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Wonder Woman 1984 2020

Just another movie Dc fans can be disappointed of.Boring Storyline could be tolerated.But why are the action scenes so cheesy:expressionless:

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Oh my God, could this movie be any worse. The laws of physics can be bent in super hero movies sure, but completely ignored it seems in this case. And the plot was so easy to predict, but the resolution at the end seemed so lazy. Where did the team for the first movie go, I get that they hire cheaper staff where they can for sequels to save money, but it seems like they got a bunch of amateurs to work on this one.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2020-12-25T22:25:25Z— updated 2022-12-28T09:09:31Z

Not as bad as some people claim, but messy

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Bad written superhero movie, the 200 million budget is a joke. What a trash movie.

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200 million for this? Shit. I hope they kept the receipt

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Cheetah looked like an extra from Cats The Musical
Diana's golden armour was goofy as hell
most of the action came across as stupid and funny

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I honestly wish i could have unseen this movie, and I wouldn't renounce it either. The plot was extremely poor, the CGI was just bad at some points and for the movie to have failed at delivering on pretty much every occasion it tried to be either cool or funny is just mind baffling. Also chosing to go for a very specific year (1984) and not doing anything with it is just one of the many letdowns of the movie, it literally could have been any year after the first movie. Another all-time low for the DCU :sweat:.

Edit: So I rewatched the movie, as I honestly couldn't imagine anyone rating this movie as high as some have on here. I thought it was maybe because i was in a bad mood or something when i watched it the first time. But no, it honestly is as bad if not worse than the first time i watched it.

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This was boring, sappy and childish at times. This is so disappointing.

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Shout by Ogulcan Turkoglu
BlockedParent2020-12-31T21:36:23Z— updated 2021-01-27T23:25:57Z

Damn. First one was pretty good but this one is probably the worst superhero movie of all time. 2001 Harry Potter has better CGI than this.

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First 1.5 and a half of movie is build up with barely anything wonder woman esque (super hero wise) in, then after a few scenes she's losing her powers. Due the absolute cheese fest of a story about every wish comes with a price and redemption for all the bad guys. And what's worse, the end boss fight is with a CGI cheetah girl. And let's also not forget the side story, innocent man had his soul pushed out for Steve Trevor to body steal while Diana has sex with said mans body (sort of a body snatching rape) only to when he goes meet the guy and flirt with a little smile. I remember around 2 hours in thinking should I just turn this off. NOT A FAN!

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Boring most of the time. It was very predictable in terms of plot.
Alot of the things did not make sense, like why the Chetta becomes herself in the final form (I though she only had one wish?). Also the invisible plane out of nowhere and wonder woman knowing how to fly in a matter of seconds also made no sense.

The villain was entertaining in his 80s style sort of way and Chris Pine is always good.

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Shout by Carlos Antônio
BlockedParent2020-12-17T00:15:55Z— updated 2021-03-22T00:19:50Z

Wow, this was amazing! One of the best DCEU movies!

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absolute garbage. why is it marvel can make a decent movie yet DC remains weak and inconsistent.

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I don't get the the hate this movie gets. It is actually a very very good movie. Maybe give it a try, you're time watching it will be worth it.

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So the first Wonder Woman movie was a fluke and DC is back to making mediocre movies. Good to know.

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Absolute garbage. Dialogue was horrible, the story really made no sense and only got more ridiculous as the film went on. Thank goodness I didn't pay to see this atrocity in the theater.

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What a waste of time time...

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The worst movie I've watched in 2020. The writers don't know what make WW be the heroine she is, and they don't know how to write a cohesive story. The director simply cut so many things that plague the movie, like the "teleportation" from everywhere in the movie not showing the transition of time. The worst offender of all is basically they made Wonder Woman a sexual abuser because of what she done to the guy that had his soul switched for Trevor. This is not Wonder Woman, go read the comics.

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Just a shitty movie. When did wonder woman get all these extra powers? To bad good CGI wasn’t one of her super powers.

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I quite liked the movie.

Kind of reminds me of Bond movies: A lot of stuff that doesn't really make sense if you think about it.

But its cheesy and fun - not to be taken too serious. And at that it excells.
The description of the movie is however a bit odd - where does she come into conflict with the soviet union? The whole movie was about Cheetah.
Did they forget to put a new description out after they scrapped an overloaded script?

