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Uncut Gems 2019

Adam Sandler's best acting work, here he proves to be amazing, as does the entire cast, where everyone delivers great scenes, because the movie focuses a lot on character development, but in addition, the story is very good, a very well developed script and the direction left everything with a frantic, anxious and very tense pace. Definitely a masterpiece.

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What the fuck did just happen?

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Characters aren't convincing. Dialogues are a real pain. Plot turns around the gem and Howie once and again and again... bets, basket, guest stars, with no depth, though. Amateur cinematogrophy doesn't work. Too long. Clearly overrated.

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I can't believe someone actually managed to shut Adam Sandler up

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Stressful movie in the likes of Pusher. Very well made. Sandler playing the role of his life.

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This was a good movie

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This is the most stressful movie I've seen in modern times. I honestly hated watching it. If it wasn't this well done it wouldn't have worked at all. Adam Sandler is doing the role of his life. This is my Ebert moment right here. Nine out of ten. Damn it.

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Shout by Lucan
BlockedParent2023-08-28T18:01:15Z— updated 2023-09-04T00:15:22Z

Yeah I think this is even better than 'Good Time', and I'll probably give it the full five stars on next watch.
It's interesting that the film begins inside Howard's body and ends there too. Not too sure what the meaning of that is but it's a pretty neat seal for a film as CHAOTIC as this.

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Damn. I mean the movie is not meant to be a breeze but it was damn stressing! I won’t rewatch but this was definitely memorable.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2023-07-24T19:30:19Z— updated 2023-08-18T09:34:59Z

Kinda feels like a more accesible version of Good Time. Once again we find ourselves with a greedy asshole who’s in over his head. However, this time the filmmaking is slightly watered down, and it’s not quite as unrelenting, chaotic or tense. Because of that it doesn’t stick with me in the same way that Good Time does. It’s still really solid, but there are moments that don’t work. For example, the opening credits sequence is a mess (which is fine, it’s more of an introduction and the movie doesn’t start until the scene after it, but still) and there are a couple of scenes that feel like dead air. I don’t think there’s a benefit to a simple, straightforward thriller about addiction to be this long. Still, it has a really strong third act that hits many interesting emotional beats, the movie reminds everyone that Sandler can be a great actor when needed and Oneohtrix Point Never delivers another really great, synth heavy score. It’s slightly overrated in my opinion, but definetely a good film.


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Going from The Bear to Uncut Gems was almost too much for my heart.

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What a crazy and stressful movie. This will make you feel very anxious, but in a good way because it really sucks you in.

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Pretty intense ride and 99% of the time I hoped that he'd pay the price for his insanity and horrible character. A really exceptional experience and performance.

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A very crazy movie that still seems to be in control of what it's trying to do. This entire movie seems to keep you on the edge of your seat right until the very end of the movie. While it might be hard to follow at times, I think this is a great movie for people who want to see something a little chaotic.

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Uncut Gems is anxiety inducing and intensely uncomfortable. An incredible performance by Adam Sandler and great direction put you squarely in the experience of a hustler on the brink of total failure. This film demands a second viewing to fully appreciate its greatness.

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Probably one the most stressful movies I've ever seen. Adam Sandler proves he can do more than just comedies.

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I didn't like this movie as much as others. It was quite obvious to me that Chandler's character had some form of OCD, and I think it was way over done. Although I hated the ending, the movie did keep my attention, unfortunately I can't say I loved thismovie.

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This is way overrated. Movie sucks

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I like the intensity of this movie. Intensity is what movies need more of.

Good performance from Sandler and assured direction.

The visuals serve the story well but i can’t say the cinematography is a stand out.

Sound design is good with lots of overlapping conversations heightening the intensity throughout.


