Disappointing snoozefest. A lot of action covering up all the potential a final episode for the story so far could've had.

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Undeads in Star Wars?! People should die for this blasphemy!

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Wow that went absolutely no where. I’m sick and tired of these fucking filler shows in a universe that doesnt tell a complete story.

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What type of BS is this. Zombies. Seriously Wtf. This series is plagued with weak ass script written by a bunch of woke teenagers.

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You'd think a multi-million dollar show would have a better action sequence.What on earth was that scene where Ahsoka , Sabine and Ezra are dodging bullets from over 50 storm troopers , oh my god. That was sooo bad. Even I would have directed a better action sequence.

There is so much fury in Rosario Dawson's face while battling , but we can hardly see any of that in her fights and the result is embarrassingly cringe .

So we finished one complete season and we still haven't gotten a clue as to what Baylon Skoll's arc is? The actor has passed away , rest his soul , so I wonder what on earth would they do now .

The storm troopers usually have a zero plot armour in the movies , here they have been dialled down to -100.

And the director's idea to wrap up this garbage of a finale was to show a glimpse of Anakin in the end? Do you expect us to give a standing ovation for that?

Very very disappointing

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There is no way Sabine went from struggling to pick up a lightsaber to throwing a grown ass man that far within minutes

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No. I refuse to accept this ending.

There must be a season 2.

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Why did Huyang have a spare kyber crystal on the ship? Why Ezra didn't use the Force to build his new lightsaber? Why didn't Morgan recover from her superficial belly wound like Sabine did with her impalment through internal organs? Why Ezra kept wearing his stormtrooper helmet when he escaped the Star Destroyer? Why Ahsoka and Sabine don't use the Perguls that go back to their galaxy, the same ones the nightsisters' ancestors used to get there? Why Trawn has such a positive outlook on life even when things don't go his way? Why Hera changed her orange pants to the brown ones that hides her butt in that one and only scene in the court martial? Why Anakin doesn't pull Ahsoka and Sabine back to the world between worlds and transport them back to their galaxy? Why people like the stuff Dave Felony writes?

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As cool as it was to see the storm troopers being reanimated....are we to accept that lightsabers are just shit now?
Not one of them had an arm or leg cut off, which would basically remove all the threat from them.

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Truly amazing episode. Got me choked up at the ending. It’s too bad that because of the strike that we haven’t heard future plans. I’m sure Filoni already has the complete story outlined at the least (cough cough unlike the sequel trilogy), so hopefully we hear plans for the future installments soon.

And I’m crossing my fingers they come quicker than 2 years between seasons. I’m really looking forward to how Mando and this are going to sync up before the film.

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It's not ideal to end a season this half-baked way that's canon to Star Wars without knowing if it will be renewed for another season.

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Waste Of Time
Well this season finale
was like a dog chasing
it's own tail,
Round and round we go
and getting nowhere fast.
With plot-armour as
thick as the guys shooting
in this show and Thrawn
taking his sweet merry
time to do, well anything,
our two Darksiders just
became a memory and
deserved better, I'm not
even going to get into
the rest of the nonsense.
What a cop-out ending
and never mind oh it
will run
into a movie. Marvel D+
shows are frickin awesome
and all have great season
finales and all are interconnected and all
run into movies so their
really in no excuse for
this lazy big fat waste of
time that is 'Ahsoka'.
Utter Bull-Crap.

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Zombie stormtroopers? Really? By the end of the series it was crap.

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Ahsoka having a hard time with relatively inexperienced swordswoman is ridiculous. She should be able beat a non sith without much difficulty. Same with Ezra and Sabine having issues with a couple suped up storm troopers. The lack of force usage in their fighting is very disappointing.

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what an interesting ending, with some impressive and unexpected dualities in it. Hera feeling happy to see Ezra again, but deep inside knowing that seeing him announces Thrawn has arrived.

hell's gates opened with Thrawn escaping, but the show's main plot (Ahsoka's true understanding of the Padawan-Master relationship) being completed with that last scene.

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I started watching the season yesterday thinking I'll do it at one time - one episode after another. After episode 7, just before the climax, I went to bed. This is how intriguing Ahsoka is.

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The season finale felt like a conclusion to a movie.

Things happened. Things changed. More things to come ..

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Terrible action scenes and now they're chucking in zombies to make things worse..!!

