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The Power of the Dog 2021

Put this on your "do not watch" list. Sloooooooow and poor story.

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Hated it, pretty passionately. Everyone felt miscast–even New Zealand felt miscast. The whole thing fit like a bad pair of pants, and I thought it was truly dreadful.

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I had really low expectations of this movie... and it met them.
Long slow burner with a surprise at the very end.

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This movie starts off slow, but by the second act I was totally invested in these characters and their developments. Cumberbatch does an excellent job in this film, how is this man so good at acting. He one hundred percent sells that he is man torn between what he should be and what he wants to be. His dynamic and evolution throughout the story was a treat to watch. I found Kirsten Dunst very sympathetic. As someone who has had alcoholism in my family, it was really hard seeing her go down that path but it was a really genuine portrayal. The movie was a tad long, but it was worth it for the characters to get the room to breath and evolve. The end of the film struck home with me and drew some tears.

Score: 85%
Verdict: Great

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Wait, the boy killed him?

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I just watched a 2 hour movie that could be fit into a trailer.

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Fuh-uck me. That was s-o boring.
Watching this was like "edging" only for nothing to come (no pun intended) of it.
Spend those 2hrs doing something (anything) else.

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I get why some people would appreciate this for what it is but it definitely wasn't for me.
What I disliked passionately about this is the absolutely horrendous score.
It was like torture throughout the whole thing culminating with the 'hides' scene where the composer obviously couldn't make it any worse himself so he just decided to record a rabid rat running across the keys of a piano.

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Secret passions in early 20th century Montana

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Yes, it's a very slow burn, and yes, the acting and cinematography are interesting. I just wasn't convinced with the story line. Worth watching though.

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I am willing to admit I fully missed something in people’s rapturous love of this.

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Benedict nailed this one.
What a great actor

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Powerful as one would say. Takes you back in time and gives a great immersion in ranch life. Might seem slow to some people, but even if Jane Campion takes her time to install the settings, each shot is carefully thought and adjusted with beautiful lighting and sets.
The plot is nicely handled and never reveals itself, everything is insinuated until the very end.

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Me: Phil Burbank you need to get you’re anger until control.

Also me: :sparkles: scream at me daddy :sparkles:

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I enjoyed this so much more knowing every person that watches it angers Sam Elliot that little bit more

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if Peter did that to Phil, i bet he killed his father.

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this sure had the power to put me to sleep

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Jane Campion makes me guess what’s happening the whole time - I don’t like it that much, but I respect it. This may not be my best picture of 2021, but if it receives the honor, I respect it, because the cinematography, the acting, the art direction is solid here.

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Benedict Cumberbatch was in full command of his role, throwing moody faces and slurs in every direction - Cow or cowboy, he’s x-rayed you already. His deeply complex performance alone is enough in the slow burning ‘Power of The Dog’.

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Snob movie for people who thinks they know about cinema. Behind a artsy apparence and a good cast, Jane Campion tries to hide a slow, boring, meaningless and absurd movie that only gets success stealing 2 hours of your life.

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The Power of the Dog lies in the sun for hours, and the jumps up and bites you in the face!
Story: 8...subtle, maybe too much so
Script: 8...words good
Performances: 6...I know he's getting great reviews but Cumberbatch was so acty-acty sometimes that it was humorous
Misc.: 8...holy shit the score and camerwork are amazing. Pace is excruciating
Influence:'s artistic alright, but doesn't have much that lands a lasting punch
Overall: 7

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This was. A slow moving movie but not a bad movie. More of a character study in the ability to change over time with the right catalyst. Good performances and a solid movie

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The performances are solid and we get to spend some time with some gorgeous scenery, the movie builds to a point where we have to rethink a lot of what we’ve seen before but it I still don’t really buy it.

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I watched this from start to finish without getting bored or dozing off. I enjoy very much emotional movies but this thing went completely over my head.

At the time of watching it felt random things happening at random times. The main character disappeared for a long time. Not much connected to each other. At the end I can see the overall story but it is not in a strong cohesive way. I didn't feel connected.

And what was that music choice? Music itself was great but it was a very sombre and maniac score more appropriate for Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho.