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I haven't seen this film yet, but trailer and synopsis remind me of Richie Nektalov ('Richie Rich'), featured in the premiere episode of Streets of Dreams with Marcus Lemonis about New York City's diamond district. Nektalov is a real life, third generation jewellery scion (and son of a district stalwart) who wanted to break out in the staid family business—eventually becoming known as ‘jeweler to the stars’ with plenty of bling bling, glitz, glamour and social media. I don't see any references to Nektalov in Uncut Gems press, but it would be interesting if there were a connection. Nektalov carries plenty of his own front page tabloid coverage.

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Shout by Peter Silva
BlockedParent2022-09-24T12:55:12Z— updated 2023-07-25T11:05:04Z

raging bull + punch drunk love

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The protagonist's life is complete chaos, and you feel tense watching the movie, which I think was well done.

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This was so stressful to watch. The guy is angry all the time. I could not experience such a life even for a few days.

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garbage movie, agitated chaos from start to finish.
plenty of really good movies to watch but NOT this one.

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The movie as a whole is very fast paced and frenetic. However, there was something just so blase about the whole film. The story is just too uninteresting and the dialogue is drawn out, although it has undeniable image and acting qualities.

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There is a lot of shouting in this film. I SAID THERE IS A LOT OF SHOUTING IN THIS FILM!

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If you can get past Adam Sandler shouting every line of the script, this would probably be a good movie.

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the only reason why i gave this movie a "2" rating instead of "1" was because of the well done chaotic mood of the movie, other than that, meh

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STRESSFUL. I watched this in one of the dinner/movie theatres and I couldn’t even eat my Alfredo because I was too stressed. And you don’t get any breaks, you’re like okay you have the money, now don’t spend it!! And he immeadiately spends it. I watched half of it with my hand on my temple. Although lots of tension and fast-paced, I wouldn’t say I really enjoyed it too much

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this movie is insane but not as in good i mean whoever directed it is crazy the first 80 or so minutes felt like 3 hours it was so stressful but then it was worth it omfg that last scene in the casino bruh that was genious my heart stopped

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Safdie brothers wanted me to have a heart attack in front of the computer... what a ride

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I've never been more stressed out by a movie; my adrenal glands were squeezed dry.

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'Uncut Gems' is an absolutely thoroughly thrilling watch, the plot is so chaotic and high paced that it's practically impossible to not have a fun time with it. The cast do terrific work, typified by the tremendous Adam Sandler.

Sandler (Howard) is unquestionably the star of the film, he gets a lot of stick for a lot of the roles he usually plays but this is far from anything I've seen him portray. He still shows his funny side no doubt, but he adds much more to make it a memorable character - which is a rarity for him.

Lakeith Stanfield, Julia Fox, Kevin Garnett and Eric Bogosian are all good too. The score is pretty solid, also. There isn't much more to note really, it's a crime thriller and it absolutely nails that realm. Great film.

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review: this movie is good

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Really nothing ever seen like this before. This is not a normal movie. And the ending was so fucking depressing.

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Watching this just made feel like I couldn't breathe the whole time. I literally had to pause the movie at some points to grasp for air.

The acting, the cinematography, the soundtrack, the editing—were all incredible, and were all in consonance with each other, making this a very fast-paced, naturalistic, anxiety-inducing film.

The Safdie brother's killed it, and Sandler proved, once again, how great of an actor he is.

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"This is me! This is how I win."

This movie had me on the edge of my seat most of the time. I usually don't like when my heart is racing during a movie the whole time but the way the Safdie brothers directed this was pretty entertaining. Adam Sandler is back!

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Shout by Deleted

Adam Sandler is great as a hustling diamond mercant.

Kind of saw the ending coming.

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Could not get past the first 20 minutes. Horribly chaotic and just not really enjoyable to watch. Not for me.

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Too long for what it was but a decent movie.

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Holy sh.t! I knew it will be different but woow. Adam Sandler is brilliant in it. Very unusual trippy movie.

