Personal Lists featuring...

The Thing from Another World 1951


The titles released by HMV in their Premium Collection, in numerical order


The best science fiction films.


From the Ken & Robin Talk About Stuff podcast. Their list of essential horror movies tracing the development of the genre.


Last Updated: 2017-08-19
These Greatest Movies of the 1950s chosen for their quality direction, script, cinematography, acting, storyline, originality, and success.


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-08-23



100 Sci-Fi Movies Scratch-Off Chart


Part of the AFI 100 Years… series, AFI's 100 Years…100 Thrills is a list of the top 100 heart-pounding movies in American cinema. The list was unveiled by the American Film Institute on June 12, 2001, during a CBS special hosted by Harrison Ford.



The best 100 Sci-fi movies as been voted in July 2014 from the London Time Out magazine.
Voted by leading sci-fi experts, filmmakers, science fiction writers, film critics and scientists.


Since its explosion in the 1950s, science fiction has become one of the most popular film genres, with numerous dedicated fan conventions, academic conferences, websites, magazines, journals, book clubs, memorabilia and collectibles. Once relegated to B budget status, today's science fiction films are often blockbuster productions, featuring major stars.

Despite its high profile, science fiction is notoriously difficult to define. In his introduction to 100 Science Fiction Films, Barry Keith Grant explains the genre's complexities, while also providing an overview of its history, suggesting that the cinema is an ideal medium for conveying the 'sense of wonder' that critics have argued is central to the genre. From Georges Melies's Le Voyage dans la lune (1902), to the blockbusters of the 1970s that dramatically changed Hollywood, to the major releases of the past few years, the films featured in this book represent a range of periods, countries and types (including alien invasion, space travel, time travel, apocalypse, monsters and anime), and cover the key directors and writers.

100 Science Fiction Films provides a lively and illuminating guide to the genre from the beginning of film history to the present, taking the reader on a comprehensive tour through the rich and varied alternate universe of sci-fi cinema.



Part of the AFI 100 Years… series, AFI's 100 Years…100 Thrills is a list of the top 100 heart-pounding movies in American cinema. The list was unveiled by the American Film Institute on June 12, 2001, during a CBS special hosted by Harrison Ford.


AFI's 100 Years...100 Thrills is a list of the 100 most thrilling American films of all time.

Regardless of genre, the total adrenaline-inducing impact of the artistry and craft of these films create an experience that engages our bodies as well as our minds. The "thrills" of these films have enlivened and enriched America's film heritage while continuing to inspire contemporary artists and audiences.



AFI'S 100 Most Thrilling American Films

Regardless of genre, the total adrenaline-inducing impact of the artistry and craft of these films create an experience that engages our bodies as well as our minds. The "thrills" of these films have enlivened and enriched America's film heritage while continuing to inspire contemporary artists and audiences.

In late 2000, AFI distributed a ballot with 400 nominated films to a jury of 1,800 leaders of the film community. The jurors were asked to consider the following criteria while making their selections:

  • Feature-Length Fiction Film: The film must be in narrative format, typically more than 60 minutes in length.
  • American Film: The film must be in the English language with significant creative and/or financial production elements from the United States.
  • Thrills: Regardless of genre, the total adrenaline-inducing impact of a film's artistry and craft must create an experience that engages our bodies as well as our minds.
  • Legacy: Films whose "thrills" have enlivened and enriched America's film heritage while continuing to inspire contemporary artists and audiences.




The 100 Most Thrilling American Thrillers


Films watched in 2017. Includes rewatches.