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What a clever critic against the machismo and the toxic masculinity. The movie explore practically all the aspects of the topic, how this affect the life of everybody... besides that, the movie has a very interesting drama that never let the movie be boring, it is always playing with your expectations.
The cinematography is beautiful, the score is amazing, Benedict Cumberbatch and Kodi-Smith Mcphee are great here wonderful here and the only thing that bothered me a little was the expository ending, they don't need to explain what happened in that way.

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Kudos for the acting, which is fantastic on all fronts, however, this is otherwise, drawn-out, boring and predictable. Not the actors' fault, but that doesn't make this any less of a waste of time.

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Is it a good movie? Well, kinda, yes. Brilliant direction, great acting, marvelous cinematography, and really well-done production design. The only thing here is the script. The first half of the movie is just slow without reason, tbh I only found the last 40 minutes of the movie to be actually compelling and worth my attention. ONLY 40 MINUTES OUT OF 127. The movie does not say a lot during the first hour; there are a lot of scenes that could be cut out of the movie without damaging the plot.

Anyway, would recommend it if you have the time and are aware that you'll be bored beyond belief for the first hour or so.

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I've cried at the kerchief scene.

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it takes a while to pick up the pace and i found myself almost falling asleep at the beginning, but by the end i was enthralled, the tension between phil and peter was almost cringeworthy but cathardic in a weird way.

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Not so qood as i expected and for sure one of the most slow paced movies i have seen in a while.Still has something to show. 6.3/10

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For the first bit I wanted to like it more than I did. What it became was a superb slow-burn. Psychological masterpiece in parts and a touch uneven in others. 7.8 and a recommended viewing for certain.

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Like home smoked beef jerky, it's a satisfying slow burn.

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anxious. so anxious. that’s all i really have to say.

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This movie is slow. I had no idea where it was going at first. We seemingly don't have a true protagonist. Benedict Cumberbatch gives a stellar performance because he truly made me loath his character. And yet I can't stop thinking about it. All because of that ending and delicious twist that made the whole experience so very worth it.

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What a story. I liked it. Benedict Cumberbatch does as always an amazing job, in this case giving life to a hateful man. Some people say it is slow but I think it could have had more things because the abrupt changes from one moment to the other are in some points confusing. The music is delightful because it engages you with the images shown. The production design is great and it enables you to focus on the story and not so much in the inaccuracies.

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I wonder why this movie is a golden award best picture winner, that's why so many people stop caring about this awards...

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Albeit not the type of film that I connect to normally, it still kept me gripped throughout much due to Campion’s powerful and confident handling of tension, timing and suspense. An incredible original score elevates it even further. And one of Cumberbatch’s best performances. A must watch for the season.

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What an utter waste of time. I love Benedict and Kirsten, but it’s better to stare 2 hours at a wall than bearing this.

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Good ending, but man the movie is really slow.

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One of the most boring westerns I have ever seen.:sleeping::wastebasket:

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The power of the dog

A film that tells little, but does so decently. The setting is good, I enjoyed the extreme long shots, showing us everything around the ranch. The soundtrack is not bad either. As for the acting, I liked the asshole Cumberbatch, playing psychologically with a not super performing Dunst. I would have eliminated a few scenes, which for me were unnecessary to the point of losing focus towards the film, but nonetheless it remains a watchable and cute film


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A unique, thought-provoking and well-directed family/psychological drama film, with great visuals and splendid performances from cast.

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Beware. Boring, artsy, long, and mostly pointless. Kind of movie critics say they like to have artsy cred, but is terrible. It was well acted. That’s it.

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Lord have mercy on my soul this was mind numbingly boring and it’s actually making what is left of my brain cells wonder how they’re campaigning for the awards categories that they are.. 2 hours of nothing. Nothing at all. Benedict for Best Actor? Sure, maybe. Best Director + Best Picture? No. Maybe I’m missing something the critics are seeing perhaps.. or perhaps not

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Eggs Benedict Cummerbund (thank you honest trailers!) was great. I think I need to watch it again to appreciate it. It was very slow and felt like 200 small scenes were glued together. Missing for me was a family back story. I gave it a poor rating because it was very slow, and at the end I was left wondering what the hell I just watched. The story and plot, if you can call it that, is typical but it isn’t spelled out for you which is why critics will find it artsy and imaginative.

