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Wonder Woman 1984 2020


Shout by Carlos Antônio
BlockedParent2020-12-17T00:15:55Z— updated 2021-03-22T00:19:50Z

Wow, this was amazing! One of the best DCEU movies!

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2020-12-25T22:25:25Z— updated 2022-12-28T09:09:31Z

Not as bad as some people claim, but messy

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Welcome to the 2nd worse film in the M C beats The Incredible Hulk (2008)...

Just..had to see it cos of all the fuss...

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I wish ... from the bottom of my heart that DC movies be as good as Marvel movies.

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Just another movie Dc fans can be disappointed of.Boring Storyline could be tolerated.But why are the action scenes so cheesy:expressionless:

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A pretty good movie, with some decent action and a half-decent script. The logic went out of the window at times but this wasn't a major issue, and the same could be said of any number of comic book movies. Reminded me a little of the early Superman movies in its storytelling and feel, and not only because of the decade in which it is set.

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Shout by Mio.
BlockedParent2020-12-19T17:42:41Z— updated 2021-05-17T07:04:03Z

Wonder Woman adaptations are such a mess every single time. Boring all the way. The plot is as ridiculous as her making the plane invisible in 2 minutes.
Also, still wonder why is Gal Gadot Wonder Woman, she has the face no doubt, but she's thin and not muscular at all.

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Great film!

1. Don't be greedy
2. Don't wish … instead pray for it.
3. "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark 8:36 KJV
Have Faith, Hope, and Love.

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So bad this could be a franchise killer..

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Somehow even worse than the first Wonder Woman. The action looks like it's from a low budget B movie - it's completely inexcusable for a big budget movie in 2020. None of the character development makes any sense. The plot is "okay" at best. Includes a ridiculously tone deaf rape scene.
Overall it's just a completely mediocre movie.

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Just another hollywood st*pid feminist propaganda. Boring plot, awful characters. Just a feminist who in real life justifies israel occupation and attacks over Palestine. Please Holllywood STOP with this shitty trendy stup*d feminism and make real cinema again. Im watching every time less movies because of these ideological agendas in every movie

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absolute garbage. why is it marvel can make a decent movie yet DC remains weak and inconsistent.

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It's refreshing to see a old school standalone superhero movie with out the silly team ups or interference of another character.

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Just a shitty movie. When did wonder woman get all these extra powers? To bad good CGI wasn’t one of her super powers.

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Bad movie. Easily the worst DCEU movie, and it is not even close. It's all over the place plot wise, action isn't good, characters suck, effects suck. I have almost nothing good to say about this movie other than that I almost enjoyed Pedro Pascal.

It's such a shame because I think the first Wonder Woman is easily the best DCEU movie.

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[HBO Max] Wonder Woman is a supporting character in her own sequel. So much so that they need to recover a character from the first movie to be her adventure partner. Goofy villains are the protagonists, but the action scenes are poorly shot. The only thing from the 80's are the visual effects. At least, Hans Zimmer believes the epic of the character. This is what happens when a mediocre director becomes a star.

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Can I have my 2 plus hours back? The first 1/3 rd of the movie was over the top 80's references. A magic stone granting wishes. Cheetah girl played by a horrible actress. I love you Pedro, but not in this movie. Used car salesman vibe. DC... should have kept this in the vault. Maybe the Soul movie is better. Disney plus.

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This poster reminds me a lot of Thor: Ragnarok...

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Predictable, poor storyline with sh*tty special effects.

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Much better than Wonder Woman (2017). The presence of Kristen Wiig and Pedro Pacal in the cast is probably part of the reason. I was also surprised by the music (then I understood when I looked at the credits).

On the negative side:
- Gal Gadot's (poor) acting.
- The final battle seems a bit sloppy.
- The end scene, for some reason, is in December (remember it was July 4 when they left for Egypt).
- The post-credit scene is pointless.

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ok so I am not a DC nor a marvel Stan(even though I read my fair share of comics) and I watch these movies for fun.
I loved the first wonder woman, it had nice pace, good imagery and was overall... good. this one.........
I don't hate it but i feel that if they had focused 80% more on the script not being a whole lot of cheesy lines about wishing and truth and more about... I don't know fleshing out ANY of the characters it would have been... good?
if was just a mishmash of weird special effects ( they did Kirstin wiig dirty I'm sorry) and terrible costume and make up. as much as I love Gal Gadot as wonder woman, this one is a very meh movie.