All in all I think its a great example how you can write a female led action movie without going overboard with issues.
Its a breathe of fresh air in an oversensiticed world.

P.S.: A few years back this would probably have got a 7/10 from me, but after Disasters like Charlies Angels (only one amongst many) I feel I have to give extra credit for female led (and directed) movies not making people feel bad for the gender and color of skin they are born with (I phrased it this way intentionally!)

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After this year, this movie is what I needed. It has flaws, but the message of love and truth is enough. Pedro Pascal as Max Lord is brutal.

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Wow DC just Wow. The worst movie of 2020

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You want to be entertained?

Go read the user reviews of this trainwreck on IMDb!

You won't regret it.

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What a waste of 200m to spend on a very low budget story that doesn’t even bring the real ww back on screen.

Chris Pine which I really like but he shouldn’t even accepted this part which they just wasted on this part. They had allot of great chemistry in the first one but I felt they couldn’t get that back in this one. Also, Pedro should keep a helmet on where his acting does him better justice. I found him terrible and got on my nerves.

Ww fly’s is strange and took 5 min to learn. Even gal playing as ww I liked but such terrible writing even made her look novice.

I think this will be tough to get a 3rd movie. The viewing audience has ripped this apart.

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This basically summed up 2020. This was the worst superhero movie I have ever see. Maybe one of the worst movies period.

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I've had a change of heart.
If the creative minds at Warner Brothers will be making the decisions about future DC projects without the creative direction of Zack Snyder, I'd rather they didn't make Man of Steel 2. WW84, as another reviewer below noted, is a cartoon, from start to finish. The problem is it's a bad cartoon. It's like they took a bunch of plots, tossed them into Christopher Nolan's Inception machine, and whatever came out was filmed and put on the screen.

Say what you will about Zach Snyder but, good or bad, at least the man had a vision.
I don't know what to say about this mess other than if you don't have HBO Max, save yourself the time and aggravation.

If you like cartoons... well, there are better cartoons.

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[HBO Max] Wonder Woman is a supporting character in her own sequel. So much so that they need to recover a character from the first movie to be her adventure partner. Goofy villains are the protagonists, but the action scenes are poorly shot. The only thing from the 80's are the visual effects. At least, Hans Zimmer believes the epic of the character. This is what happens when a mediocre director becomes a star.

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Disappointing and boring. Jeez DC is really stepping up their game.

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Very bad. very flat characters. and men are criminals or furniture.For now I have been watching 44 minutes and I am seriously thinking about stopping watching it. I don't think I'm going to miss a lot.
pd: solo se puede escribir en ingles?

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My soul hurts, my brain stings. This movie literary could not be any worse. If you read this before you start watching - just don't.

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I actually really liked it.

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At times it felt like I was watching a cartoon where things happen so quickly without much explanation. Like when she was able to cloak the jet just like that... how convenient! The special effects were right out of the 80s era... From Wonder Woman to Super Girl... She can fly now... Cheesy and cartoonish! I can go on and on but really the movie fell flat on it's face. Loved Pedro Pascal's character though...

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The part where they said something was lame. Fits this movie. I couldn't get into it at all. Just waited for the end

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It's refreshing to see a old school standalone superhero movie with out the silly team ups or interference of another character.

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If you thought this was good you're probably one of those people that happily picks up dog shit. Barely 20 minutes of action. I DON"T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WONDER WOMANS LIFE!!! BEAT SOMEBODIES ASS!!!

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A story that is too predictable (and very worn in the superhero genre) in every way, Romeo and Juliet and their impossible love, the villains who want to be bad just because their life is full of trauma and emotional problems that they can easily deal with a good psychologist. The only good thing about this film is at the end: Lynda Carter's cameo. No folks, Gal Gadot and his pretty face can't handle the whole movie, it also requires a good director, scriptwriter and even special effects.

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I wish I never saw this film and I will not renounce........wait what were we talking about?

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Huge disappointment. I renounce my wish to see this movie.

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Not a Dc fan, but the four main characters just nailed it. Liked this one a lot better than the first one in every way. It started slow but in the end the whole movie felt complete. Enjoyed it a lot.

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Bad movie. Easily the worst DCEU movie, and it is not even close. It's all over the place plot wise, action isn't good, characters suck, effects suck. I have almost nothing good to say about this movie other than that I almost enjoyed Pedro Pascal.

