purpose(?)....

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The best you can say about this movie is that it was okay. It wasn't great, it wasn't even good, but it was okay. This is the beginning of a new dark universe so it's not really just a mummy movie, it was more of a character introduction movie. The action was okay, the characters were okay. The romance was a bit forced and mostly there just to justify the ending. Jekyll and Hyde was pretty well done but it was all rather abbreviated. So, I didn't love it but I didn't hate it.

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Better than what the critics would have you believe. It just wasn't fresh or special, like say, the first Robert Downy Jr. Sherlock Holmes movie.

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Shout by Deleted

It was an okay movie. I didn't really see the need for Jake Johnson's role in this movie after the beginning. I guess they tried to make it a sort of friend betrayal thing? I'm not even sure. The action in this movie was good, and I think the comedy was alright. I didn't really see any real interaction between Tom Cruise and Jenny, and the character development was pretty non-existent. What was the point of the eyes?

Overall, it definitely wasn't boring. But it wasn't an amazing movie either.

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Shout by Ninja Poon
BlockedParent2017-07-11T21:56:57Z— updated 2017-09-17T21:41:30Z

The adventures of Tu-Tom-kommon...Mummy say knock you out...of my watch list that is

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Shout by Deleted

movie was not so bad as i heard and read about ratings ... graphics and action was v good i liked the way they ended the movie by making cruse a monster too i really hope a good start with next installment. the only wrong thing with this is movie is they moved the story so fast so we wonder how it started and how it ended.. the only problem i found while watching i hope they won't make this mistake in next installment of mummy
i love universal's movies
but this time they summed up their story very quick.

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Mala actuacion de Tom ... sobre actuado.. es mescla de: muertos viviente, monia, indiana... pésima de verdad

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Tom Cruise's version of The Mummy has nothing to do with the original fun movies from the 90s. Completely reinvented with a more dangerous monster, a darker take, with a few interesting twists. The female lead was forgettable in my opinion but she was the love interest of Tom Cruise. I wanted more of Russel Crowe, he played a fun and twisted role that could have been explored more.

You don't get bored watching this movie, always on the go, with a few comedic parts but more serious then I expected and the trailers didn't give it away. Don't go in with high expectations so you dont get disappointed. Satisfying ending that leaves it open to a sequel but I wonder how would they make it.

An enjoyable movie if you like the genre but don't go out of your way for it.

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Visually stunning. Humour doesn't fit. Story fucked up.

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Shout by Deleted

What is there to say, Brendan Fraser did it better obviously. I regret watching this. /r/savebrendan was right

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Why try so hard to make it a little funny, dont get me wrong i love comedies, but this really doesnt fit Cruise style.

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Shout by Deleted

This is f--ked up!

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Sigh I know it's meant to be the beginning of the Dark Universe at Universal, but with a PG-13 rating, it's not all that dark. It's more like a Dark Brown Universe, when you get down to it.

In addition, you'd think with all that money they had to spend they would've found something better than ancient jokes they dug up in Indiana Jones and cliches that are simply relics they unwrapped and which refuse to die...

Not to mention this was released in the same month as Wonder Woman, which showed us how a strong female character driven film is to be made, yet The Mummy is the story of how Tom Cruise needs run around constantly saving a blonde tart.

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Because I had little expectations for this film I actually quite liked. It was funny (which I definitely didn't expect) and I liked the special effects, especially the Natural History Museum bit!

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Well.. not a good start for the Dark Universe, Tom Cruise doesn't fit horrors, he defiantly wasn't at his best, more there for just the money, and the film for me was just too cheesy, script was wrapped all over the place, should of been left in the tomb, but other than that the ending was bad, never made any sense, had it's funny moments, had lots of action, watchable.. i think they tried too hard on it or just rushed it.. came off more like a mock buster... too light for the dark universe

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A bumpy start to Universal's Dark Universe. The film is burdened by Tom Cruise whose star wattage undermines the film. The 'star' of the film should have been the Egyptian monster, but Cruise's Indiana Jones/Brendan Fraser knockoff overplays the comedy and takes up too much screen time. It's not his fault, the clunky script is at fault, tonally all over the place with heavy exposition.

I am interested to know how the film's progress. Hopefully they will actually be 'dark' - it isn't called the grey universe for goodness sake! A little bit of darkness, a few chills and a decent reason for the monsters to coexist is what is needed.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2017-06-11T22:39:31Z— updated 2020-09-20T02:34:59Z

I never thought I would say Tom Cruise is no Brendan Fraser. Fraser was perfect in a Mummy movie. Since he can handle campy. Cruise is lost with the campy material of this film. Also is lost when the film takes itself seriously. He looks like he wandered off the set of a Mission Impossible film.
The 1999 film aged pretty well and has a great score by the late Jerry Goldsmith. As well as fine effects. While yes even Stephen Sommers was at his best.
Maybe Cruise should have took a break from all the "running" and played a vampire again in a Dracula reboot. Since he can play an action hero in his sleep. Also if you want to start a monster universe. Then you start with Dracula or Frankenstein.
Cruise apparently messed up the monster universe by constantly demanding creative control. Which led to less of the actual Mummy and more Tom Cruise running. As if we have never seen him run.

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I wanted to love this movie, but with little to no character development and a bad choice in Tom Cruise as Nick Morton the movie did not WOW me. More time should have been spent developing characters we could care about. Russell Crowe did not make much difference between his Jekyll/Hyde. Sofia Boutella nailed Ahmanet, but the story did not put her across as a super bad girl, having her using her army of zombie-mummies instead of her own powers. The eye f/x could have been so creepy but was not used for scares. Director Alex Kurtzman seems to think he was making an action zombie film instead of a monster mummy film. Overall the movie was OK at best and really needed some scares.

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Shout by Jos Savelberg
BlockedParent2017-06-10T12:20:08Z— updated 2017-06-13T10:01:33Z

It was an okay movie. Anything is still possible for the Dark Universe, but I hope it will be better. Russel Crowe's part was good and Tom Cruises' action scenes were also pretty good. Sadly the comedy in this movie was pretty bad. Jake Johnson felt really out of place and was only funny for the first 10 minutes.

There also was a problem with the chemistry between Nick and Jenny. It felt so weird sometimes.

Overal the movie felt rushes and could be done so much better. The action is good in this movie. Hope the rest of the Dark Universe will be better.

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I may be a little biased but I think the Brendan Fraser's Mummy was better. I did watch it a lot as a kid but that one never took itself too serious and it was fun. There was at least some humor in that one. This movie tries too hard. Its too dark, literally most of the scenes are almost too dark to see whats happening. The pacing was bad. Tom Cruise's character isn't really likeable, he is just kind of a dick. Which is scary, no pun intended, if he is going to be in all the dark universe movies. Jake Johnson's character is trying to be the comic relief but I just hated him. I'm interested in the dark universe but I hope they just concentrate on making the next movie good rather than universe building.

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Yes I agree the movie is going to be great only because of the presence of sofia Boutella, Young & Sexy woman :)

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