It’s certainly a slow burn but so far and after the travesties we’ve been subjected too before I’m enjoying it quite a bit.

Im very excited about where this show could go and so far the performances and the action have been enough to satisfy my Star Wars itch.

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Friendly reminder that after the first couple of episodes, David Filoni likes to front-load weaker episodes/story beats (This is more apparent in episodic series like Rebels & Bad Batch) and save the better stuff for the end.

This not a bad episode, but it was definitely weaker. And definitely little more than a setup for the following episode(s).

(Also, I know how she looked in Return of the Jedi, but this is 10 years after Endor and Mon Mothma looks like she hasn't aged a day from her scenes in Andor, c'mon.)

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Improvement over the first two episodes, however it felt way too short. They finally got the pacing right this episode but told the same amount of story as the previous episodes did in about half the runtime. Hopefully future episodes are more like this one in pacing but longer.

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Couple of things: First, shows off a New Hope vibe. Has your Jedi training scene with Ashoka and Wren. Then has entering the enemies stronghold. All the way to the fighting with guns, etc. Second, this episode really was thin in content IMO. For a series that has a limited amount of episodes and 36 mins each at that, we really need to get the most bang for our buck.

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so an episode filled with just chase scene? umm okay. so not much happens.

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Good sequence but this was way too short… the history does not move forward… honestly seems they either cut it from the previous episode or the next one…

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Honestly, this was rather thin. No progress in the story, nothing new was learned. We only get eight episodes and now, you practically just wasted two thirds of an already short one for a CGI showcase. Our heroes can't die and with six enemy ships you know from the start who is going to be the ones destroyed. Plus another "I can't see with the visor down" variation.
I'm not hating this show but I really hope there is more to come. A lot more !

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I don't appear to hate this as much as others, with Sakhno's Hati being a real standout for me. But yeah, a 20 minute chase in a 30 minute episode is not good. This should have found it's way onto the end of Episode 2. But we are in the age of quantity, over quality. I've got the feeling we won't see Thrawn til Episode 5 minimum.

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Overall, it was a bit better than the previous episodes... but honestly, the episode clocks out at about 32 minutes - and half of that is spent on computer games like fight/chase scenes. Still missing some kind of inkling of plot (although it was good to see Mon Mothma).

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It maintains the good tone of 1x01. More has happened in these 3 episodes than in all the episodes of the Andor series.

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If you want about two minutes of plot advancement in a 35-minute outing, then this is the episode for you. And if you want a good amount of jaw-dropping stupidity as part of the filler, then this is DEFINITELY the episode for you.

The sequence with Ahsoka outside the ship, for example, is especially bad. A pilot gets taken out by her lightsaber? Wow. That's a whole new level of stupid. If those attackers have the firepower to destroy Ahsoka's ship, then ignore her and destroy the damn ship. And if they don't have the firepower, then what's the point of Ahsoka running from them in the first place? This show needs to do better.

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20mins chase sequence in a 30mins episode. We know the main characters won't die , who are we kidding .


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There's so much cheesy dialogue, sub-par acting and just ridiculousness in this episode it's laughable. Also, General Cosplayer was a terrible casting choice. This is starting to feel like another Disney dud. I hope the next episode turns it around. I think David Tennant is the only enjoyable part of the show for me.

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Firstly I'm in agreeance with HuYang the Robot!

Second, "I want you to see with more than just your eyes", donned the standard block vision helmet.

"Be still.... Listen to my voice"
"Follow my Voice, sense my intension"

Then she doesn't talk - - Silence - -

Seriously, Who wrote this crap!
I'm done with this garbage 2/10
I'm off to watch the Original Trilogy to cleanse my palate.

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Following the Star Wars tradition of having bad guys that can't aim for squat

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I'm still mostly bored.

Slow development can be useful, especially when the quantity of storylines are varied and dense, as long as the quality of the unfolding story has depth. I get that the foundation is already established, but without background context for new viewers or recaps for fans of the franchise who may need them, it all just feels shallow... but the star whales are cute.

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Shout by Todd Fury

NO NO NO NO. WHY would you say "star whales" ☹☹☹☹
I get that they need to dumb it down a bit for the people who didn't watch Rebels and have no idea what's going on, but COME ON.

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Shout by DAVY X

Good episode
But didn't pull me in
as much as the first two
did. The training session
lasted a bit to long and
to bring Wren's skill levels
up to be able to stand
with Ahsoka and face off
against the two very very
skilled evil power houses
Is going to take longer
than this show has episodes.
All the space Wing stuff
was cool, I've never seen
that before in any other
Star Wars show or movie.
One question though
did Ahsoka get her
Light Sabers back after
floating around,
it never showed us,
I would have liked to
have seen that instead
of her just having them
back as if by magic,
It's little things like that,
that niggle me.

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Shout by nox32

When I watch this episode it’s no wonder that the galactic federation or whatever it’s called got overthrown by the order and kylo ren. The politicians know nothing and would rather ignore the advice of the people out there having to fight. It’s easier for them to pretend like everything is fine. Good for them because yeah this series is about thrawn but we know what’s coming up in the coming 25-30 years.

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Somehow these shows always have me missing the days when an episode was a standard hour (with commercials). This was so short after the first two tremendous episodes.

That said, I liked the training sequence and we got to see some Force stuff that was newish during the space battle. Still waiting for the big baddie to show his face but damn if that bureaucracy doesn't keep getting in the way.

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