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By far the worst DC movie. Such a shame. So bad

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Wow!!!!! This was bad. It was part George of the Jungle, part Thundercats, and part someone on a lot of drugs.

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This movie was unmemorable. The plot was lackluster and the resolution was unsatisfying. I don't enjoy stories centered around genie wishes because they are bound to have plotholes.

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The worst ,,super-hero'' movie I've ever seen. The storyline is so cheap espacially the end. I feel really bad for Pedro Pascal.

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I wish this movie was better. Ouch!

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I have mixed emotions about this.
the good:
Gal Gadot
Few cool scenes
the bad:
most cgi effects are horrible
the storyline itself ridiculous
many scenes you don't even get why they're there and how are they contributing to the story.

I'm truly disappointed in this sequel, The first movie was amazing and this is a huge down compared to it!

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Despite DC having a pretty strong track record as of late, this is the only notable disappointment in my opinion. It’s not the worst thing in the world, just unfortunately a step behind the rest. Storyline wasn’t very engaging/original, and the action wasn’t anything special. I was hoping my opinion would change for the better on a rewatch, yet that was not the case. Will there be an audience for this? Sure. But I wouldn’t recommend it to everyone.

Rating: 2/5 - 6.5/10 - Not Recommended to Everyone

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What the fuck did I just watch

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movie was way too long. these super hero movies are a dime a dozen and need to be stopped. rubbish

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There are so many bad scenes in this.

So many that I can't believe this exists.

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the best part of this movie is the first 10 minutes

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Shout by cris

A slow, boring movie with decent or bad performances. It's not worth looking at, even the story is stupid.

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A good idea for a story ruined by a poor performance. Plot holes and low-quality effects ruined the experience.

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A big, dumb superhero movie. Yes, there are plenty of plot holes and things that don't make sense to nitpick at, but that's what made watching this movie fun for me. Get some buddies together and do your best MST3K impression. And really, none of them were so dealbreaking as to wreak the movie for me.
Also, I'm not the biggest WW fanboy, (in fact, I'm more of a Marvel guy) but I really enjoyed all the fan-service/reference bits like the invisible jet. Like, sure, the reasons why are a real stretch, but I appreciate them going to those lengths to squeeze it in.

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Whatever this film is trying to be, it shares no similarities to the first one. Is it imitating those cheesy 80’s flicks or is it just plain bad storytelling? The 1984 title led me in but the feel and music of that era was lacking and I wonder even more what they were trying to do when they made this film.
It’s tolerable and okay to pass by a rainy afternoon which is how I viewed it.

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Wow... this movie sucks HARD

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A very bad movie. Incoherent, unnecessarily long, a very poor argument. Bad.

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Shout by Deleted

Probably the ugliest looking superhero movie ever made; the colour of it, the CGI, the sets and the costumes. Everything that you see is rotten, drab and somehow guady all at once. Watching this actually made my eyes hurt.

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my god what a big flop! All the fighting scenes and CGI are cartoon style, the story is out of a bad 80s sci-fi movie and most of the parts of the movie did not make any sense at all! The finish ? OMG ! the plane ! OMG the so dramatic speech at the end OMG! he actually save mankind by the love of his son which he through out of his building twice?

The villain was so cheesy. 2 hours and 20 minutes and 200M budget! OW! talk about wasting money.

And yes Gadot is gorgeous, but she cannot act not even on a school play. Totally lack of talent.

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Be careful what you wish for because it can be fulfilled.

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“It’s easy. It’s only wind and air... and how to ride it. How to catch it.”

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A not bad plot, destroyed by a violation of the laws of physics, excessive tolerance, as well as the MOST terrible motivation of the villain that you can think of. 6/10

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DC botches yet another one of their properties with WW84. Set in 1984 (thus a prequel to Justice League), a shady businessman named Maxwell Lord uses a magic stone to grant wishes and increase his power, but the wishes plunge the world into chaos and Dianna Prince is forced to become Wonder Woman once again to stop Lord and save the world. The script is poorly written and doesn’t follow the continuity set up in the Justice League films. And the performances are pretty weak; especially Pedro Pascal, who makes for a rather lame villain (perhaps the worse of the DC Extended Universe films to date). The special effects aren’t very good either. Yet the action sequences are exciting and the fight scenes are kind of fun. Also, there are some amusing comedy moments that work. A dramatic step down from the first film, WW84 is entertaining to a point, but makes a mess out of everything.