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Wow, what a waste of time!

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I didnt really like the main cast before pushing play lol

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Acting is alright I guess... The story is extremely boring, no doubt this was a complete waste of time.
I give it 5/10 only for Cumberbatch's hard solo carry.

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A perfect example of "show don't tell", the movie doesn't explain everything to you, it let's the viewer discover things for himself. A great piece of cinema.

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The worst part of being so pretentious is giving such a predictable ending.

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Slow burn that wasn’t the film we felt like watching but we persevered. I won’t be rushing to rewatch or recommend..

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Two :v: hour waste of time from my perspective.

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Beautifully made and not at all the western I was expecting. Of course, Jane Campion is behind the camera, so I should have known that this wouldn’t be the cookie cutter western that most of us are well used to.

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I am at least a little bit surprised that this film is being mentioned as a possible award winner. Don't get me wrong - I mostly enjoyed the film. However, it just left a bit to be desired. I think my main complaint is that I really didn't sense anything dramatic about the movie. Cumberbatch is excellent as the antagonist and Dunst is excellent as the boy's mother (and Plemons is good at being.... well, Plemons). Towards the end of the movie the music kicks in to tell us that something dramatic is happening or about to happen. But it just felt.... odd.... because nothing dramatic was really happening on screen or in the story. It didn't feel like the drama was earned. Anyway, extra points for an excellent ending.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Boring all the way through. Creepy and uncomfortable to watch.

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[Netflix] The film masterfully handles subtext, it has an emotional background that is expressed without the need for dialogue. The filming in New Zealand gives an almost dreamlike aspect to the landscapes of this anti-western, a kind of reverse of the genre. There is a constant tension that is shown in the distorted strings and sepulchral winds of Jonny Greenwood's music.

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most of what i want to say about this would count as a spoiler so instead what i'll say is, this movie (and its source material) is unsettling and ominous in a number of ways but once the movie is over and you sit with it for a minute, you'll realize that what felt like twists and unseen motives were all served up to you on a silver platter—which is perhaps the most important theme and what makes it so effective.

also—bunnies do not have a good time in this film. the dog doesn't die though.

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It is a slow yet interesting movie with a surprising ending. My only complaint is that I wished for more insight in the main character’s past, reasons for some reactions and relationship with his brother.

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It is a slow yet interesting movie with a surprising ending. My only complaint is that I wished for more insight in the main character’s past, reasons for some reactions and relationship with his brother.

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If anything the movie is just insanely beautiful to look at. Hard not to get lost in the world with those scenic shots.

Helps that the rest movie is quite interesting as well. Fantastic performancs throughout and a story with characters that while very slowburning is very engaging and rewarding/satisfying.

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One of those films you have to watch at least twice as the final scenes change your perspective on the story and characters. I was expecting a sort of western thriller with homoerotic subtext, while it was in fact a David and Goliath kind of story where it's implied that even Goliath used to be a David. There is no big turn of events, but there are for sure many details that can only be noticed on a second viewing.

The plot moves along slowly, but the characters' ambiguities, as well as the beautiful photography and music, are enough to keep you engaged and slowly let you fall in love with the film's world. It's all very minimal and elegant, except maybe for the fall of Kirsten Dunst's character, which felt a little exaggerated.

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Excruciatingly slow pacing but the payoff is worth it. Hang in and enjoy the slow burn.

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I thought it would turn into another Brokeback Mountain. Another cliché of a toxic man being gay. I'm glad the film is not that obvious. It's more subtler than that.
Of course, this being Netflix, this will be criticized for being slow and boring.

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Terrible. Completely disconnected from anything. Over-acting, under-acting... Lousy soundtrack.

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Great film! Fantastic acting! Slow burner for sure. If you think you can predict what's about to happen next, ha! Your gladly mistaken. Jane Campion's masterpiece will keep you guessing. Do yourself a favor and watch this film!

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What does the Phrase "the power of the dog" mean? Read this interpretation somewhere, and found it to be apt: "The Power of the Dog, the power of the evil man and the evil choice, of corruption over honesty and lawlessness over law."
The original quote that Peter read from the book in the movie : "Deliver my soul from the sword; my darling from the power of the dog."

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