It's such a shame because I think the first Wonder Woman is easily the best DCEU movie.

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Unfortunately, another very unsatisfactory DC movie. No character depths, bad acting, story is predictable and visual effects are below average.

It almost feels like a rom-com at the beginning with a strange Aladin twist

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Are you a DC fan? Sorry but this is not for you. It is such an ordinary movie. But I must add Pedro Pascal is saving the day. It is nice watching him at. Also nice seeing some 80s vibes. That's it.

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Wow, this is a great example of the true power of Hollywood marketing. Such a great trailer but a totally disappointing movie.
Ridiculously childish opening, boring as hell all the way. Just expensive cinematographies.

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Shout by Mio.
BlockedParent2020-12-19T17:42:41Z— updated 2021-05-17T07:04:03Z

Wonder Woman adaptations are such a mess every single time. Boring all the way. The plot is as ridiculous as her making the plane invisible in 2 minutes.
Also, still wonder why is Gal Gadot Wonder Woman, she has the face no doubt, but she's thin and not muscular at all.

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Didnt like the plot. The whole making a wish for what you want the most, and then realising what it cost you is a boring teen girl movie trope.
Barely any exciting fight scenes. Seems like a filler movie, in the hopes of a better plot involving Cheetah vs WW?

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the best part of this movie is the first 10 minutes

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Whatever this film is trying to be, it shares no similarities to the first one. Is it imitating those cheesy 80’s flicks or is it just plain bad storytelling? The 1984 title led me in but the feel and music of that era was lacking and I wonder even more what they were trying to do when they made this film.
It’s tolerable and okay to pass by a rainy afternoon which is how I viewed it.

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The real villain in this movie is the writers

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What a horrible, God-Awful movie. Such a letdown. Way too much virtue signaling and not enough storytelling.

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Vastly inferior to the first film. Disjointed. Uneven. Some spotty special effects. An overlong and, frankly, over-indulgent epilogue that -- along with a lot of the rest of it -- is so simplistic and shallow that it could have been written by middle school English composition students. On the acting front, Gadot is great while Wiig and Pascal (in particular) seem to be getting paid based on the amount of scenery that they chew. Pine, OTOH, is uneven, sometimes seeming to be focused on turning in a good performance and sometimes seeming to be treating the entire thing as a joke. It is...very weird. Overall, I'd say that 60% of the problems here are with the script while the actors and director split the other 40%.

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OHH Wonder Woman, you sure seem like a Perfectly working Honeywell water heater, furnace and Thermostat! :anger:

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Shout by redjimijam
BlockedParent2021-01-10T16:54:48Z— updated 2021-01-11T18:51:58Z

The first 10 iminutes is the best part of the entire movie. Mini WW trying out with the big girls. The rest not so good.
Same old WW stuff, nothing new.
Some of the special effects after the first 10 minutes, not so special.

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One of the worst superheores movie in the history

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I'd love to say "yet another movie plagued by a liberal anti-masculine theme" but this movie is so bad, any message it would try to convey would fall flat on its face. Not to mention the monologue at the end whose message is - most peoples' life sucks, so shut up and take it. Exactly what the liberals and Hollywood wants you to do - pay up and shut up

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You already know it's a steaming pile of shit, but we all know you're going to watch it anyway. Stop reading reviews and just get it over with.

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The flying scenes were too much to take. The first movie of Harry potter has better CGI.
The story is full of plot-holes and cringe. The first movie was a thousand times better.

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Wonder Woman betrayed me. It was love at first sight when we first met and I gave her my heart those years ago, but now she's abandoned me for a big, hot, stinking mess and I'm totally alone trying to remember if what we had was real at all.

Terrible dialog, worse story, ugly spécial effects... Not even Zimmer's soundtrack was bombastic enough to drown out the roaring awful that is this fiasco.

Y'all, we owe Captain Marvel a huge apology for all the bad things we said about her.

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I wish ... from the bottom of my heart that DC movies be as good as Marvel movies.

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I mean I don't know what I was expecting but this was way way below my expectations

it simply felt meh

and was boring, cheesy and underwhelming

it's like they just wanted to make a sequel with no plans

the whole film feels like a wing it project

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C' mon man, the greatest FEMALE SUPER HERO and the best film you can make is only worthy for viewing on "TLC" !