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I heard a lot of bad stuff about the second installment of Wonder Woman but after watching it I thought it was actually pretty fun. It definitely was quite different than the first one but I was never bored which is not always a given when a movie has a runtime of over 150 minutes. One negative thing for me were that the special effects did look a bit strange as if the movie was from 20 years ago. But maybe this was intentional, I don‘t know. Still overall I enjoyed the movie.

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Shout by Deleted

worst possible movie to end the year with

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The first Wonder Woman film was...fine. This one, however, was aggressively bad. At 2.5 hours long, it's too long by about an hour. The first hour is an intense slog. The conflict of the film exists solely from some random macguffin with minimal back story or reason for existence. I know the film wants to say something about the dark side of wish fulfillment, but it's all so heavy handed and cringe-y. Gadot was good as WW, as expected. Pine was fine. Wiig was also...fine. Pascal was surprisingly entertaining simply due to how much scenery he chewed up. The action was Fast & Furious bad, and lacking the fun of those films. I just really struggled to find anything I truly liked and was annoyed by just about everything. If this came out in the 80s, I'd rather watch Superman III than this again (mostly because it's shorter). I also hated that Zimmer recycled John Murphy's "Adagio" (from Sunshine) for one of the few actually good moments of the film. It seemed very lazy. I wanted to love this as I adore the cast and the 80s seemed like a great backdrop, but it, so, so bad....

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Okay it teetered on 7, especially through the top long part of morality (if you watch it, you'll know what I'm talking about). But in typical comic book fashion, it ends with a moral message with a happy ending. If you're expecting or hate gothic comic book endings, well DC never falls to end in the high note. Don't turn it off before the credits are over. You find out what happened to Asteria.

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I am disappointed in this movie. I loved the first Wonder Woman movie but with this one they totally broke the plot just to bring back her lover. No-sense plot and story, they could have made a movie a thousand times better with this superhero.

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The best thing about this movie is the cameo at the end. Skip quickly to that and don't bother with the rest of this kids movie.
Max Lord is the worst 'bad guy' ever. Cheeta is not very believable. The end is a set of stupide monologues.
Maybe fun to watch with your 13 or 14 y/o daughter..?
I like my super hero movies to have at least some level of realism. This has entirely 0.
Gal Gadot is the only positive thing about this movie, but she alone can't fix this mess.

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Gal is gorgeous as always, just like Pine. Pedro Pascal nailed his performance, but the plot, the writing, the story telling and some visuals... pretty bad. The real villains in this movie are the writers. Still fun to watch if you’re DC, Gadot, Pine and /or Pascal fan. 6/10

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The real villain in this movie is the writers

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A 5 year old could have writen a better script.
For me this is the end of DC.

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This movie is a joke! The writing is lazy, the action is dull, the effects are bad and the conclusion is dumb. Gal Gadot doesn't land a single convincing line. Luckily, Pedro Pascal was as great as could be with a script this lousy. He saves this from being a complete pile of garbage, but it's far from a good movie...

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This was a pretty dope movie just wish cheetah
girl was more involved

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Stay away you have been warned
One of the worst wonder woman movie ever made

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Usually I'm the one bucking the trend, but I saw this the same as many. Starts strong, but then forgets it is ultimately an action film and dives into the main plot driver ("wishing") which turns into an anal exam. Had they held the momentum of the first half, this would have been great. Another superhero movie that forgot we are still interested in the hero, not just the villain. Had a lot of wasted potential on this one.

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ну да... actually i like the movie 6/10 fair!
a good mixture of James Bond and Marvel Comics with fantasy touch, why not!
but i'm agree with other comments that the movie is tooo long contains too much details in many scenes... and yes, the most unnecessary figure of all is "Steve"!
he would better stay dead

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I loved the invisible jet and her learning flight. I also didn’t hate that we got a glimpse of Cheetah.
That said, I had much higher hopes for this movie. The action was great, the humanisation of the heroine was good. The villain, Maxwell Lord, was simply ridiculous.
All in all, it’s still worth a watch but 9 year old girls cannot run faster than fully grown athletic women - even if they are Amazonian!

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Great beginning. Ok action. Don't understand why people gave low ratings to this.

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It were bloody rubbish like

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What a horrible, God-Awful movie. Such a letdown. Way too much virtue signaling and not enough storytelling.