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this movie stressed me out. it was nonstop from beginning to end in anxiety. at first, while I got used to the energy of the movie, it was loud, busy, and fast. people talked over to each other and didn't stop moving. there was a lot going on! it is an introvert's nightmare. o could feel the overstimulation the entire movie. HOWEVER, this was good. great? no. but wow. I give it props just for how it elicited an energy exchange. the business got in the way of fully understanding any nuance in the story. but overall, it was an interesting story about a man juggling his family, mistress, business, and gambling in pursuit of a lavish and rich life. unrelateable to me, but fun to watch and the ending made it quite a tragedy. so it goes. Sandler gives a great performance (I'm not a huge Sandler fan, so that's saying something, I think). Worth watching, but prepare yourself for a gogogogo time. schedule some silence afterwards if your easily stimulated.

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I found this movie so annoying. From the beginning credits through the end credits it's 2+ hours of non-stop screaming, yelling, very loud music and chaos. It's hard to understand at times what each individual character is saying because they are all screaming over each other. I suppose the ending is not unexpected but still a bit of a shock. It's a very different roll for Sandler and he plays it pretty well.

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Uncut Gems is unlink any Adam Sandler movie you'v seen before. You're probably use to Sandler's goofy voices or corny jokes, but in Gems he is far from that actor. During the entirety of the film, I was left guessing with what would happen next. The biggest downfall with a movie like Uncut Gems, is you typically can guess how the storyline will play out. With Uncut Gems, there are far too many twists and turns that throw you off of the path of correctly predicting the ending. You can't help but get attached to Sandler's character (and most times want to punch him).

Most of the reviews for Sandler's performance were positive as soon as the film released, but he even beat my expectations.

A strong thumbs up for me.

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So sadly, I hated this movie. Sandler is actually great. He turned in a great performance. However, it was the utter chaos and loudness of the movie that really bugged me. So many people constantly talking over each other. But, you might want to watch it to see Sandler in a real dramatic role with a very solid performance, or you might want to skip it, especially if you don't like to constantly be bombarded with visual and auditory chaos.

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The cinematography and staging was great as expected by an entertainment company as special as A24. It was nice seeing Sandler outside of his usual goofy role, but there are somethings I never wanted to hear him say or see him do. The whole movie is people talking over one another and yelling over dumb things that could have easily been solved if the characters had better communication skills. This entire thing gave me a headache and I couldn’t imagine paying to go see this in theaters. Being able to pause this and take a break was a blessing.

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Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2020-05-21T17:31:16Z— updated 2021-03-10T23:49:49Z

This movie is a gut-wrenching, heart-pounding thrill ride from start to finish. I swear i probably wouldve had an anxiety attack if i watched this in theaters.

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I got tired of watching this movie

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I got tired of watching this movie

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People yelling at each other, and a constant looser as a main character, from the beginning till the end

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This movie is so anxiety inducing not because of the plot but because of Adam Sandler keeps yelling his lines while 10 other people are yelling and it's impossible to enjoy anything that's going on. What a waste of 2 hours.

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Shout by Jomicorreia
BlockedParent2020-05-01T04:40:35Z— updated 2020-05-03T19:27:39Z

I loved it. (dot)

2.9 points -> Cinematography (0-3)
1.8 points -> Acting and Characters (0-2)
2.6 points -> Plot (0-3)
0.8 points -> Score (0-1)

1.0 -> enjoyed the movie. (0-1)

Aka. 9.1 point

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i cant rate this movie, i am too exhausted.

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two hours of my life i will never get back. the constant failure gave me anxiety and made me grit my teeth hard. coupled with an ending perfectly fitting a man for whom everything in life goes horribly wrong, this movie is a prime example of why i always steer clear of anything that gets high praise from too many people, especially when the majority of the people who like it are men.

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Adam Sandler is awesome. Kept me at the edge of my seat til' the end.

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This film was bad I turned it off before the halfway point. Sandler is so annoying that I couldn't stand him even with the volume turned down.

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Shout by King David
BlockedParent2020-03-25T22:03:47Z— updated 2020-05-10T07:45:21Z

Wow! Adam Sandler really can act.