This was shameful, horribly done, just like every other DC movie.

Now I know why I read MARVEL'S comics, THEY DO IT BEST.

Somewhere "LINDA CARTER " is laughing her ass off.

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Ridiculous plot progression, absurd physics that guess against reality. Horrible CGI. They really learnt nothing from the first movie. This is a flop.

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my first reason to watch WW84 is Gal Gadot, second was the VFX and Surround. I got it, watched in IMAX. I am a happy man.
yeah I agree that the ending could have been better but apart from that, all good. rarely some sequels are better than than the prequels, so go easy on my Gal, ok?

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The WW84 trailers were much, much better. Worst movie for 2020, wonder no more.

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Not a good sequel. It has its moments, but the plot is almost laughable. Very disappointing.

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The fact that it was a cliche fest really didn't help but overall I thought it was ok. I expected a lot more for a movie with a $200M budget.

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The first scene, too long. The next one at the mall, too long -all that lashes up and down, here and there... what dizziness!-, the purpose of the film is as blurry as the story. Everything is ready-made to bring back the character Trevor to life again, but I see no justified script to build a good story, well, it can be a good story, but is convoluted, doesn't fit -IMHO- with a super heroine film.
I liked a bit of the film, but wasn't amusing, generally speaking. I would like that a Wonder Woman film were fun, with adventure and action, not philosophically convoluted and even causing distress at times. Maybe next time... :-D

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Even more boring than the first one

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It's just boring. There is a whole bunch of other flaws (some very big - WTF where those CGI and action scenes?) but none of those matter if I'm barely paying attention after an hour because of how boring the story is.

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In the end it’s been a Christmas miracle! :christmas_tree: :star2: :santa:

Good action.
Nice characters.
Wholesome story.

Loved it!

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not as good as the first one, but still enjoyable, especially for a DC movie. More actions scenes would have made it better.

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A excellent film. Maybe the best film by DCEU so far!!

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I have mixed emotions about this.
the good:
Gal Gadot
Few cool scenes
the bad:
most cgi effects are horrible
the storyline itself ridiculous
many scenes you don't even get why they're there and how are they contributing to the story.

I'm truly disappointed in this sequel, The first movie was amazing and this is a huge down compared to it!

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What the fuck did I just watch

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There are so many bad scenes in this.

So many that I can't believe this exists.

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A good idea for a story ruined by a poor performance. Plot holes and low-quality effects ruined the experience.

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“It’s easy. It’s only wind and air... and how to ride it. How to catch it.”

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I am disappointed in this movie. I loved the first Wonder Woman movie but with this one they totally broke the plot just to bring back her lover. No-sense plot and story, they could have made a movie a thousand times better with this superhero.

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Gal is gorgeous as always, just like Pine. Pedro Pascal nailed his performance, but the plot, the writing, the story telling and some visuals... pretty bad. The real villains in this movie are the writers. Still fun to watch if you’re DC, Gadot, Pine and /or Pascal fan. 6/10

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Stay away you have been warned
One of the worst wonder woman movie ever made

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I loved the invisible jet and her learning flight. I also didn’t hate that we got a glimpse of Cheetah.
That said, I had much higher hopes for this movie. The action was great, the humanisation of the heroine was good. The villain, Maxwell Lord, was simply ridiculous.
All in all, it’s still worth a watch but 9 year old girls cannot run faster than fully grown athletic women - even if they are Amazonian!

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It starts off really good, total epic intro. Then it turns super cheesy, gets worse and worse. Just when you think it can't degenerate any more it turns into the movie Cats.

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Planned to watch with 2 special people and a couple of kitties. But lockdown killed that.

Glad I didn't put them through this mediocrity.

This would have fitted perfectly alongside superman 3. set in the 80s, and is sadly just like an 80s superhero film .

Most of the action is completely dulled by being slow motion.
Warner still haven't sorted out their issues with the CGI companies, as they're still receiving 90's quality

Needs about an hour cutting out...
(Which I'll probably spend tomorrow doing, because I don't want to go through it all again when the kids want to watch it)

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I do like DC movies and series but this one put me to sleep it was that bad.

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This movie is much much better than the first on. I love it. Amazing.

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Embodied the era was set in when it comes to movie cheese and I love that. Great use of the BvS theme 'Beautiful Lie' for the climax there, especially considering the theme of this movie is truth.

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