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Vastly inferior to the first film. Disjointed. Uneven. Some spotty special effects. An overlong and, frankly, over-indulgent epilogue that -- along with a lot of the rest of it -- is so simplistic and shallow that it could have been written by middle school English composition students. On the acting front, Gadot is great while Wiig and Pascal (in particular) seem to be getting paid based on the amount of scenery that they chew. Pine, OTOH, is uneven, sometimes seeming to be focused on turning in a good performance and sometimes seeming to be treating the entire thing as a joke. It is...very weird. Overall, I'd say that 60% of the problems here are with the script while the actors and director split the other 40%.

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What did I just watch?

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Shout by JulianPower

Even an immortal demi-goddess can only be truly happy if she wishes really hard for a boyfriend. Not exactly a positive, empowering feminist message for the young girls this film is aimed at, is it?

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A Horrible Movie!!! some scene no sense, special effects horrible, story bore... only good first free ten minutes on the net.

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OHH Wonder Woman, you sure seem like a Perfectly working Honeywell water heater, furnace and Thermostat! :anger:

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It starts off really good, total epic intro. Then it turns super cheesy, gets worse and worse. Just when you think it can't degenerate any more it turns into the movie Cats.

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Planned to watch with 2 special people and a couple of kitties. But lockdown killed that.

Glad I didn't put them through this mediocrity.

This would have fitted perfectly alongside superman 3. set in the 80s, and is sadly just like an 80s superhero film .

Most of the action is completely dulled by being slow motion.
Warner still haven't sorted out their issues with the CGI companies, as they're still receiving 90's quality

Needs about an hour cutting out...
(Which I'll probably spend tomorrow doing, because I don't want to go through it all again when the kids want to watch it)

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I do like DC movies and series but this one put me to sleep it was that bad.

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Tried to see, really I tried, but you cannot follow the script of a crazy monkey and the erratic direction of this terrible cinecomic

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DC is LOST! What a childish and weak story! I often wanted to advance the film. The action scenes were very fake. What a waste of money to produce something like this.

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This movie is much much better than the first on. I love it. Amazing.

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Shout by adam wadrzyk

Just no... not even worth it.

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Well I guess it's a movie that's about wonder woman

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They made Diana a rapist. Great. What a hero.

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Worst ever the first 10minutes made me love amazons more than wonder woman in 1945 or 1984 and I don't want to see her nowadays or anytime soon whatever. I mean gal is a pure asset and I would have loved to see her darker and way much more serious in a very true story with the world. She'd better go back home her story would be more interesting than with us

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The movie has many flaws (the CGI is terrible for example) but it's not as bad as I expected. I think I actually liked it more than the first one.
Pedro Pascal was great!

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Embodied the era was set in when it comes to movie cheese and I love that. Great use of the BvS theme 'Beautiful Lie' for the climax there, especially considering the theme of this movie is truth.

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"That's just a trash can."

As much as I like the first movie, this one felt pretty different. First half was fun: 80's touch, Chris Pine is so likeable and curious, Gal Gadot is great at showing why she should be Wonder Woman, and Kristen Wiig is hilarious. So why didn't the second half work for me? Felt long, and I found no reason for Kristen Wiig's character to be in the movie once it all was resolved. Or maybe I just hyped this up way too much before watching. Either way, doesn't feel like something I will want to watch multiple times like I did for the first one.

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the story was boring... first one was better

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This is the worst DC movie ever made. Complete trash.

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Definitely not good as good as number one. And you can't make this crap up 1984 while we're living at George Orwell 1984 these people mock you and I'm fed up with them still like the movie do you want to know if demons and angels Fallen Angels come from Heaven they jump on Lightning just like Wonder Woman a Nephilim hybrid

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Not the worst movie I've ever seen, but not far from it! I'm surprised any of the actors would even want to be associated with it.

The CGI is horrible, it doesn't even try to look real. The action scenes, for the most part, aren't even close to being believable, even for a comic book based movie. Pedro Pascal is about as cheesy as you can get as Max Lord.And he's not believable as a super villain. Kristen Wiig isn't bad as Cheetah but she's not in the movie enough, doesn't have enough fight scenes, and is too easily defeated. And the plot holes are as numerous as pot holes in a New England road after a hard winter as the movie jumps from one scene to another with little continuity

The first Gal Gadot Wonder Woman movie was pretty good so I'm sure there will be a sequel to this one. I hope it's better although after this one, the bar is pretty low!

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Not great, but also not as bad as the internet would have you believe. Kristen Wiig was a good addition.

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