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Really dark movie. Good stuff.

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So this is how an uncircumcised thrill ride feels like, huh?

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Shout by Chris

“This is me! This is how :asterisk_symbol:I:asterisk_symbol: win.”
- Howard Ratner

This is by far Sandler’s best performance. He is playing a highly annoying character so you know...I hated him and was rooting for him at the same time. Just a all around enjoyable film.

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Too chaotic for me. The dialogue is messy anf consists to like 50% of swears... I didn't care for it

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I was stressed the entire time and depressed by the end.

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A film that generated a lot of scandal and expectation for being something different from what Adam Sandler does and in the end, it is nothing more than a medium-sized film. I did not see a good performance of Adam Sandler, his character literally is screaming and talking at every moment. At times, the film is boring, tedious and you just want to advance it to see what's next. Just two good things that the movie has: the final moment with the big bet and the sexy beautiful actress Julia Fox. Such a pretty woman!

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I feel kind of cheated watching that movie. It's kinda useless and exhausting and I think the end isn't worth the trip.
I didn't like the beginning and middle of movie but kept watching to see the end. If you also find yourself in this position, simply stop watching.
I'm not recommending.

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This movie reminds me of being at Chuck E. Cheese on a weekend when it’s filled with loud children running around and crying and throwing fits. Same energy and same desire to want the earth so swallow you whole so you would have some peace and quiet.

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Holy schmoly what a stressfull trip. From first minute to the last pure hard hitting chaos. Ending also a bit predicted but ok for the story. Unfortunately i expected "more" and got "less".

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The whole movie is an almost non stop intense trip. I don’t see why people don’t like Adam Sandler, he was very good in this movie and he should do more serious roles. The story is really good and it’s directed very well id like to see more from the Safdie brothers. The cinematography is interesting with the zoom outs and zoom ins to the gem. It’s written well and the score is good. Overall it’s a different and interesting film with a great ending.

( 8 out of 10)

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im not a fan of the erratic claustrophobic style, so this wasn't my cup of tea. exciting ending, but that was the only time the film really caught my attention, everything else was just a lot of noise and confusion. again, it just isn't for me, personally, but i can see the appeal if you're a fan of this type of storytelling. great performance by adam sandler.

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For two hours you're gonna see people yelling at each other! Not recommended

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It's a shame that it has taken Sandler this long to be recognized as a decent dramatic actor. He has done a few really good ones (Punch-Drunk Love and Reign Over Me come to mind) in the past and should have gotten more notoriety for them than he did.

That said, this film is good but I would have never thought it would be mentioned as a possibility for move of the year. The plot is something that we've seen many times before - a chronic messup tries to make everything right and keeps doubling down in order to do it. The character fits Sandler perfectly (and vice versa) as I think it plays to his strengths of playing a manic character.

follow me at or facebook IHateBadMovies

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Uncircumcised excitement. Visual adrenaline injected directly into the eyes. That the Safdie Brothers could cram the sprawling intensity of Good Time into a tiny jewelry store amazed me. Adam Sandler's career defining performance, the frenetic soundtrack and the Safdies' raw energy will rip through your veins like ragged speed and will leave you an exhausted puddle of sore muscles and pure contentment.

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Anxiety: The Movie.

Absolutely phenomenal score.

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Adam Sandler is great in his role. His character is likable and hateable at the same time :).

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I was surprised to hear recommendations for an Adam Sandler movie so I checked this out.

I want to say the movie is objectively good, but perhaps not enjoyable, depending on your mindset. To be fair, I think I've also enjoyed movies that were objectively bad, so I think it isn't a contradiction. I've seen a lot of movies and shows ranging all over the emotional spectrum; some made me sad, some angry, some happy, but I think this is the first one that made me feel stressed out. Even though Sandler's character isn't particularly relatable or likable, and a lot of things he experiences are deserved, I still feel pain for him.