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What exactly was the point of this episode? Why did Thrawn stick around so long? As soon as the cargo was on board, he could have left. And what's the deal with Morgan's transformation and all those Zombie storm troopers (can the other nightsisters do that as well?) only for her to die anyway?

And the ending of this episode/season was underwhelming at best: So Ezra steals a shuttle and goes directly to Hera? Without Thrawn being aware of it? Without the republic shooting him down? And Ahsoka and Sabine just get comfortable in Ninja-turtle/Ewok/lord of the rings-land? Anyway, why was this episode taking so many visuals from LoTR? The stone figures holding their hands out, that complex that looked awfully like Minas Tirith (especially when the doors were opened)...

In fact, the whole season could have been told in 2 episodes, especially if you leave out Sabine who's not useful but really annoying anyway. Ahsoka's a walking valium pill, Baylan and Shin are way more interesting... and Thrawn's pretty much reduced to waiting for take off forever, leaving people behind and talking in a low and threatening voice. Definitely whetted my appetite for more - not.

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It doesn't end as I expected but leaves it well on track for a season 2.
Exactly how is Ezra undetected by the witches and how does no one find out he steals a ship and leaves.

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What a waste. The action… whack! Acting… whack! Plot… whack! Dark Jedi story arc…. Whack!!

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Shame it ends on a bit of a cliff hanger but it was fun.

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This is not the finale you are looking for…

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wtf was this episode? those scenes with hellfire raining down, followed by the zombie mode endless bullet rain....... seriously what a bs. then the chasing through corridors,. where the good guys can close doors to slow down the bad guys. but the bad guys were not able to close those door to slow down the good guys?? right.

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Nice episode, but the ending is too open for my taste. at least it looks good for season #2 :grin:

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This show has been refreshing, this episode in particular went a bit too far for me however. It was great to see the band back together being a fan of Rebels. Sabine’s progress went from 10/100 really fast. The zombie troopers were a bit off for me. It’s a frustrating scene because I bet all viewers were thinking, just lob their head off with a saber. Very choreographed fight scenes. Considering Ashoka has gone toe to toe with Vader, I’m certain she could have handled some of these enemies much sooner. As a show as a whole I have thoroughly enjoyed it. This episode missed the mark for me.

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what a disappointing finale that was, the villains actually win, Sabine travels to another galaxy to find Ezra, only to stay behind with Ahsoka, rendering the entire plotline meaningless. Thrawn is supposed to be a tactical genius yet displays incompetence at every turn. at the beginning of the episode, Thrawn is told they are now ready to leave, does Thrawn leave? of course he doesnt, he decides to wait a bit, for what reason i'm not even sure, bad writing probably. what was the point of this show? even Dave Filoni doesn't know the answer to that one

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So you expect me to believe that a fucking Star Destroyer with its hundreds of turbolasers can't hit two fucking giant dog things running in more or less a straight line for a very obvious target?

I know like Stormtroopers have famously bad aim but come on. The plot armor is strong with this one.

It was a very Anakin Skywalker plan though.

Also the action sequences were severely held back by the need to keep the show PG. The lightsabers should be dicing up those stormtroopers like they're onions. Instead we just got one beheading and it was intentionally interrupted.

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now we must all accept that star wars is not scifi. part eight is a ridiculous final episode...

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Damn, I was hoping the Enterprise would warp in and blowup Thrawn, or at least a shuttle with warp capabilities. Bring on the phasers and photon torpedos

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Why doesn't the star destroyer dock with the ring ship in space, from the start of the episode?
Why only 2 fighters are sent after the jedi cruiser, which is the only thing that could follow them?
Why are they keen on making Sabine force user? Nothing else to do with her character?

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Did Baylan make it to Middle-earth?

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My season review: https://media.tenor.com/grtSGi4-668AAAAM/what-liz-lemon.gif

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Ezra can force hold the space ship but he can't push 2 zombie dark troopers of the high platform. Yeah let's waste more time trying to cut them.

Show started promising but overall it's nowhere near close Andor.

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Quoting someone else:

It never rises above being a cartoon, but it’s probably best of the live action cartoon series.

There are never any real stakes for the characters, nobody ever reacts to the events surrounding them in an even remotely realistic fashion, and the whole thing is so clearly filmed in the Volume and lacks any sense of place whatsoever.

But it did actually tell a story and it has moments where they are actually trying to do real character work and I didn’t feel like I wasted my time.

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Cool finale i liked it but it could have been better. The ending was something.

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