Maybe my bad luck just helps me relate to the idea of things going wrong any time I try to do something or the situation getting more complicated any time I try to solve a problem. There's isn't really a happy ending either, so it doesn't leave me feeling too hopeful or optimistic either.

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Stress inducing and claustrophobic, Uncut Gems might be the first movie I recommend taking breaks throughout to catch your breath. It really is a wall-to-wall composition of anxiety and stress, with a fantastic performance from Sandler for good measure. The finale really is something else, and I can't wait to dig into this further to uncover some of the meaning behind the visuals and religious undertones. Please experience this movie, you won't be disappointed.

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First of all Sandler was actually great on this one and he proved a lot of people wrong.I was amazed also from Julia Fox this woman has a great future in hollywood movies and she is gorgeous.Plot was good enough to keep you at the edge of your seat from first till last minute and it only get's better and better..

The only part that i didn't like at all was music which was too loud and useless in many scenes..Especially in parts where 3 or 4 people try to speak at the same time.7.7/10 could be better but it was a descent and special result.

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Adam Sandler at his best ...infact there is not a bad actor or scene in the whole grabs ya by the eyeballs an ya not look away..awesome yet i cant think why i not given it a ten...???

so i will change my score of 9 to a awesome 10...

i need to watch it again...but i need to come down first...totally unexpected...

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How can a man like that sleep at night

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Too long, he has plenty of time, lead actor, before he was more cool with his other films.

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wasn't bad a very unexpected ending to be honest i thought adam sandler did a great serious role but it felt like everything was thrown together

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One of the worst movies I've seen in my life.

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This movie was so fucking stupid i can't even think of describing it. Everywhere chaos, constantlly pointless dialogues, i still don't know what this movie was about. Plus video quality of it was like this movie was made in 2005, a lot of noises, no this is not 4k nor HDR. I don't recommend this movie to anybody except some lunatis who belives that type of production is Oscar worthy.

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Characters yell for all movie long. The watcher gets a headache and epilepsy

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What's up with all the praises? Easily one of the worst movies I have ever watched! If only I could get my time and bandwidth back. Go back to Click, Sandler!

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Like an insane fever dream. Controlled chaos. Loved it.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
.5 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

-1 / 1 misc (shut the fuck up already!)

5 / 10

10 idiots talking over each other while someone is trying to yell over all of them in almost every scene does not make for tension, it's just incredibly annoying for two hours. Seriously, most of the movie consisted of me trying not to scream "shut the fuck up!" Sometimes real is not better.
Also why the hell was the weekend in this? Absolutely pointless extra scene for a cameo. If this was a Nick Cage movie, people would be rating it a 3.

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One of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life...

Unless you really like when 4 different people are talking over each other utter nonsens; then avoid this, like if your life depended on it...

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This fucking gives me anxiety

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Performances were great. Story was tense. But it was just so shouty and Howard was so intolerable that it didn't engage me at all

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Howard didn't die ! Pay attention to the last scene ! It got something to do with the very first scene ! His colonoscopy ! During the gun shot, the movie cuts to his wife, is finally getting worried , made a phone call.

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A tough movie to rate. On the one hand, it has a terrific performance from Sandler, an adrenaline shot of a narrative, and some brilliant direction. On the other hand, it is loud, chaotic, and sometimes difficult to follow. I'm gonna give it an 8 (if only to encourage Sandler to consider other roles of this type away from his usual schtick - he is, of course, reading this comment), but your rating might be swayed by the headache you develop watching the film.

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An intense, thrilling & steadily escalating edge-of-the-seat thriller that's palpably tense, incessantly riveting & laced with a subtle psychedelic kick, Uncut Gems is another surefire winning feature from the Safdie brothers that presents the filmmaking duo in prime form, benefits greatly from its energetic camerawork, groovy editing & swirling soundtrack, and is all the more uplifted by Adam Sandler's career-best performance. One of the best films of the year, Safdies' latest is an anxiety-inducing cinematic opal.

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